Now that's what I call anally retentive!

  • SOURCE :

    Inspectors shutting down a little girls’ lemonade stand!
    I think someone forgot to take her nice pill.
    This woman(cannot call her a lady) needs to take social ettiquette lessons from the doctor on Star Trek: Voyager.

    Any more examples of…well, you know?

  • Thats disgraceful, though pretty funny. I can just imagine that bitch going up to these two little girls, asking if they had a liscense, than shutting them down.

  • That’s why we have unemployment benefits, bitch. :P

  • Lousy anti-capitalist government a**holes! :evil:

  • Moderator

    that is stupid!!! :roll:

  • Im anti-capitalist too, but still, thats ridiculous.

  • Moderator

    I’m capitalist but the stealing off a lemonade stand for 60 bucks…that is ridicoulous…

  • Sorry, guys! I think I misspelled “retentive” in the topic line, but have since attempted to “rectalfy the citation.” :P

  • @Janus1:

    Im anti-capitalist too, but still, thats ridiculous.

    So then what are you?

  • Closer to a socialist, but not exactly.

  • Wow, that’s hilarious.

    The funny part about it is that exact same thing happened the other day when I was down at the beach. A couple of girls were selling snacks out of their wagon, and a man came up to them and said “You need a permit to sell those snacks to the public.” It was absolutely hilarious was happened next, when one of the girls pulled out a city-permit and waved it at him. You should have seen the guys face, his jaw just dropped. :P Her dad had went down to city hall and gotten one the day before as a “just-in-case” thing, but it turned out to be a very wise thing to do.

  • but the real question is, were they hot? (I mean if they are older than 15, im not a pedophile)

  • 15? That’s your standard? :lol:

    I wonder what the law says about that… :wink:

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    15? That’s your standard? :lol:

    I wonder what the law says about that… :wink:

    If you have a permit, it’s probably okay. :P

    Sounds like we got a new thread here…anyone want to risk putting it up? :o

  • you understand of course that im 16?

  • No, I didn’t know that…but that answers a lot of questions. :lol:

  • :wink:

  • What frightens me is that I know some hot 15 year olds who look like they are 25. I know 12 year old who look and dress like slutty 21 year olds.

    It frightens me cause my daughter is 17.
    Janus, you come near her n i’ll break your ( )!

    Man, when I was 12, 12 year olds looked like 12 year olds. I think they looked that way until the late 1970’s at least.

  • It frightens me cause my daughter is 17.
    Janus, you come near her n i’ll break your ( )!

    Dont worry, lol, im not looking right now anyway.

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