• Question about kamikaze.

    When does it become available?
    Thing is, US moves in with entire fleet and transport and land 1 inf on Iwo, all this happens at the same time, and the kamikaze option becomes available. Can the Jap declare an kamikaze attack on those warships that entered the zone along with the transport that first took Iwo, or do you have to wait til the next time an allied ship enteres a kamikaze zone?

    My interpretation is that as everything happens simultaniously the Jap would be allowed to declare a kamikaze strike on that fleet, but after hearing both sides in a F2F game im not sure ;)

  • Official Q&A

    Kamikaze are activated after the Allies first capture/recapture one or more of the qualifying territories.  Since kamikaze attacks happen in the Conduct Combat phase before any combat is resolved, those territories will have only been moved into and not yet captured.  As a result, kamikaze will be available on the turn following the capture/recapture.

  • Regarding Scrambling Fighters:

    (This came up in a recent game)

    There is 1 US fighter on Gaum

    Japan moved two aircraft to the island to attack the fighter and an aircraft carrier to the surrounding sea zone for the attacking aircraft to land on.  The attacking aircraft have only 1 movement point left on reaching Gaum.

    In what order does the US player scramble their fighter?  If they scramble after Japan completes all movement then the carrier must fight one round against the fighter and if it retreats the fighters will be removed as they have no legal landing position.

    That is, is it impossible for Japan to make this attack without losing both attacking aircraft automatically if the US scrambles?

    Is that correct?

  • Official Q&A

    The US would scramble after Japan completed all of its combat movement.  However, since the carrier is not attacking anything, it would move in noncombat movement.  As a result, it would not be in the Guam sea zone when the US had its scramble option, so there would be no reason to scramble.

  • Official Q&A

    The FAQ has been updated with three new questions and one clarification to an existing answer.

  • If there are 2 unguarded transports moving through a SZ with an enemy sub, does the sub fire 1 time or 2 times at the transports?

  • Official Q&A

    It depends.  If the transports are moving together (starting and ending their movement in the same sea zones), they are one group and will be fired upon once as a group.  If they are moving from and/or to different sea zones, they are not a group and each will be fired upon individually.

  • @Krieghund:

    It depends.  If the transports are moving together (starting and ending their movement in the same sea zones), they are one group and will be fired upon once as a group.  If they are moving from and/or to different sea zones, they are not a group and each will be fired upon individually.

    If they’re fired upon as a group and the sub hits, do all die or does only one die?

  • Official Q&A

    Only one dies.

  • Customizer

    sorry to ask this again, but the FAQ is not very clear on the free-shot-with-submarine-against-unescorted-transports thing

    the faq states that escorting boat and transport have to make their entire move together…

    but this brings up two questions

    i have a transport and a destroyer/cruiser that start the turn in the same sea zone

    if i move the transport and the destroyer/cruiser both THROUGH a sea zone with a submarine, then the sub can not roll

    but what if i stop the destroyer in the sea zone to attack the submarine, and let the transport continue and move through?  and what if i just stop the destroyer there but do not attack?  and what if it is a cruiser, not a destroyer?

    and what if i attack the sea zone with a destroyer that begins a different sea zone than the one the transport begins in?  and again, what if i just stop in that sea zone, and what if it is a cruiser?

    and also, the rulebook states that a transport moving INTO or THROUGH the sea zone without escort can be attacked by the submarine, so what about transport that begin alone in a sea zone with an enemy submarine.  they can still load units, but does the submarine get a shot at them if they move out of the sea zone? does it get a shot at them if they stay there?

    and lastly… sorry krieg, the submarines have the ON STATION ability to disrupt a convoy.  what about submarines that submerged during combat?  what about a enemy submarine that is in a convoy zone that is not submerged, but IS with a friendly naval surface combat warship?  (like an enemy submarine and your destroyer in the same convoy sea zone?)


  • Customizer


    It depends.  If the transports are moving together (starting and ending their movement in the same sea zones), they are one group and will be fired upon once as a group.  If they are moving from and/or to different sea zones, they are not a group and each will be fired upon individually.

    i think the sub rules are really really confusing and really really not-very-realistic

    if i have a group of 10 transports moving through a zone with a single sub, the sub only rolls once.  so a 1/3 chance that a single transport dies

    but if i have a group of 10 transports, some of them are coming from a different sea zone, and some are going to different sea zone, then that single submarine fires 10 times, meaning approximately 3-4 transports will die.

    and if there are 3 submarines instead of 1, then actually there is a very good chance that all 10 transports will die.  but if they are moving as a group, probably only 1 transport will die.

    could this get any more complicated or unfair?  the difference between moving as a group and moving individually is 9 dead transport in this example.

  • Official Q&A


    the faq states that escorting boat and transport have to make their entire move together…

    Not exactly.  It states that the transport must make its entire move accompanied by the escort.  The escort may move before joining the transport or after leaving it, as long as the transport’s entire move is covered.


    but this brings up two questions

    i have a transport and a destroyer/cruiser that start the turn in the same sea zone

    if i move the transport and the destroyer/cruiser both THROUGH a sea zone with a submarine, then the sub can not roll



    but what if i stop the destroyer in the sea zone to attack the submarine, and let the transport continue and move through?  and what if i just stop the destroyer there but do not attack?  and what if it is a cruiser, not a destroyer?

    and what if i attack the sea zone with a destroyer that begins a different sea zone than the one the transport begins in?  and again, what if i just stop in that sea zone, and what if it is a cruiser?

    In all of these cases the sub may attack the transport.  If a ship is hunting subs, it’s not guarding transports.


    and also, the rulebook states that a transport moving INTO or THROUGH the sea zone without escort can be attacked by the submarine, so what about transport that begin alone in a sea zone with an enemy submarine.  they can still load units, but does the submarine get a shot at them if they move out of the sea zone? does it get a shot at them if they stay there?



    and lastly… sorry krieg, the submarines have the ON STATION ability to disrupt a convoy.  what about submarines that submerged during combat?

    Submerging has no effect on anything beyond the combat in which it is done.  It is simply a mechanism by which subs withdraw from combat and remain in the sea zone.  After the end of a battle, there is no such thing as a submerged sub.


    what about a enemy submarine that is in a convoy zone that is not submerged, but IS with a friendly naval surface combat warship?  (like an enemy submarine and your destroyer in the same convoy sea zone?)

    Subs (and other ships) may disrupt convoys regardless of the presence of enemy units.

  • Official Q&A


    i think the sub rules are really really confusing and really really not-very-realistic

    if i have a group of 10 transports moving through a zone with a single sub, the sub only rolls once.  so a 1/3 chance that a single transport dies

    but if i have a group of 10 transports, some of them are coming from a different sea zone, and some are going to different sea zone, then that single submarine fires 10 times, meaning approximately 3-4 transports will die.

    and if there are 3 submarines instead of 1, then actually there is a very good chance that all 10 transports will die.  but if they are moving as a group, probably only 1 transport will die.

    could this get any more complicated or unfair?  the difference between moving as a group and moving individually is 9 dead transport in this example.

    There’s safety in numbers.  When ten transports are moving together, nine can escape while the sub is attacking the tenth.  When they move individually, the sub can attack each one.  Besides, how often are you really going to move ten unescorted transports individually through a sea zone?

  • Two Quick Questions:

    1.)  If UK / ANZAC are not yet at war with Japan, can China Enter Burma / Kwang during its non-combat movement?

    2.)  At what point can the US capture a Dutch territory?  Only after Japan has occupied it?

    Thanks in advance

  • Official Q&A

    1. Yes.

    2. The US can take ownership of Dutch territories only by capturing them from Japan.

  • @Krieghund:

    1. Yes.

    2. The US can take ownership of Dutch territories only by capturing them from Japan.

    So if they’re still Dutch, the US can’t capture them?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  Only the UK and ANZAC may take control of Dutch territories from Holland.

  • Customizer

    what about a transport and a destroyer, that enter a sea zone that contains an enemy submarine
    then i bring in a cruiser/or another destroyer
    then the transport exits the sea with that other ship
    while the first ship stays behind (and may or may not fight the sub)

  • Official Q&A

    The transports must be accompanied by at least one individual warship for their entire move in order to be considered escorted.  “Hand-offs” are not allowed.

  • More Dutch questions……

    Can the Dutch territory only be taken durning combat by UK/ANZAC?

    Again the situtation came up.  If the UK takes during combat can it land aircraft there on non com during the same turn?

    Does the is also hold true for the French territories?

    If  Japan is at war with China, UK/ANZAC (UK/ANZAC attacked) at the end of its third turn when can the US declare war on Japan?

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