Hosting a G40 game with out of box setup and rules starting 5/24 in Memphis, TN. PM for details and to get a spot
WAS tournament Waterloo Ontario Canada at JBC games
Saturday Oct 13th at noon looks like the date now.
We have a large group of 10 players already and a few visitors from the forumini who might come so at the minimum I am expecting 6 people and 13 would be about the most I would expect though the more the merrier.
I am thinking of making it a “Euro” centric tourney (so you can be Germany,Italy, UK , France or Russia) without the US or IJN and will probably consist of things such as
bring an axis nation and allied nation fleet
No 6 hull BB’s
Order of Battle Rules
Historical Class limits
Nation Pure
No more then 3 copies of any individual unit.
Historical Class Limits -
PM for more details.
How did the tourney go Azrael?
a date hasn’t been set yet its probably going to happen on oct 13th, we have a fairly large group and I can see 8+ people partaking.
Date change, I don’t forsee any outside visitors but what the heck it would be interesting if we can draw any.