• I have also played with an italy before. I found that Germans found themselves with a false new feeling of security because the can focus on russia, but its false concierding they get almost no new IPCs early. However, i found that you have to eliminate the magic 84 rule. All italy needs is a few transports and he has africa and is helping japan in Asia. An american invation of africa is detured by german forces in algeria and italy can now prepare for a second assult while going for Russia (this is of course concidering germany or italy havent had terrible lukc and lost in europe to russia yet). This puts america behind, Russia dead, and the UK scrambling. ITS SO MUCH FUN! You can even get rid of Ruusia restriction if you have italy go first (which i did). however, you get none, absolutly none, of this jucy fun stuff if you include the magic 84. Its over before turn 5 (concidering decent luck with the axis). BUT: if you get rid of the magic 84 this puts a massive drive on capitals, and gives Germany a little more reason to seriously think about the invation of GB…seeing that you have to.

    Many new thing come up in a 3v3 game, like the london bliz and i even had a german player give up Ukr and EEu and take the UK! But you gotta get rid of Magic 84 otherwise you will find the game is tipped too far in favor of the axis.

    O and btw, these game take a few days…so have a sleepover.

  • germany can capture quite some IPC’s on the first few turns if you start with rommel in africa. These forces can capture most of africa (providing germany’s turn is before italy’s) and leave the defence to italy. In this way italy and its allies in eastern europe remain a small power but they support the germans heavily. With about 8 additional IPC’s from africa germany hits 28, which is more then russia. So i think this will balance the game a bit more and make it a somewhat more difficult choice whether or not you pick britain first or russia.

  • My board now has italian markers on it, on the flip side of the german control markers are italian, 1/3 german pieces has an itaian decal on it. i’m ready to play a 3 vs 3 game starting next weekend.
    i will tell you how it turns out.

  • May the Force be with you! :)

  • Hey guys, just a question….

    What is anyone using for pieces to use with the Italy decals?

    Also, is Germany at a disadvantage due to the loss of some of their territory (and of course, their IPC values)? Is it now harder for Germany to take over Russia since they have less resources at the outset of the game to throw at them?

    Finally, has their been a true consensus as to the best set of rules to use to incorporate Italy into the war? With regard to turn order, starting territories and units, etc


  • Well I think Germany can make more than enough of the slack up for Southern Europe by taking over Africa and letting the Italians hold it.

  • what about italy being controlled by germaby as canada is controlled by briton in W@W?

  • Then what’s the point? :-?
    I mean Southern Europe is pratically Italy in the original game.

  • no as in germany buys seperatly for them etc.

  • oh did someone test it by now, im really interested to see if it turned out to be a good idea after all.

    p.s. for those who missed me: i’ve been depressed for the last few months, but im ok now and i got a lot of time at my hands :lol:

  • @Rommel34:

    I have also played with an italy before. I found that Germans found themselves with a false new feeling of security because the can focus on russia, but its false concierding they get almost no new IPCs early. However, i found that you have to eliminate the magic 84 rule. All italy needs is a few transports and he has africa and is helping japan in Asia. An american invation of africa is detured by german forces in algeria and italy can now prepare for a second assult while going for Russia (this is of course concidering germany or italy havent had terrible lukc and lost in europe to russia yet). This puts america behind, Russia dead, and the UK scrambling. ITS SO MUCH FUN! You can even get rid of Ruusia restriction if you have italy go first (which i did). however, you get none, absolutly none, of this jucy fun stuff if you include the magic 84. Its over before turn 5 (concidering decent luck with the axis). BUT: if you get rid of the magic 84 this puts a massive drive on capitals, and gives Germany a little more reason to seriously think about the invation of GB…seeing that you have to.

    Many new thing come up in a 3v3 game, like the london bliz and i even had a german player give up Ukr and EEu and take the UK! But you gotta get rid of Magic 84 otherwise you will find the game is tipped too far in favor of the axis.

    O and btw, these game take a few days…so have a sleepover.

    I think they did test it ^

  • oh did someone test it by now, im really interested to see if it turned out to be a good idea after all.

    Like GeZe said, Rommel tested it (which turned out quite well I assume) and I think Mini-Phreek also did too.

    p.s. for those who missed me: i’ve been depressed for the last few months, but im ok now and i got a lot of time at my hands

    Good to see you back, Green Leaves. :)

    no as in germany buys seperatly for them etc.

    Well the Axis are given an option to this. If there are enough players, then one person will be designated Italy. Otherwise, Germany will assume control of Italy.

  • @TG:

    Well the Axis are given an option to this. If there are enough players, then one person will be designated Italy. Otherwise, Germany will assume control of Italy.

    Oh I see.

  • Eurica!!!

    Ok after several practice games with all 6 players and then several more by myself (yes i play by myself) i have tweeked the rules enough to have italy well balance in the game.

    Algeria 2ipc, Lybia 2ipc Southern Europe 10ipc all under italian control. total of 14 germany reduced to 26 to start
    in southern europe 2inf 1 tank 1 fighter ( i made the west indys mini map also southern europe becase it can get crowded and whos ever had that many troops in the west indys that they needed to use the mini map?)
    in algeria 1inf 1 tank german troops. in libya 1 inf 1 tank italian troops.
    center med sz 1 BB german 1 sub 1 trans italian. red sea 1 sub 1 trans italian.
    also 1 inf UK in italian east africa and 1 additinal German sub in baltic sea for total of 2 subs 1 trans. and italy’s first AC only costs 10ipc
    all other placments are the same as normal.

    ever game was a little diferent and neithor side seemd to have an advantage. inital control of africa is no longer decided in the first few turns. at the end of one of my games italy and Uk were still fighting for contol over the belgian congo (UK built factory in south africa).

    if there are any more descepencys or any new sugestions plese let me know.
    oh ya almost forgot italy’s turn is first then russia then germany ect.

    see ya

  • Look everybody! mini_phreek is back!

  • is the ph silent or does it make a F souynd?

  • it makes an f sound, when is ph ever silent?

  • opps :oops: I was thinking of gh

  • When is gh ever silent? I’m probably just too tired to think of a word, so please tell me.

  • thought

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