• I want to get the PC version of the boardgame. Which is which? There’s a couple by Atari amongst other brands. Thanks!!

  • The Hasbro version is mostly accurate for Classic or 2nd Edition Axis and Allies.

    TripleA is the ONLY option for Revised.

    The Atari game is a completely different kettle of fish.

  • Yes I should have been more specific. Revised is the only one I’d want to play.

  • Then you need to download TripleA.  It is a free program, and if memory serves you can get it at Soulforge.net.

    It contains several versions, just go to the edit menu and select Revised.
    (I do not have this program, so others will be better able to assist you wth any questions regarding it)

  • What does Triple A stand for?

  • It is the name of the program, no idea what it stands for.

    I always assumed it was Axis And Allies

  • Your site didnt work but if it’s Free it’s got to be out there somewhere. Thanks again

  • Sorry, it is SOURCEforge.


  • 2007 AAR League

    so, does tripleA have an AI?
    I looked at the game once, but never figured out if you could play against a computer opponent?

  • @Perry:

    so, does tripleA have an AI?
    I looked at the game once, but never figured out if you could play against a computer opponent?

    The most recent version has an AI.

    The AI isn’t all that great.  But it is pretty hard to program an AI, and TripleA’s free, so what more can you really ask for?

  • 2007 AAR League

    anything that is able to move pieces around without me interfering is good enough for me to toy around with :)

  • :-o
    The latest version of Triple A is very good. You can play someone via e-mail, or live on line. The AI is ok if your a beginner,( or just feel lke breaking a losing streak). i usually end up playing solitaire when I’m working out a new strtagy. Or you can play hot seat at yours or someones PC. I ike it because I don’t have to have a board set up somewhere all of the time. Also, I think some of those guys I play against on line don’t bathe very often, so Playing them over the internet works for me. :-D
      Crazy Ivan
      They call me that because I’ve sent my T-34s’ just about everywhere.  :roll: Not Brazil yet though, Hmmm… Next time Jerry invades there I’ll have to send some T-34s’ to liberate it.

  • The game looks great, especially the unstable version. Has caused me to make an extreme effort to learn Java so I can play with the AI and ease troop movements. Would be nice to have a higher difficulty when playing alone.

  • 2007 AAR League


    The game looks great, especially the unstable version. Has caused me to make an extreme effort to learn Java so I can play with the AI and ease troop movements. Would be nice to have a higher difficulty when playing alone.

    I think a lot of us feel the same way

  • @Crazy:

    The latest version of Triple A is very good. You can play someone via e-mail, or live on line. The AI is ok if your a beginner,( or just feel lke breaking a losing streak). i usually end up playing solitaire when I’m working out a new strtagy. Or you can play hot seat at yours or someones PC. I ike it because I don’t have to have a board set up somewhere all of the time. Also, I think some of those guys I play against on line don’t bathe very often, so Playing them over the internet works for me. :-D
      Crazy Ivan
      They call me that because I’ve sent my T-34s’ just about everywhere.  :roll: Not Brazil yet though, Hmmm… Next time Jerry invades there I’ll have to send some T-34s’ to liberate it.

    Im looking forward to it because I have yet to see T-34’s in Brazil as well lol. But not having to setup a board is clutch. We manage a meetup once a week playing the boardgame but its not enough to satisfy the craving haha. Cant wait to start playing some games versus fellow forum members.

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