• in aae40 + aap40 the allies have three point five major (point five france) and one miner thats alot!
    the axis only have two point five (point five italy). Plus the usa make 57 at least.
    ya think they could make a new axis power like finland or somthing. :?

  • @i:

    in aae40 + aap40 the allies have three point five major (point five france) and one miner thats alot!
    the axis only have two point five (point five italy). Plus the usa make 57 at least.
    ya think they could make a new axis power like finland or somthing. :?

    What in the world? :?

  • France isn’t exactly a major power.

    This is how I see the game :

    Germany, Italy and Japan

    United Kingdom (including Commonwealth and ANZAC : it is said that in Global, UK will have full control of Anzac)
    USA (USA will control China, as it is a minor power)

    France is taken within the first few rounds of blitzkrieg, so doesn’t really count as a major nation. China is a minor country that can be a pain to Japan, but that’s it.

    So basically a 3v3.5

    it all comes down to Italy in my opinion. Just how strong will they be? Larry said that no German troops will be in Africa. If Italy is strong enough, its 3 vs 3.5. If not, it will be 2.5 vs 3.5. Remember, France doesn’t really count. Its free money + free IC for Germany


  • France MAY be more then a free boost to Germany.  We won’t know till we see more of AAE40’s setup and layout.  The biggest… “unreality” factor in all these games is the difference in quality between armies is null and void.  We all know the French were a joke historically, but what happens if you get some BAD dice rolls on Germany’s attack?  The Frenchies may be able to hang on till UK rushes whatever they have to booster them (assuming the trannies can run the gauntlet of U-boats I fully expect to see in the English Channel).  We’ve all seen game reports from AAP40 that China can be a MAJOR thorn in Japan’s side- I see France becoming Germany’s, at least in the early game.

    Then we come to Italy.  Now I don’t have AA50 but it would seem to me that having an independent attack force south of Germany needs to change the Allied players’ gameplans, even Vets of the game.  North Africa is no longer bleeding resources from Germany, and as long as Italy doesn’t over-extend her reach, She should be able to keep the British (and US) engaged in North Africa for a long time.  I’m more curious about other areas in Europe '40, like Spain- how will they be represented?  I think it would be great to see some Forces there, and what would have occured if Franco had fully entered as a 4th Axis?  OK, the game may only have them as a few infantry, but I’d love to see that and a small airforce.  Imagine the boost Italy would get if the Axis player is able to keep the Med sealed?

  • better idea france becomes the vechy french thats the 3 axis power

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