By the way, has anyone else noticed that Allied victories usually take much longer than Axis victories? Most of our Allied victories are roughly 13-15 rounds while Axis victories tend to be around 7-8 rounds.
I’ve had numerous Allied victories after 3-4 rounds (when they realize that USA and USSR entering the war is going to be too much to handle), and you can have them in the first round especially if an attack on 95 or 97 goes almost perfectly.
Again, since the Allies win if the Axis can’t, whenever it becomes apparent that the Axis can’t, it’s over. So Allied wins happen at all different stages of the game. Have you ever had Germany fail to take Paris in the first round? Or have their sea battles G1 go badly? There are many ways for the Axis to lose, and lose early :-)
You made very good insights and overall summaries of common situations in the game, by the way. Haven’t heard much from you for awhile, unfortunately!