Looking for Pittsburgh, PA area players for Global 1940 table top games!

Best posts made by Ichabod1862
Pittsburgh, PA — Global 1940
RE: Pittsburgh area players?
Hi, old post, but trying nonetheless. I live in Imperial, PA and am looking for local Pittsburgh people to play Global 1940 with.
Latest posts made by Ichabod1862
RE: Find Opponents Here!
I’m looking for a game. Play 2 games in a row; playing on both sides. G40 w/ a 30 bid or BM3 straight up.
RE: Strict Neutrals - Planes Flying Through
Yes combat moves are simultaneous. Said it in my comments above.
RE: Strict Neutrals - Planes Flying Through
I get you have been declared an official ruling somehow.
I’ve been playing Triplea live a lot lately…gotten used to clicking “DOW on the strict neutrals.” That’s besides the situation really.
Your ruling to me I think eisegetes into the text a fuller meaning not intended.
Germany conducts combat moves into Turkey while simultaneously combat moving planes through Turkey, but due to the ruling this means they somehow really have to simultaneously respect their air space? Makes no sense which makes me think you exegeted into the rule book an unintended end state.
page. 11 Europe book. “Air units can’t fly over an unfriendly neutral unless they are attacking it.”
The point of the rule on page 11 is that you cannot simply fly planes through strict neutrals in general.
For your interpretation, the rule should say all air units no matter what until AFTER attacking it. Because I think they should be able to fly over it even if just 1 infantry attacks the same neutral territory. The point of the rule is you can’t fly through like ground cannot go into the pripet marshes.
Germany is attacking it with air units. Why the interpretation that other air units cannot simultaneously fly through? The rules intent is to prevent flying through when never and not attacking them in general.
RE: Strict Neutrals - Planes Flying Through
Declaration of war is made prior to doing any combat moves…
Strict Neutrals - Planes Flying Through
-Same turn…Germany Declares war on strict neutrals
Germany attacks Turkey with intent to capture
Germany simultaneously flies fighters from Rome through Turkey to attack N.W. Persia. Is that legal?
Neutrals are no longer “strict neutrals” they are simultaneously at war.
Or is Turkey air space somehow blocking German planes even though they’re at war.
War is declared before the Combat Move Phase…
RE: G40 Rules Incorporated into Anniversary?
Thank you for taking the time to explain.
RE: G40 Rules Incorporated into Anniversary?
@Panther why was this thread moved to a G40 house rules section? My topic is about playing Anniversary.
I recently started playing Anniversary table top and was just wondering if anyone out there has modified the game with some house rules? If so, what are they and did anyone look to G40 for ideas.
G40 Rules Incorporated into Anniversary?
Anyone incorporate G40 Rules and play them in Anniversary as part of House Rules?
Gibraltar: must hold it for surface warships to pass through.N. West Europe (Denmark): must hold for warships of any kind to pass through.
Tanks: cost 6
Mech: added in as a playable unit for the cost of 4
Tactical Bombers: another playable unit, cost 11.
Pittsburgh, PA — Global 1940
Looking for Pittsburgh, PA area players for Global 1940 table top games!
RE: Pittsburgh area players?
Hi, old post, but trying nonetheless. I live in Imperial, PA and am looking for local Pittsburgh people to play Global 1940 with.