it is impossible to win at the eastern front with armor alone and no infantry and artillery,
and when building infantry for attack, artillery is nescessary to boost the attack,
if germany builds armor and infantry, russia can pile infantry to the front line and win battles at a fraction of the I.P.C. spend of germany,
if russia defend’s with 2 infantry, for each 1 armor 1 infantry that germany send’s to the front, the cost to build is 6 for russia and 8 for germany, with the hit ratio at 1/6 3/6 for germany, and 2/6/ 2/6/ for russia, with the I.P.C. saved by russia, russia can build armor and fighter’s to increase the defense,
this is where artillery is useful, at a cost of 30 I.P.C. germany can build 4 infantry, 2 artillery, 2 armor,
with a punch of /1/1/2/2/2/2/3/3/ against a russia defense of 5 infantry 3 armor the punch would be /2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/
take artillery out of the equation and germany would have attack 6 armor, or 5 infantry, 3 armor
/3/3/3/3/3/3/ or /1/1/1/1/1/3/3/3/
the ideal attacking combination ratio would be, 3 infantry, 1 artillery, 2 armor, at a cost of 23, for a large scale attack,
2 -3 group’s would be needed, ideally supported by 2 -3 fighter and 1 -2 bomber,
when dug in defending, infantry are the best option for 1/2 to 2/3 of the build
if the defense is greater than the attack, the attack usually falter’s, because of high value big hitting units being lost to large infantry stacks defending at 2