i dont know enough wwII ships to pick a favourite, although i think this one would have been really cool, if it was ever manufactured, have any of you heard of the proposal by someone from the american side to build aircraft carriers out of
ice that dosent melt, i know it sounds bizzare, they said it would have been virtually indestructable because it would have been as strong, if not stronger than concrete, and have the capacity to carry far more aircraft because of this,
i think the ice is called perma-ice or concrete ice, i dont know if it was manufactured or what, i only caught a glimpse of the programme while watching television.

Best posts made by d142
RE: Favorite WWII Ship
RE: Paintball or Airsoft
if i played airsoft how would i know where and if the opponent was hit
RE: Favorite WWII Ship
i dont know, i would have a guess that around 15-20 thousand ships were sunk, at the end of ww2 i think there were less than ten servicable ships left of the kriegsmarine.
Latest posts made by d142
RE: Comissioner gordon / batman
i took notice of the riddlers top ten riddles, not much of a challenge for the dynamic duo,
although sometimes trhe riddler had easy riddles to lure the caped crusaders to a trap -
RE: Case of North Africa boosters
the board game and the components are in mint condition, this copy has never been played,
i would have to do a inventory of all the components,
i am sure that more than 99.9% of the set is there,
there are around 200 - 300 cards with the set, i would have to inventory the cards -
RE: Comissioner gordon / batman
sometimes the commissioner would have a word about how everything was under control when batman would express concern about one of the villains,
something like, oh that’s alright batman, i think we have it all under control now, yes batman we will contact you if we can not handle this ourselves, i think that the force can handle this, do not worry about this, you can rest easy, the chief and his force will catch the villain,
soon after batman would get the batmobile and be off on a secret fact finding tour of gotham, looking for the hideout of that chapters villain, whether it would be a run down factory, warehouse, shipping yard or a cleverly disguised
surveilance van -
RE: Case of North Africa boosters
world of warcraft / the board game,
it has a map around 1 1/2 as big as axis and allies revised,
100 - 200 detailed shiny bold colored monster miniatures,
16 hero character miniatures,
10 - 12 bosses,
reference cards,
item cards,
magic cards,
weapon cards,
d 8 combat system
15 - 20 dice5 -7 green dice, 5 - 7 red dice, 5 - 7 blue dice,
it is a R.P.G. the scenarios are infinite, although there are levels that could be played,
i think that it is the base game -
RE: Comissioner gordon / batman
there was also a chapter when the chief was left alone in command of the station, i think that the commissioner was away for a few days, and the joker and accomplices managed to fool the chief and take command of the station for some time, thechief had some explaining to do that week :-)
RE: Comissioner gordon / batman
there was one scene when the chief was enchanted by a mysterious voice over the telephone, i think it was mesmerelda,
and the chief was instructed to get batman to a false outpost while the villains were away executing a stage of their plan,
the chief was always getting the run-around and was always targeted by the villains -
RE: Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
has the sculptor made some drawings of the units, technical plans and sketches,
i think that some visual information would be appreciated,
could there be a locked thread set, with the sketches non downloadable,
i realise that the project is for the most part confidential to the primary investors,
what i observe is similar to a inventory,
the exception being that if i look at a catalogue i can observe the merchandise,
what i have observed from this thread is a example of a miniature,
i see miniatures every day when i open my axis and allies game, my monopoly game, my dungeons and dragons game,
my risk games,
i am still sitting on the fence regarding this project, if i see some solid groundwork that has been completed by the company that you represent i could be off the fence and investing my money to the miniature set -
RE: Comissioner gordon / batman
i had left the batman series with the past, that was before i saw batman begins,
i remember the first modern day batman, which was a bold effort to re-awaken the interest in the batman series, at that time i was growing up and the references to batman that i had were all from the 60’s tv series that was still showing every saturday,
after that i watched some of the sequels, and gradually lost interest in the batman series,
batman begins is a great movie, and i still watch the dvd from time to time,
what i remember from the tv series, at all times batman had the bat computer to solve everything and the bust up’s with the henchmen were not the at the level of a mortal kombat or streetfighter free for all,
most of the scripting was good, and the series kept me interested enough to tune in every week,
the batmobile was cool and there was a miniature at my house of that batmobile, with the afterburner turbocharger and fast wheels,
the miniature batmobile was rather boxy, and not much of a challenge to the other racers that i had,
it had a problem of steadiness, i think that the wheels were not big enough to handle the altered balance at high speed and often the miniature batmobile would steer and drift or stop -
RE: Breakthrough Chart 3 [Updated]
tech 5 could could work,
i could envisage a well trained night fighting crew being more accurate and faster while the hit count could be raised,
2 rolls may be too devestating,
i would raise the hit roll by 1 for destroyers and cruisers, and 2 hit’s for battleships
RE: New air warfare rules
air units are the most versatile units within the game rules, and sometimes the most powerful, if there are large stacks,
heavy bomber tech combined with good movement and deployment of 2 -3 heavy bombers can cause huge walkovers and destruction of opposing defence formations,at the beginning of attacking with your bomber, you roll 1 dice, whatever that number is, is how many attacks the bomber gets.
i would not agree with that rule if it means that a bomber could get 6 shots a round 12 with heavy bombers,
having ground units for defence would be meaningless, with 2 heavy bombers rolling six hits a round and a few ground units to capture a territory, a defence of 10 - 14 could be crushed after 1 round,
however, if that is the balance of the rule, i would think that dice mecanic could be used for a nuke techh house rule,
it would be totally devestating to the defender,or nuke strenght could be purchased with heavy bombers, 1 - 10, cost 3 I.P.C. per number of hits,
it would work like this,
when heavy bombers are achieved, buy 5 hit’s for 15 I.P.C.
a heavy bomber would roll 10 dice at 4 for 1 round