• Greetings!

    I’m an old school (pre-revised) A&A player that recently rediscovered the game.  Been playing a bit on GTO, good fun, and have gravitated towards 1942 over Revised.

    My question to you pros is this - what the heck do you do with the German Baltic (surface) fleet on G1?  Short of dumping a huge naval build there on G1 (which feels like a sure long-term loser), I can’t figure out anything useful to do with those ships.  My best move so far is to leave the transport where it is, use it to put a couple more infantry on Norway, and then move the destroyer to the SZ northeast of the UK, so at least to force the British to divide up their airforce a bit on UK1.

    Does anyone have any better ideas?

  • @Aristokles:


    I’m an old school (pre-revised) A&A player that recently rediscovered the game.  Been playing a bit on GTO, good fun, and have gravitated towards 1942 over Revised.

    My question to you pros is this - what the heck do you do with the German Baltic (surface) fleet on G1?  Short of dumping a huge naval build there on G1 (which feels like a sure long-term loser), I can’t figure out anything useful to do with those ships.  My best move so far is to leave the transport where it is, use it to put a couple more infantry on Norway, and then move the destroyer to the SZ northeast of the UK, so at least to force the British to divide up their airforce a bit on UK1.

    Does anyone have any better ideas?

    Not really. Usually I split the subs to SZ6/7 and the destroyer to SZ3. The subs live longer than Revised until the Allies start deploying destroyers but the subs can always retreat to the Baltic. The subs are really the best units if you have enough German airforce - you may not be able to attack the main Allied fleet but it can sever their movements.

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