In addition to forces above I’ll send the strategic bomber from England and fighters if their still around from the scramble for your fleet. If you send the fighters from England you have to commit your carrier. Lose those fighters 1st if you feel you might retreat. This gives you two additional fighters and a bomber.
Alpha+2 Allies struggle to win, crazy alternative discovered: Surrender London!
Surrender isnt part of our vocabulary, correct me if I’m wrong in alpha2 when London falls that brings the US into the war, so why not fight or just give it away I game for the battles (Kursk) = big tank battles between Germany and Russia or (truk Lagoon) big naval battles between Japan and USA or the Battle of Britain/Sealion. and I like to win , to add or change the rules can be fun but this game was not designed to be redesigned by all of us, It’s a step up from the Anniversary edition. If because the Axis won the last 4 games means the Allies cant win , then I think you may be missing some thing but I dont think so from what I can tell the people on the forum are skilled, experienced players. There are a bunch of people who think the game is unbalanced with the Allies being the one with the upper hand. This subject might get ya to think that it is balanced the other way. In 25+ yrs I’ve seen where one side will get a bunch of wins only to be offset by the other, overall I would say that the score is about 50/50 we play on average 2 games a weekend. How did Hitler say it……fight to the last man I think Stalin said it to… Keep gaming and post the results.