Kamikaze are a defensive weapon, which are resolved at the beginning of the combat phase, so the attacking air units have already launched from their carriers are not in danger (unless they are “guest” air units). As such, they will participate in combat even if their carrier is hit, and will have the remainder of their movement to land as normal afterwards.
1940.2 on sale!!!
Check it out.
http://www.coolstuffinc.com/main_searchResults.php?next_x=25&form_search_number=25&search_text=axis and allies
Now all you codgers, curmudgeons, and bittermen that where lucky enough to get the first editions, but didn’t want to shell out a lot of money for 2nd editions can get both for a song.
You’ll dig these new versions.Throw in a “War at Sea” booster to make your total $100 and that covers your shipping.
Excellent heads up, thank you! Went ahead and got the new 7 Wonders expansion just to make it free shipping. Can’t beat that. :-D
Instead of War at Sea stuff I bought 5 magic booster packs, which I can resell to any of my buddies and get the cash back that I would have had to have spent on shipping anyway.
Well done gentlemen, always trying to recruit new War at Sea players.