Another follow up to my questions because I’m still debating this point with a friend:
If USA is not at war
if UK is at war
if USA naval units share a sea zone with UK units and Japan attacks
Then are these points correct:
1. Japan can attack the sea zone
2. UK and US naval units defend together
3. This is not a declaration of war by Japan against USA
or are these points correct:
1. Japan can attack the sea zone
2. UK naval units defend
3. ignore USA naval units in the battle.
Red part of edited quote above is correct to the best of my knowledge and experience.
See page 15 AAEurope 1940 rulebook-blue sidebox section, third paragraph beginning with “Combat:” second sentence: “If a power at war attacks a sea zone containing units belonging to both a power with which it’s already at war and a power with which it’s not at war, the latter power’s units are ignored.”
Note: This is not an official answer, just helping out.