• Does the 3 6’s rule only count against Infantry since this is a flamethrower?Â

  • The card mentions the ability being effective against a unit, so normally it would mean a soldier or a tank (or whatever else). Which make the Churchill so dreadful.

  • so does that mean its good to ago against any enemy unit? or just one of them?  :?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    You make your attack against a single enemy unit. Roll the appropriate number of dice. If you naturally roll three 6s the unit is immediately destroyed and removed from the game.

  • This unit is almost unstoppable…  With is very good armor and the flame thrower.  I think that since this unit is so powerfull, it should cost a lot more than 35.  I guess we will have to wait for the german flamethrower tank to stop the croc.  But still, as this unit’s armor is not quite as good as the croc’s so you’ll have to use good tactic to get close without being shot at.

    This unit is why I lost against Otto_Skorzeny last time.  I think the flamethrower ability should only “damage” vehicules.

    I know Otto won’t agree with me, but next time I’ll engage his croc with my Tiger and see how it turns out !!!

  • I agree that the Croc is too powerful for it’s cost.  I think it should still be used, but the cost should be more like 42-45.  I played yesterday against a croc and I had to use both a SS-Panther and a Panzer IV to get rid of it.  At least, the croc is very slow…

  • You guys are just jealous of me kicking your butts…
    No, I must agree, I think the Churchill Crocodile is pretty porwerful for his cost indeed.

  • Ok here is the scenerio.  You have a Churchill with initiative to attack first.  You are within 1 hex of a Tiger 1.  You roll all your diice at 3 or less except 3 6’s so you would normally only have 3 success’s and a clean miss on the Tiger.  According to this rule the 3 6’s against a Tank means the Tiger is destoryed and removed from play immediatley without returning fire?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Yes. That is why the flamethrower is broken.

  • I like your term “broken”  :-)  That is insane and anyone who plays should have a house rule that the flamethrower only counts against Infantry.  Otherwise I’m going to start taking out Tiger 1 Tanks with my Marines M2-2 Flamethrower which has the exact same description on it’s ability, and only costs 5.


  • mperry is right… the same rule exist for M2 Flamethrower…

    That would be too much for a unit with cost of 5.  But at least, this unit has only 7 dice against vehicule.

  • The Crocodile’s limited range of 8 hexes, not to mention slow speed, is a good reason why it’s point value isn’t near that of a tank that can damage it from 12 hexes away.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    But it has 7/6 armor. The piece is clearly broken. I would pay 40-45 points for that piece.

  • No argument here, but it’s speed of 2 (1 while damaged) and limited range makes it easy to get behind and attack.  And the Germans have some decent close assault infantry like the Panzerfaust that can take advantage of it’s 6 rear defense (5 while disrupted).  However, it does take a lot of fire power to destroy this, unless you can damage it early in the game with a good throw of the dice by a heavy German tank. I once had this happen, and the Crocodile was useless for the rest of the game from an attack stand point because of all the penalties that come with being damaged.  However, it did survive the game wounded.  They just couldn’t finish it off.

  • i like a house rule of. if a flamethower scores 3 6s on the dice that the vehicle, (not troops) recieves a face up counter immediatly that doesn’t remove till end of the next casulty phase. Makes more sense then a little 5 point dude coming up to a king tiger and blowing it up in 1 hit.  But i could see a lucky shot with a flame thrower causeing the unit to act ‘crazy’ for a round trying to get there barings and wonder what the heck was that!

  • I would like to disagree with all of you.

    I have no problem with the three 6’s immediately destroying a tank.  There are easy ways to protect a tank from getting into a vulnerable position to begin with.

    The game has also been well researched.  I don’t think the designers are way off on this.  And… if you roll 18 dice, you have just a 16% chance of rolling three 6’s.  So, you do the math when you are dealing with fewer dice.

    And I’m sure most of you are capable of preventing a flamethrowing unit from getting that close to a tank anway.

  • its not just a flamethrower soldier.  there are other tanks out there that do flamethrower ability.  You can’t for one second tell me that you can run and hide a king tiger from 4 jeeps caring flamethrowers chasing it down.  what a point difference and the for just that ‘chance’ that you might roll 3 6’s with only 7 dice.  any king tiger would player would run.  so I see it as there is no way a flamethrower can take out a tank like that.  If you really wanted to get picky with research. How many flamethowers blew up because a bullet piecred there tanks before they could get into a effective position.  I don’t see that anywhere in the rules. I just feel that its BS that a 5 point figure has that much power.    And i am sure a lot of people will agree with me on that

  • If your opponent has four jeeps loaded with flamethrowers chasing down a King Tiger, you can protect your tank with machine guns or infantry, and stop the jeeps with defensive fire.

    An M2-2 flamethrower throws 7 dice at close range.  The odds of rolling three sixes are very low.

    I’m not saying I wouldn’t be ready to strangle a nun if I lost my main tank to a 5 point unit, but there are many ways to stop that from even becoming a possibility.

  • Maybe you could reduce the flamethrower’s special ability to attacks in the same hex, meaning range 0.  I can see a flamethrower frying a tank in close combat, but maybe not from a range of 50 to 100 meters (the rule book states that each hex is 100 meters from side to opposite side).

    Either way, the odds of throwing three sixes on seven dice are low.

    Re: a house rule to account for a flame-thrower blowing up when hit by opposing fire, probably not necessary considering only 4 successes disrupts, 5 destroys it.

    I think most house rules are stupid and unecessary anyway.

  • My last post doesn’t deal with the Crocodile, just the Marines M2-2 flamethrower.

    Again, I still think the Croc isn’t as dangerous as its being made out to be.  An Allied tank with Range 8 is at a severe disadvantage to a German tank with range 10 or 12.  And if your opponent parks the Croc on the objective, flank it!

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