Ditto that question…inquiring minds want to know :-D
Anyone have this? What is it like?
2 double sided maps??!
Dude that’s miniatures. Nobody plays that junk. Its not the AA games…
Dude that’s miniatures. Nobody plays that junk. Its not the AA games…
Oh ok. Too bad it looked promising.
Its a great ruleset and some pretty nice miniatures. It ran for 7 years and went through 10 expansions before going out of production. There is still lots of the AAM stuff on eBay and etc
As you can see nobody here is interested discussing the miniature game. Join this forum and find out anything you want to know about the miniatures game https://forumini.boards.net/
We also have a really cool Army Builder and search engine for the game here, http://www.aamcardbase.com/search_AAM.aspx