Coolest aircraft made during WW2

  • The He-162 was developed as a sort of suicide kamikazee attack but the pilot would eject before crashing.

  • He 162 was the volksjaeger, people’s fighter. it was a cheap easy to make jet fighter. not a suicide aircraft, though it had an ejector seat.

  • Figuring that most pilots for the He-162 consisted mainly of disillusioned Hitler Youth members with little flying experience, it would have turned into a suicide craft.

  • yeah, i see where you are coming from.

    the he162 only shot down one enemy…not very effective.

  • Well you never know… The Junkers Ju 88A-4 Trop was used as a flying bomb toward the end of the war.

  • how,i never heard of it.

    any links?

  • Uh, sorry. A lot of my WWII information comes from books and magazines. But the Ju 88 wasn’t an uncommon plane. it was produced in great numbers and used oin all Germany fronts. It was utilized as a day or night fighter, medium bomber, torpedo bomber, minelayer, reconnaissance plane, ground attack aircraft, and communications aircraft.

  • still…suicide craft?

  • Well not suicide planes exactly. Like it was mentioned before, the pilot would parachute to safety a few moments before crashing. Heck, even the Americans wanted to this with some of their old bombers (don’t remember if the plan was carried out though).

  • it would crash into bomber formations?

  • Of course not, the Ju 88 was much to slow to be effective against big bomber formations and their escorts. Instead I think that the Ju 88 was suppose to be used on areas of large buildups like the Normandy beach heads and even Allied transport ships.

  • …so when was it a suicide craft?

  • Toward the end of war. It seems pointless to be used otherwise.

  • now you lost me!

  • Why, what do you want me to clarify?

  • don’t worry, forget about it.

  • My list of the top five fighters in the War

    1. British Supermarine Spitfire MK IX
      This fighter was unconditionally beautiful. The design for the Spitfire is lovely beyond sight. Absolutely breathtaking when photographed majestically ascending the clouds.

    2. American North America P-51D
      My brother once showed me a painting of the Big Beautiful Doll, and from that moment, I was captivated. The P-51 leaves so little to the imagination in terms of grace and enthusiasm. Plus she spots that trendy checkerboard noseart.

    3. German Messerschmitt Me-262A
      Probably the second most perfect shape next to the Spitfire. I especially liked the rounded, shark-like appearance and the placement of the Jumo turbojet engines. She was Galland’s plane, and I admire her for it.

    4. German Messerschmitt Bf-109G
    I give the Bf-106 credit for some of the most fashionable color schemes in the war. The Bf-109 looked like a true glider, lightweight and practical. I particularly liked the Daimler-Benz, fuel-injected engine and Black Tulip.

    1. Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero
      The only blunt nosed fighter I will ever liked with the possible exception of the bent-wing Corsairs, the Zero was charming. So small and cute, it was almost as if you could fit her into your pocket.

  • the Me163Komet looks like a stuffed animal…err plane. I could have one of them and hug the stuffing…eeerrr…c stov out of it!

    i’ll go now before i look like a bigger fool! :Þ

  • You never know. The Me-163 has a certain adorable quality to it. I think it points back the fact that the oddly shaped craft resembles a miniature rocketship of old 50’s sci-fi shows. Not the greatest, but it’s up there.

  • Whoa, someone agrees with me!

    The Me163 looks so…impractical. It was a gastank with wheels…err landing skid.

    I wonder how far away the 263 was from completion. I think the Russkies captured a couple and they were incorperated into the russian airforce until the end of 46.

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