I typically don’t blitz until later in the game, when it’s more likely you’ll be able to steal the Allies’ supplies, as it’s pretty unlikely you’ll be able to use your own supplies after the blitz.

Latest posts made by Wargaming_nut
RE: Battle of the Bulge Strategies
Twilight Struggle
So, Twilight Struggle. Great game, or awesome game?
Seriously, one of my very few friends in the area who plays wargames introduced me to it a month or two ago, and I can’t get enough of it. It’s relatively easy to learn to play, but deceptively difficult to get good at (I think I’m improving, but I still lose 8 out of 10 games at least). Anyone else ever played it? (And for that matter, anyone want to arrange to play a game or two either over Vassal or wargameroom.com?)
RE: Best A&A game for a two player match
Assuming you want a relatively fair, and not terribly long, game, I recommend Battle of the Bulge. It’s slanted in favor of the Allies (IMHO), but with decent odds for a German victory, and it’s simple to learn and pretty quick to play.
RE: Justin Bieber
I’m relatively certain his (her?) popularity is a sign of the approaching apocalypse.
Which isn’t a very good thing, particularly if his (her?) “music” survives it.
RE: Some Good Comedies to Watch…
What About Bob
Bruce Almighty
The Truman Show
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (hey, I thought it was funny :P)
Date Night -
RE: I'm back…
Europe 1940 looks really good, I may have to get my hands on that sometime (maybe I’ll hold out till summer, and see if I can get someone to give me it as a birthday present :P).
While I’m at it, anyone recommend any rule variants for the games I already have, maybe a recreation of WWI, or a theoretical clash of the Cold War, etc.?
Never thought about playing myself to get a game in. In a few years my son will be old enough, I figure
It’s a pretty good way to go, honestly, though obviously not as good as having another player (or three). It allows to you test strategies against an all-knowing opponent, as well as try wacky things without any “real” consequences.
RE: Music
Had to select Other as one of my options, become for some strange reasons avant-garde metal and cabaret rock weren’t options :-o.
For some favorite bands of those genres, see:
Dresden Dolls
Vermillion Lies
The Tiger Lillies
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Mindless Self Indulgence
Polkadot Cadaver
Screaming Mechanical Brain
Stolen Babies -
RE: Soviet Battleships
I played a game of D-Day the other day with a friend. I was the Allies, because I knew they were harder to win with, and I was a more experienced player than he.
For the most part, the game was unremarkable. I took Caen with ease, but my moves on St. Lo and Cherbourg were slower, thanks to some very unlucky die rolls. The worst of them all came at the very end of the game, though.
Turn 9; Caen is mine beyond question, my forces are massed outside Cherbourg, and I have an infantry and an artillery still fighting in St. Lo, with six tanks about to move in to join them (against a fairly small German force). I take Cherbourg, and my initial battle in St. Lo goes fairly well; given the lack of German units able to move in to reinforce St. Lo, I’m pretty confident I’ll win it on his attack.
He attacks with four units, killing one or two of mine. I defend, with eight units defending at 2. I get only three hits, thus failing to kill all his units, and because it’s turn nine, losing the game.
At the end of the game, he literally had one unit left on the board keeping me from winning; an infantry in St. Lo.
RE: I'm back…
Thanks for the welcome, guys.
I don’t have either of those variants, SP - the last one I got was Guadalcanal. In total, I have Original, Revised, Europe, Pacific, D-Day, Bulge, and Guadalcanal. Part of the reason for my return is my interest in Spring '42 and Pacific/Europe '40, as I don’t know anything about either of them. How do they compare to Revised and the original Europe and Pacific?