• In a recent game, Germany managed to sneak attack Britain’s Capital from the Med and managed to take it with a few men and tons of fighters/bombers. I collected 34IPCs plus the 34IPC UK had on hand. The UK immediately after sent absolutely everything back and attacked Germany’s capital. Despite having over 25 men on Germany (Germany was in heavy defensive mode) Germany lost its capital. Britain now claimed my 68 IPCs without a capital. UK is now in no shape to reclaim their capital, and Germany still holds it, are those IPC basically lost? (UK will not be liberated and Germany re-took its Capital)

  • @cressman8064:

    In a recent game, Germany managed to sneak attack Britain’s Capital from the Med and managed to take it with a few men and tons of fighters/bombers. I collected 34IPCs plus the 34IPC UK had on hand. The UK immediately after sent absolutely everything back and attacked Germany’s capital. Despite having over 25 men on Germany (Germany was in heavy defensive mode) Germany lost its capital. Britain now claimed my 68 IPCs without a capital. UK is now in no shape to reclaim their capital, and Germany still holds it, are those IPC basically lost? (UK will not be liberated and Germany re-took its Capital)

    Unless Krieghund says otherwise, UK will still retain the IPCs it collected from capturing Berlin. But you’ll need to liberate London to spend them.

  • Official Q&A

    Yup, UK will hang onto them forever unless its capital is liberated.

  • Are you not allowed to build an IC on some other terriortory that the UK posses?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  You can’t spend IPCs if you don’t control your capital.

  • I’m confused on the capturing Enemy Capital and collecting their Unspent IPC.

    Say on Germany’s turn they have 32 IPC to spend , they spend all 32,
    So they have 0 “Unspent IPC”…Now they go ahead and do their battling…
    At end of their turn they mobilze the forces they had bought and then they collect IPC’s , say 34
    ( they captured a 2 IPC territory).

    Then latter on the UK turn, the UK captures Berlin, does UK collect ) IPC, because Germany had 0 unspent IPC…or do they collect Germany’s 34 IPC?

    Thanks for all the help you folks share!!!

  • I see…

    Now say that UK takes all their 34 IPC…

    Then say the next German turn…they have no IPC on paper…so the don’t buy any new forces…they do their
    combat turn…they take back Berlin…they move their IPC marker back up from 24 to 34…then they collect IPC…they record on paper they have 34 IPC ( which they hope they will have to spend on next turn).

    Then the UK does their turn and they retake Berlin again…so are you saying once again they grab those 34 IPC ?

    If that is so…wouldn’t Germany be digging them in a big hole as far as UK amassing a huge ammount of IPC?

    This seems an unfair rule?

    Am i still missing something?

  • @Cuyahoga:

    I see…

    Now say that UK takes all their 34 IPC…

    Then say the next German turn…they have no IPC on paper…so the don’t buy any new forces…they do their
    combat turn…they take back Berlin…they move their IPC marker back up from 24 to 34…then they collect IPC…they record on paper they have 34 IPC ( which they hope they will have to spend on next turn).

    Then the UK does their turn and they retake Berlin again…so are you saying once again they grab those 34 IPC ?

    If that is so…wouldn’t Germany be digging them in a big hole as far as UK amassing a huge ammount of IPC?

    This seems an unfair rule?

    Am i still missing something?

    opps , i made an error…when i said that on Germany’s first turn after losing their capital…that thay had no IPC on paper and thus could buy no new forces…that was an error on my part…because they can’t buy new forces when their capitalis occupied by the enemy…

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