• @WILD:


    I wonder if Free France will get some rules to deploy units after lose of Paris … maybe China style (only inf) or maybe a IC at French Congo …

    I wouldn’t count on it. Larry doesn’t like you to build after you loose your capital. Besides if you could just sprout up French rebels in Africa (like Chinese) they wouldn’t be able to leave Africa (ACME WALL) :?. Poor French couldn’t even help liberate Paris  :x. LOL

    Let’s add China can buy after losing her capital (game starts with Nanking fallen, similar to Paris falling G1) and that also any sort of ACME wall should be deleted with retroactive effects: China, France, neutral or what you want. But good point: Larry thinks that you should not buy after losing the capital, even if many examples is the history and WWII counter this idea (man, even the poles continued the struggle and they had not even a territory)

    So I agree with you and the best guess Larry will not give us a exilied capital rule  :|

  • Hey great point about continuing on after your capital is taken (China). So there is precedence. You should hammer Larry on it. After a capital falls you surrender your $, but can still produce infantry at certain points of entry (maybe VC) based on the tt value that you still control. Personally I think you should be able to mobilize inf at a VC w/o IC any way.

  • Customizer

    The values given above are rubbish; Netherlands/Belgium alone is worth more in industrial output than all the rest, possible about equal if we consider Romanian oil.

    I’ve argued long and hard against the neolithic capture-the capital-rules, but LH is simply will not consider changing them for a moment.

    This is why we’ll still be seeing those columns of Japanese tanks heading for Moscow in the global game, despite attempts to divert the ignorant multitudes with nonsense such as victory cities and low value Siberia.

  • If  your capital is captured, you surrender half of your IPCs to the power that captured your capital and the rest are forefit to the bank.

    Any remaning factories you started the game with and are still under your control may continue to operate in the following fashion. Factories may collect IPCs from the territory they are on, and any territories that power controls within 3 spaces of that factory. These IPCs may not be saved, they must be spent immidatley on units.

    By these rules (which still need minor tweaks) India, canada, and perhaps south africa, and obviously ANZAC continue to fight. The Western United States fights to liberate the east coast, Russia doesnt put up a white flag the second Moscow falls, factories continue to produce, albeit like an infantry and an artillery a turn but still! If China can get units and doesnt even have a factory, and these powers have factories.

    by these rules also, canada can collect from all of canada, which may be around 5-8 IPCs total
    India can collect from burma, and shan state, and malya, but not far flung territores
    Western US still collects from alaska, etc
    Germany still collects from its territores if soviets take berlin, and it still has france.
    Japan only starts with one factory, so they dont realy benifit from this, no japanese dvisions are being raised in shangtung and french indochina etc. if Tokyo falls

    Expect something similar to this to be in my 1940 house rules suplement
    also stuff like convincing spain to join the war. artilery act as blockhouses when defending against amphibious invasions. US gets an atom bomb…etc.

  • @Flashman:

    The values given above are rubbish; Netherlands/Belgium alone is worth more in industrial output than all the rest, possible about equal if we consider Romanian oil.

    Well I guess you could make Denmark worth 1 and Bel/Neth worth 3 (to match the map attached to your name) if it makes you feel better. I thought that because of the strategic importance of the straight, it warranted a boost to Denmark. Actually I’m hoping that the Denmark peninsula is a separate tt from the Danish Island’s (even if it has no IPC value), so the Luftwaffe will be able to scramble w/AB (but it probably won’t happen). Any way my earlier post was just to show that Germany’s income should start out in the mid 30’s. That they would sill have many tt at the start even w/earlier start date. In AA50 NW Europe is only worth 2 IPC, I doubled it to 4 IPC. At the end the 3 countries (Den/Bel/Neth) will still be worth about 4 IPC’s together IMO. I cant see Larry making them any higher. The big question about the area is will Germany have a port on the North sea w/IC giving it direct access as it should.

    The other thing to consider is that 3 IPC tt allow you to build a major IC. I really don’t think there will be another one on that coast line.

  • Well isn’t it a little early to start complaining about something that we don’t have information on yet :?  I would say its safe to make an assumption that Germany will be strong right off the bat.  This being said after seeing the Japanese setup.  But I would say the German setup will probably land units than air units.  That would be my guess.

  • Boy how all of our thoughts have changed.

  • Look Axis need:

    Berlin (Hold your capital as Germany, not too hard)
    Warsaw (Don’t be pushed in after “Operation Barbarossa”
    Rome (Hold Italy’s capital)
    Tokyo (Hold your cute little island)
    Shanghai (Don’t let China or India take it)
    Paris (Do your G1 attack)
    Cairo (As Italy, just get pass)
    Calcutta (Get pass weaker India)
    Leningrad (Start plowing towards Moscow)
    Stalingrad (Get ready for the big hit)
    Moscow (Apply your big hit)
    Sydney (Get enough troops in Australia)
    Hong Kong (Capture Kwangtaung)
    Honolulu (Land a huge force on the island)


    Berlin (Get pass Paris, cripple Germany in the East, get enough troops in after how long?)
    Tokyo (Land on the island with enough troops to take like a million infantry!)
    Rome (Land in France or Sicily move up take Italy’s capital)

    I think Axis are easier.

  • @Axisgirl:

    But the Axis have sooo many more to take!

    Half of them will be easy.

  • Well lets see…USA would be the country that protects Canada so to take Canada you would have to take the USA! BOOM solved

  • If you look at the objectives of the game they are really the same as what most players usually play.  Most players concede once a power has fallen and there is no chance of liberation.  All the axis need to do is take a power out of the game, Russia.  (Don’t even mention anything about France.  Taking out France doesn’t count.)  Once the Allies Take out Germany the game is basically over.  IF you play by standard rules than yes the allies will have it way harder because the cities the axis need they either start with or take one their pursuit of IPCs and NOs.  The Allies need to reverse all of those gains and then take their capital, which will take many waves of allied troops to destroy all of the units the axis powers will build to defend.

  • I agree. The axis objectives are much easier than the allies. While it’s not necessary to take anywhere in north America as the axis, the allies need all three axis capitals. I’ve never taken any north American territory as Germany, and japan has never captured washington (although I admit, when japan starts fortifying west us, we usually call the game).

  • @mike:

    Well lets see…USA would be the country that protects Canada so to take Canada you would have to take the USA! BOOM solved

    Like the other dude said, you don’t take North America. London, Washington, San Fransisco, and Ottawa will hold (in your average Axis victory game,)

    This is what you start with:

    1. Berlin
    2. Warsaw
    3. Rome
    4. Tokyo
    5. Shanghai

    Not a lot, here’s what will be yours after turn 1

    1. Berlin
    2. Warsaw
    3. Rome
    4. Tokyo
    5. Shanghai
    6. Paris

    After Japan makes war with the Allies

    7. Hong Kong
    8. Manila

    Later on after war is made with Russia

    9. Leningrad

    Then the Allies have: Honolulu, Sydney, Calcutta, Moscow, Stalingrad, Cairo, London, Ottawa, Washington, San Fransisco

    Some you’ll get over time, Cairo and Calcutta
    Some you’ll need to be sneaky, Sydney and Honolulu
    Some you’ll need to be brave. Moscow and Stalingrad

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