The Governer-General is the Queens representative. There is a great deal of pomp and circimstance (great for the tourists I suppose) and linkages to the Queen. In theory the position holds power but the position is really a formality. It’s too much a bother, to change anything in the Constitution requires all the provinces to agree and usually the problem getting the French in Quebec to agree to any changes. (the Quebec government is currently a seperatist government just waiting for the right conditions to hold a referendum to seperate).
There are 2 bodies, the house of commons and senate. The house comes up with the laws and the Senate passes them while milking the country dry the blood sucking leaches. There are about 300 chuncks of Canada the each elect a ‘Member’ to occupy that ‘seat’. The party with the most seats can form a government, the leader of the party must be elected to a seat and then becomes the ‘Prime Minister’. The party can choose a new PM whenever they want. They come up with the laws and the Senate passes it.
I’m not sure how many lazy bastards are in the Senate. They are appointed by the current PM. If the ruling party is Liberal for 16 years then the Senate will be Liberal for a long time to come. They are never elected, rarely do anything and often hang out at mexican beaches while getting paid. Again, can’t change anything without changing the consitution and that nearly breaks up Canada any time we try to Change it. Heck we only got it back from England in the 70s and that nearly killed Canada.
But I ramble. For a bill to be submitted to the Senate it must be voted on. If the PM deems the vote to be important he makes it a ‘Confidence’ vote, if it’s voted NO the government falls and an election must be called. If the ruling party has a majority the bill gets passed on to the Senate. In practive the vote goes along party lines, if a Liberal party member votes against the liberal party the party can kick the member out and run a new candidate as a Liberal against the encumbant (now an independant) in the next election. So, the PM never has to withdraw a bill unless he has a minority. This happened in the 80s, we had a government that lasted like 7 months and lost a confidence vote, it had a minority and had to call an election, they lost seats and lost power.
Yes, some freaking idiot Canadian Politians do bad mouth the US government. Trust me, the average Canadian citizen is outraged. I urge US citizens to read comments from average citizens on the conduct of these morons.
Canada has a problem. We have two parties on the right that splits the vote, this has only been the case for about 10 years since the creation of a new western based right wing party. A party can get 20% of the popular vote and only get 3% of the seats. If the vote on the right is split, then the left takes the seat easily. Since there are usually 4 parties contesting each seat it is often taken with only 30% of the vote. The party on the left is the ruling Liberal party, they have won 3 straight elections, the PM is retiring but they will probably be in power for ever.
They have been in power too long, are arrogant and need to be replaced, they’re killing us….