• I was wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on the best place to put an IC (i.e. most effective/beneficial). Please include the following:

    1. Who’s IC (which nationality)
    2. When to place (turn or after a certain objective is completed)
    3. Where (which territory)

  • personally, i like putting a IC in manchuria once a firm control is established in the surrounding area (generally 3rd-5th turn), for the Japanese it provides 3 armor per turn, essential for getting rid of the pesky Ruskies. For either Russia or the US, it gives you a nice close base for fighters/bombers to place next to japan, plus you can put transports right into the japanese sea zone for quick ferries across the the home islands, (with battleship and/or carrier protection of course)

  • As discussed in another forum, the India IC is the primary way to stop Japan’s advance across Asia, but it can be hard to defend. I would wait until UK’s second turn to put it there, most likely. On the other side, it is a good place for Japan to place an IC, as it allows them quick access to Russia. For Japan, I’d wait until I knocked all of the UK/US forces out to prevent retaliation.

  • My personal style most of the time is:

    1. No ICs

    2. Never

    3. Nowhere

    Especially if I expect a strong opponent and a strong likelihood of tech coming into the game.

    In any case,

    Never with Russia or Germany

    Very rarely with UK, and then only in India and likely very early

    Very rarely with the US, and then only in F/N if i decide to go with light with 4 trannies and only on US 2 or US 3, or WE if Germany is dead/gonna fall, but so is Russia and Japan is a tech monster able to crush my fleet….allowing more instant ground troops in Europe to fight the horde…or instant fleet protection in NorthSea.

    Rarely with Japan, and if it is likely a tech game, then most likely in Kwang later in the game, so I can completely surround it with AA on all sides and reasonably fend off those US HBs :)

    Occasionally against a weaker opponent with Jap ICs in India & Burma so that I can support Africa in mid-game, rounds 5-7. Manch is likely the last place, and only if I am going to build 3 ICs.

  • It’s a tie between 2 places.

    1. A IC placed in South Africa by UK in the first 3 turns.

    2. A IC placed in India by UK in the first 3 turns.

  • 1. One IC in southeren Africa by UK in turn one or two
    2. One IC on the mainland in asia by Japan in turn 2,3 or 4.

  • As a rule of thumb, I never build ICs for any country except Japan. Maybe late in the game, when Germany is defeat, I might place an IC in Finland for US, but that’s about it (usually I let US take Germany or Italy).

    For Japan, I might place an IC in India. It helps the Japanese out in Africa quite a bit and later on, can churn out an impressive amount of ARM for the final drive against Russia.

  • I like an ic by the uk in india on a turn when the japs can’t get it in their next go. I’ve also built one in Norway by the U.S. that’s early on too.
    Anyone ever built a USIC in Brazil to help Keep the Germans out of Africa?

  • Anyone ever built a USIC in Brazil to help Keep the Germans out of Africa?

    I much rather use the IPC’s in fighting the Germans a different way. An IC in US rarely helps them out much as it takes at least a turn to set up and T2 before you can start building any units. Those those turns should be spent rebuilding your navy.

    However, I have seen a tricky Japanese player set up an IC in Brazil with devestating results. Three subs a turn is nothing to laugh at.

  • I’ve found that a T1 IC in South Africa helps Britain secure Africa, and on T1, have the Japanese build an IC in Kwantung and take China: this is only a good idea if the Russians don’t attack Manchuria, in that case invade Manch with your transports and see if you can still take China and have an IC in Kwantung, otherwise wait a turn or two and hope India’s not churning out 3 Armor a turn

  • The main problem I don’t like about a IC in South Africa is that it takes too many turns to move units anywhere. Once Africa is liberated, that IC basically becomes defunct. Also, I think that US is the key to Africa, not UK.

    An IC in Kwantung is the best build of the bunch, but I say wait until at least J3.

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