We have game week. No kids or wives allowed. Always at my single buddy’s house. Starts on Wednesday or Thursday ends Sunday. We can usually play 2. First day starts around 1400. Second day grinds from 0900 to about 0200 each day depending on alcohol consumption.

Best posts made by seancb
RE: What are your comfortable game lengths?
RE: Underpowered Axis?
You just need to get the Pacific side of the board and then the USA wont be able to just pound away at you. Some radical thought shifting will occur because that player will now have to consider both sides.Plus, the Global game is way more fun!!!
RE: Large sub buy for Germany?
@weddingsinger ’
I’ve tried 5 subs on G1. you have to destroy the whole UK Fleet on G1 and then park in 112 assuming you got the UK navy except for 109. Park your cruiser in 112 and have 3 ftrs on standby to scramble.
UK pretty much has to decide to hit these guys or do Taranto. They dont get both. you will likely be able to get 3 subs on SZ109 to convoy. It worked well for me but i had to invest in 2 more subs on G2 and then turned my attention to the East. for 12 IPC you can pretty much demolish the UK income until they build a dd in Canada. this helps you because it takes units from the Africa campaign. Combine the convoy action with some nicely timed strategic bombing and you can basically level UK to building in Egypt, Persia, and South Africa.
I would say it was a different opener and fun to play it but not my normal setup. -
RE: How many players from the 80s and 90s have we here?
1992, began with original 1984 version. Never looked back. have all games except Battle of the Bulge.
RE: Japan goes to south africa. Worth it?
might i also suggest our suggested poor boy table. Take a piece of 8X10 plywood and screw it to the top of the plastic table. Much more room to play.
RE: Axis vs Allies Win Ratios
I guess the word “mastered” was not the correct choice. I should say the US strategy has gotten very “surgical”, which implies continued practice.
It was a mixed group of about 6 guys. Continually changing factions each time the game was played. At first, Germany was unstoppable every game. Then, Japan was a behemoth.
This was likely due to inexperience for all involved. As the Allied strategy developed, it went from massive US bombing campaigns on Germany to all out submarine convoy death to what it is now.
Its basically morphed into a Japanese assault from all sides, with UK DOW on turn 2 usually. This pre-empts some of the usual Japanese gains as Yunan becomes a fortress.
Most of our players wait until Japan is out of position and then slam with USSR forces into Manchuria and Korea. This disruption is usually enough for the Japan player to panic. Then the US brings the hurt with a massive bomber buy. This is followed by a massive sub buy and Japan is usually neutered. Not overrun, neutered. We all know what that means.Then Germany gets a taste.
This is usually predicated by the big Bryansk standoff.
Obviously we made some house rules to vary the game. I’ve posted here before. This creates less linearity for our play group and offers one time and continuous advantages for each faction. It also offers some disadvantages as well. Some very devastating, but not too out of the realm of reality.
Mostly Allied wins at this point. Usually an Axis win is from some achieved technology or a really great opener. Maybe we aren’t as skilled as some of the others here, but, win or lose, we have a great time and have never run out of beer. So win win for us!
RE: WWII movies
The World at War series from the BBC circa 1970’s. Like 12 discs. Maybe 40’hours. I don’t know. Been a while since I watched it. I got it on Amazon
RE: Dun-zo
just send the backers the god damn files. i can print the board myself, i can print the rules myself, and i can probably paint some pieces to suit my purposes. i hate this crap.
RE: [House Rules] Should allies receive a bid?
I about pi$$ed myself laughing. This has all been worth it. Maybe some day you’ll bring your self to Texas and we can set up a game of Risk or Candyland for you there Minivan
Sean -
RE: My Journey, My Triumph. By Lord Curtmungus, Part 2.
F*ck around that was funny dude! You made my day man! Thank you, I was having a real $hitty one too cause of the news I got yesterday at work.
Sean… -
Hey Eric, we going to get our game or what?
Anyone know of anything concrete on this? Not just whats been posted on KS. Any inside info?
RE: [House Rules] Should allies receive a bid?
You need to take your meds man. It’s just a game. My challenge still stands. Come school me Obi Wan. Oyster did show up today. Alas, I had already started a game. I hope he comes to play tomorrow. As for you Minivan, I’ll play you next. See you round ladies!
Sean -
RE: My Journey, My Triumph. By Lord Curtmungus, Part 2.
you two girls need to kiss and make up. I’ll take either one of you on at Triple A. i have no fear. win or lose you will suffer mental anguish at my hands! bwahahhahaha
on a serious note: SS you are being a punk by not accepting his challenge. Triple A is great for live games and you can always save in case your “lovemaking session” continues past the allotted time.
Is this Kickstarter now officially dead?
Guess we’re not getting our game or a refund.
RE: Mechanized Russia
So i tried this today on Triple A. Went all mechs R1, then all arty R2, it was a G3 DOW. I had Finland, Norway, Romania. So i’ve gotten some good paydays and this has allowed the US and UK to begin to bug Germany on the West Coast. i’ve enjoyed this so far and at the onset of turn 6(where we currently saved) Germany has made no progress other than recapturing Norway and taking Leningrad and Archangel which Archangel will be easily recaptured. Ukraine, W Ukraine, Bryansk, Smolensk and everything east still under heavy guard and threat.
I like this so far. I will post additional updates as we continue.
RE: My Journey, My Triumph. By Lord Curtmungus, Part 2.
@SS-GEN there is not attack. he has laid down the gauntlet. In our part of the world (Texas), one of two things going to happen now.
You must accept the challenge or resign in shame and wear a pink sequined leopard print skirt with a lime green tube top, leather boots optional for red shiny high heels.
My wife has some you can borrow if you need some.
RE: Oztea's 1939 Global Setup
we made some edits to the setup after playtesting. i’ve attached the file here
1939oztea.tsvg -
RE: ANZAC planes landing in Dutch territories (Java/Sumatra) on same turn they were taken by ANZAC
for the record he did win, because it wouldn’t be very nice to beat Jesus, would it?
I told him he had to roll the dice fair and square but i could tell a few of them were “breathed upon”!!! -
Where is Curtmungus?
We need some of your humor these days. Please grace us with another awesome story.
RE: Oztea's 1939 Global Setup
definitely need to reduce the fighter count for UK i think, in our last game they simply flew all of their fighters to france and demolished the german assualt (twice!!). reduction of initial french troops as well. We can keep the major factory but i think they should end up with about 10 inf and with reduction in UK fighters you should be able to conquer Paris right on time.