Works now perfecty. First impressions;
-Its better to make combat phrase before than purchasing phrase.
-Considering 1942 borders; Its really good to see Germany becoming almost two times stronger than Russia. I really liked German-Russian-Italian-Chinese income distirbutions. Japan could be slighly more weaker. USA is underpowered and Britain is incredibly overpowered. I t would be not a good idea having significantly stronger Britain than USA.
-I’d call Lorraine instead Maginot.
-You can make Gobi desert Russian territory instead making impassable it would led more strategic options.
-Western Russia’s power lies on blocking everything rather than its income or set-up because its touches everything from Leningrad to Caucasus it means Germany simply cannot bypass it and execute different things like making case Blue or direct approach to Moscow.
-I’d suggest making fewest territory as much as possible in non-combat zones. For example there would be absolutely nothing wrong with making Canada or South America just single territory.
-Middle East is just looks too squeezed.