Neutrals 1943
Brazil: 1 infantry, 2 fighters
Ummm Brazil was an active ally (US) starting in early 42 in fact Brazillian troops were fighting in Italy by the end of 43.
Neutrals 1943
Brazil: 1 infantry, 2 fighters
Ummm Brazil was an active ally (US) starting in early 42 in fact Brazillian troops were fighting in Italy by the end of 43.
‘Guns of August’ any body? :-D
For a more recent work for a full story try The First World War a complete History by Martin Gilbert and John Keegens Illustrated History of World War I
If pre D-day is your start why are Russians in Belarus seems the German force in eastern Poland should be there instead?
I see Cavalry is to to be out of the mix interesting as it played a big role on the Eastern front and in the Middle East. :?
Opps sorry Missed that one this “morning” your right even having the map right beside me then and thinking it, ya well have a spring 44 scenario without the need for Operation Bagration :-P Belerus should’ve been in that list too. Thanks :-)
Here some first thoughts on Soviet National Objectives:
Soviet Union
Soviet Union while strong at the front as the spring of 44 comes it is exhausted and has largely used up its resources in waging war to defeat Germany, even with allied Lend Lease still pouring in. To show this the Soviet Union Mobilization reflects these new prices:
Infantry 3 Artillery 5 Mechanized Infantry 6
Tank 6 AA Gun 6
Fighter 12 Tactical Bomber 12 Bomber 24
Submarine 12 Destroyer 16 Cruiser 24
Aircraft Carriers 32 Battleship 40 Transports 14
All cost increase by 1 if there are German naval units in sea zone 127 and are doubled if German units control Archangel
Some costs are so high to reflect that there is no longer any infrastructure or even desire to build their construction such as in Battleships, Bombers and Aircraft Carriers.
The Soviet Union Start 44 with 24 IPC (Less 4 IPC held at start of 1940 game (Eastern Poland, Baltic States, Vyborg, and Karelia all German Held)). Stalin desired from the beginning to see Communism spread west into Europe, not only as a way for Marxist Victory but for the national security in protecting the Russian state.
3 IPCs for each of the following territories Germany, Poland, Slovakia/Hungary, Romania, and 1 IPCs for each of the following territories Finland, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria; as along as ALL original Russian 1940 territories are held at same time.
Good commentes the ball is rolling :)
OK if we go b the oringal corse in game turns that would be Allies lauch Overlord capturing Normandy/Bordou, The russians move and take Belarus and Baltic States on game turn 1; Allies take France and Southern France and the Russians take Eastern Poland and Romania on trun 2; Allies take Holland/Belgim and Greece and Russia Takes Bulgaia on Game turn 3; Germany Attacks Allies to retake Belgium fails, Russians take Poland and Slovakia/Hurgary on Game Turn 4; Allies take western Germany and Northern Italy, Russia takes Germany, Southern Germany and Yugoslavia on Game turn 5 war ends allies win.
So as you can see the 5 Game Turn can work with the map as is with presenting some real options such as do the allies go for Holland/Belgium or thrust stright for Western Germany, do the allies go for a soft underbelly stratgy ny going stright for Northern Italy and the Southern Germany ahead of the Red Army, do the Red go for broke and attack stright for Germany ignoring the Balkans.
The allies right upto 44 were scared that Stalin would conclude a seperate Peace as was Stalin fearfull of the allies making a seperate peace. So a seperate peace, for the terms of the game, is a real option however unreal that it was in fact.
And yep I am Civil War guy but the world wars was my first love LOL!
Have been doing alot of thinking of a new set up for the game for some time now. and about ready to get down to some of the narous matter to this idea. First I thought a spring 44 start was perfect the allies are about to go on the attack on all fronts most of the powers have built there forces and deployed them so this scenario would be a battle with little large scale moblization needed. In fact as histroically shown most of the powers had blew there bolt in the case of UK and Russia manpower was begining to become a problem and production slowing. Only the US was still groing strong then and Germany was finally finding its war footing even if manpower was making cuts.
With this out I figured for the first time in this game Time limits were needed, Thus if Germany can keep Its 3 main territories (westerned Europe, Germany and Southern Germany) by the end of turn 5 it can see a negoiated setlement with the USSR, only if all of the original 1940 Soviet territories have been liberated and by the end of Turn 7 for the allies only if France and Belgium/Netherllands has been been liberated by the allies. Thus Germany can not achieve a totel victory in the game just National survive ablity.
roughly this would mean that each turn was 3 month period of time for each game turn which would put an end to the war in Spring 45 for russia and fall of 45 for the allies for German victory and 5 turns seems adequate for a Totel Allied victory in game terms.
since were making a source list here is a few I have used:
The Armed Forces of World War II by Andrew Mollo
Brute Force by John Ellis
A War to be Won by Williamson Murry and Allen R. Millet
OnLine - World War II Armed Forces
This is one I used heavily in making a 1941 Scenario for Pacific 1940.
Interested in knowing if any body has ever played a game where you have a had a comlete pause in the action. A turn when all players concentrate on just building new units and making non-combat moves? Seems such a situation makes sense if you are strategicly sound even if you are both on the offensive or defense.
Can can defending artillery defend against ships bomarding in an amphibious assault? if not whay not?
Just got done setting the Germans up . . . question. . . Why make the Germans so dark gray? I Notice they disappeared with color of the map I understand the picking of this gray but the gray used long ago in 2nd addition would have been better I think. And whats with all the armor in eastern Europe? historically there was not much armor there at all and the Germans did not move into those nations until late 40. This is the one spot I dont like.
Not nitpicking love what I have any ways :-D!
Ok just got my copy today great game as always but a question why the change in Italian pieces from the anniversay edition? I thought the Italian pieces in the ann. where nice, just wondering, will probly use those tanks and aritllery pieces in the new game for the look and feel :-D.
One use of Russian Subs in the war . . . . Sinking. For every Axis ship Sunk by them one Russian sub was lost as well in the war!
this so hard to say as a outstanding fighter in one theater could be very marginal in another ie p-47 Europe great. Pacfic “the P what ?” :-D
The opening battles of the first war were much more blood soaked then most realize in fact I have read in some places that it was not till 1918 that the 1914 total surpased 1915-17. So the idea the powers could just say “OK beat ya next time” is unrealistic, too much blood was already spilled in the first 6 weeks alone to say that was not going to happen. Now if the allies exacted a less hard peace in 19 the kaiser could have stayed in power putting a hold on the Nazis rise and some other right wing regime would have guided Germany into a second perhaps even worse war then what happen.
Austria was doomed not much could have save them except cutting off the slav’s and reaching a new understading with the Hungarians keepng a rump state. The Hapsburgs had lived way past their time.
The Russians could have gone several ways a red russia was not inivitable even in the civil war the Romanoves could have have return not nickys familiy but there were others.
alternative end to the first war had serval roads to go down unlike the second war which had only 2 real out comes.
OK when will the US Atantic Fleet get some respect? Only 1 Destroyer it should at least get a CA or a Battleship
OK The Pacific was not Europe that by itself meant that the two series BOB & Pac would be different. The Marines had long reset periods between actions unlike Europe which was war 24/7 after D-Day. One series was Action, BOB, becuase it coud be, the other was drama,Pac, becuase it had to be, there were 6 action episodes out of 10, one coming home episiode (In which there was NO sex) and 3 R&R episiodes which with 2 of thse having sex (Surprise!). Easy company didn’t have sex because they were fighting but a few of the episodes did showe the mental effect and strain the men were going through, which Pac did as well. Pac was lucky in that one of the main charaters was rotated home for war bond duty and another was just lucky to come home period. One of these two wanted to go back into action and did so at the cost of his own life.
Frankly some the post here have been boarder line crying becuase there was not enough blood and guts being thrown around on scene and to much “kissing” with girls, grow up it was a big a^& war and it had room forevey thing seen in both films!!!
Well considering Italian troop quility of the time, Italy may have decended into revolution even before the Russins in this case. :-o