• yeah, i’m 14, and i believe that harry is as well. i turn 15 July 26

  • @Field:

    50% Hungarian
    25% Ukrainian
    25% Czech

    whoohoo! Slavs all the way! (i’m only about 25% Slavic, i wish i was more than that, cuz its nice to be different than everyone else who’s just english or french or german or italian)

  • Go 1/4 Slavs!

  • YUP i am 14 and proud of it!!! (turning 15 in March 31.) Just think in some months and some odd days, i will turn 15 1/2 and i will get my permint!!! 8) :lol:

  • yeah, i can get my permit in less than a year! :D

  • everyone watch out in virgina and ohio b/c StrongBad and me are getting our permints less than a year!!! :evil: :P :D

  • yeah, we’ll be wreakin havoc across the country! :P

  • i do not believe that one should be allowed to “drive through” a state one can not spell.

  • StrongBad1988 - I’m only 3rd generation American. My great-grandparents ALL came to NY (settled in NJ) in 1912 (give or take a year) during the great Central/Eastern European immigrations to the US before WWI. Like to think I’m gypsy, but can’t prove it…

  • CC i know i stink in spelling! lol :D :D :D

  • my great great great great great etc. grandpa (on my dad’s side) came over on a ship that came over to the new world right after the mayflower. and on my mom’s side, i am 3rd generation american, her grandma came over from croatia (austria-hungary at the time)

  • I think 3 of my great grandparents were immigrants

  • all of mine (great grandpareents) were immigrants too except for the one descedened from the guy that came over on the ship with the mayflower

  • I came from Southern California. ^_^

  • '19 Moderator

    28% Irish
    26% Dutch/German
    25% Scandinavian
    20% Cherokee
    1% English

    But some of my ancestors were here before the revolution. I also had family on both sides of the War of Nothern Agression(Civil War). So I’m sure that is not completely acurate.

  • i bet the germans and the irish ancestors of yours fought on the north side and the english /scandanavian sides of yours fought for the south, or am i wrong? i just generally know that germans usually sided with the north, as well as irish ( i’m pretty sure both of them didn’t like slavery)

  • My ancestors where from just about every region of Europe you can name (not counting some southern regions). On my mother’s side there are people from Germany, The Carpatian mountians (a region that was first part of Austria-Hungary, then Czekoslovakia, then the USSR, now parts are in Hungary, Ukraine, and Rumania), others from Russia (or maybe modern Belorus), and Scotland (originally migated from Ireland). On my fathers side I’ve got some French, English, and a small amount of Cherokee. My muddled heritage is more than most can handle, so I’m usually just refered to as Canadian.

  • canadian? since when is wyoming in canada :-? or did you immigrate to the US from Canada eariler in your life or something, or are you just making fun of canada? (thats always an acceptable excuse)

  • here in the US I’m refered to as Canadian, becuase it is rather distingtive (and many believe rather hilarious). I was born in Canada to American parents and hence have dual citizenship.

  • that is pretty funny; you were born in a country that you have no ethnic ties to whatsoever, and neither do your parents (its especially funny just beacuse its Canada). were your parents just there on vacation there or something?

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