Nope no major. Japan can only build minor ics in siam
Page 25 of the global 1939 rules v7.2 say: Siam receives 1 infantry per turn, every turn, starting from the round after activation by Japan. Japan can build a Minor or Major IC in Siam.
I think it should say Minor IC only. I’ll look back on the rules this weekend and make sure.
Then on page 30: Japan can build a Minor IC only in Siam starting on turn 3.

Posts made by Tigerman77
RE: HBG's Global War 1939 FAQ
RE: GW-1939, 7.2 Rules_____COMMUNIST CHINA questions
Russia liberates Comm China. No other ally. If another ally, including Nat China, takes back a Comm Chinese zone it isn’t liberated it is taken. hope this helps you guys out a little.
RE: Global 1939 Technology Questions
I know….ive read them but when I read them I dont have the rules with me. Then when I. An get to the rules I don’t have the time!!..ill start doing better!
RE: Global 1939 Technology Questions
I don’t understand the way tech is written either. We just play without it because the rules so unclear.
However, some of the answers on this board are different than the rulebook on other issues. We getting frustrated trying to understand what things mean and have stepped away from the game for a while.
It’s a lot of fun but a long game. Also, ambiguous rules can create issues.
The Tech chart was suppose to be simple to understand. If you arent at war you can only purchase 1 die for techs. If you are at war you can purchase up to 3 dice per tech. You add up yhe dice rolls each turn until you get to the specified number on the tech chart. I dont have the rules in front of me so if I am wrong ill repost. Super simple to use. I made some of the techs harder to get so you have to spend money to get them.
RE: Axis&Allies Stalingrad or Kursk?
We are working on a battleboard that is dynamic. You will actually be able to advance on the battleboard into enemy territory and also retreat off the battleboard. Also you have to decide which units will be on the front lines, secondary lines and reserve lines. Also aircraft will have to be used as Air Cap or Ground support. It will be a really cool addition to any game.
RE: Axis&Allies Stalingrad or Kursk?
Both are in progress. Hoping to have same rule system for each game for ease of play. Not to give too much away, the games should have a battleboard that you will be able to advance and retreat during the battle. Workimg on this concept right now.
RE: Fortifications
The infantry only get the +1 for one round. And you can choose what infantry are used with the fort.
RE: Tigerman's Barbarossa Game now at HBG
As of right now, if my mind serves me correctly, it is set up like Blitzing in a normal A&A game. Of course your idea sounds good also. If both sides are able to do this it may be advantageous to the Axis early on. IMHO Germany could use the help.
In our games if Leningrad doesnt fall Russia will win. IF Germany can take Leningrad they have a good shot of at least winning by points.
RE: Tigerman's Barbarossa Game now at HBG
Sure, I’d be interested. Tigerman, have you had the chance to have another look at the blitzing rules? Personally I’d allow both sides (not just the one holding initiative, as you suggested) to attack another defended area [apart from the “regular” A&A rule that it may move into an unoccupied enemy controlled area after a successful battle], thereby allowing both sides to attack twice, basically. Once on their normal combat and then potentially again in a blitz attack. For the attacker the benefit is obvious, for the defender I really feel it helps keep the attacker honest.
What do you think?
Use it in your next game. Ill use try that in my next game also.
RE: Battle of Okinawa - Beachhead questions…
I dont understand your last question. You say if you win the battle on the beach all of your units are destroyed. How is this so? Obviously if you dont have anymore units after the battle then you do not move or control anything.
RE: Tigerman's Barbarossa Game now at HBG
Is anyone interested in alternate setups of this game? Maybe a 42,43,&44 setup!
RE: 7.2 Questons…Things that have come up.
1. Finland can move
2. Yes
3. The rule only applies to new builds not upgrades.
4. Once the pro-allied is activated the fleet can be moved as normal.
RE: Kamikaze's
Does ‘surface ship’ include transports? This is a big deal.
There is nothing to say you cant target transports. Even though the carriers were the high value targets, more troop transports were sunk due to Kamikaze attacks than any other type of ship.
So to answer your question….Yes. -
RE: Battle of Okinawa - Beachhead questions…
If you have 2 zones connected to a Beach zone you can choose which zone to move into.
If you are on the beach and connecting zone is empty you must wait until the next turn to move in the empty zone
RE: Rules 7.2 and 7.1
The rules have been sent and should be on BGG in a day or 2.
The delay was that I had acute appendicitis!! I was a little behind anyway but I got sick at the beginning of last week and had surgery thursday. needless to say I am off work for the next 6 weeks and will be eager and able to answer any questions in a timely manner.
RE: Does anyone leave Paris for G2?
If you dont take France G1 and UK is able to reinforce……your only option is to attack Russia and get Italy into the game to help take France. EVEN THEN there is a 50/50 that will not work. Believe me I know. France is a formidable opponent when backed by the UK.
You must destroy half of the UK Navy and take Paris at least by F2f or its an allied victory!
RE: Capital Question
Once a new capital is declared it shiuld stay the capital for the reat of the game. Ill make sure to add this clarification.