@GEN-MANSTEIN That’s true about the die roll. Like how I roll d4s for my fighters. ;}

Best posts made by The11HP20
RE: A&A Europe 1st ed Italian variant.
Latest posts made by The11HP20
RE: A&A Europe 1st ed Italian variant.
@Midnight_Reaper Thank you so much! I have all the pieces I need. I’ve been curious about this for years.
RE: A&A Europe 1st ed Italian variant.
@GEN-MANSTEIN That’s true about the die roll. Like how I roll d4s for my fighters. ;}
A&A Europe 1st ed Italian variant.
Many moons ago I saw an article, about a 1st ed Europe variant that included Italy. They reworked the board, and used Japanese pieces for the Italians. I can’t find the article online, and I’ve tried searching for info here. I rolled sixes. No luck.
Does anyone recall this, or know of any info on it? Thanks ahead of time for any help.
RE: Fairplaygames.com
Since I brought these guys up I better warn people about them. I placed an order on Sept. 8. On the 20th they still hasn’t processed it so I emailed them. That was the first of 2 unanswered emails. I filed a dispute with paypal on the 25th. Naturally Fair Play Games would have been informed of this by now. My order is still not complete and FPG has not contacted me. Buyer beware.
RE: Finding Good After-Market Pieces
Here’s a link to the price guide for East & West. You can buy expansion armies in 4 of the 5 original A&A colors there. The pieces are the generic ones you find in Classic. They have added destroyers and nation specific AAA though.
RE: National Socialism vs. Communism.
At the time a main goal of communists everywhere was to spread communism all over the world. Hitler wanted a chunk of the world. There was going to be problems.
RE: Books on tape
Thanks. I’ll check that out. I know it’s not WW2, but if you’ve never read “Warbirds. Diary of an Unknown Avaitor” do so. It’s the diary of an American WW1 pilot. Haunting is the best word I can think of. I read it 3 times when I was younger. I’m about to read it again.
RE: What Tank is it going to be?
That’s too funny. I had the same thing happen with a pellet gun. I shot the bottom of a plasitc 55 gallon drum. The pellet came back and hit my shin. Just in case I was peer reviewed I decided to aim at the same spot and try it again. That pellet hit me a few inches from where the first did. After that I felt too stupid to collect souvenirs.
Although somewhat painful to hear if you put yourself into Kimmel’s shoes, that is one of my favorite quotes.
Back onto topic though. Tanks are cool.
P.S. Wow. Just caught my typo. Make that I take exception.
RE: What Tank is it going to be?
I take acception to one of your points Marc. I care what I’m shot with. Were it a fatal shot I would prefer a head shot frm any of tye finely crafty 50 cal sniper rifles out there. For wounding I want a cheap pellet gun. One with a leaky seal.
RE: Books on tape
Thanks for posting you question. I haven’t listened to Hardcord History in a while. You mention of Dan’s covering of WWI sent me there today. I just listened to Blueprint For Armageddon Part 1. Very good.
As far as audio books goes I hate to say it but the best reference source I’m aware of is A History of WWII Podcast. I love Ray’s depth of coverage but as you said he is pretty dry. If someone could just cattle prod him at random intervals I think it would liven things up.