Getting the money when taking a capital is as old as A&A itself, so what, about 35 years?
Never a good reason if it’s the only reason.
Getting the money when taking a capital is as old as A&A itself, so what, about 35 years?
Never a good reason if it’s the only reason.
Hey kcdzim, I got 18 cruisers and no destroyers! Wanna trade a few pieces?
I’m happily waiting. I knew when I put in my pre-order that they’ll get here when they get here.
Yeah, I don’t intend to use this new rule right now. I am just disappointed with the direction taken.
I cannot stand this change…
This seems to have come out of nowhere. I read this on Larry’s site and was left thinking, “What the hell?”
On your tech board for jet fighters, you have fighters misspelled.
Found some more - very minor, but I am a nitpicker - especially for something as nice as what you’ve created:
On the national objectives board, ANZAC’s NO for controlling Malaya should say “its”, not “it’s”.
National objectives board again. Italy’s first objective says Souhern France, not Southern France. Additionally, the comma is missing between Egypt and Southern France. I believe it is sitting at the end of Gibraltar.
France’s unit placement card. Normandy is misspelled.
US unit placement card. Western US - Fighters is plural.
Please don’t take my notes as criticism. I love what you have done and I am excited to print them out!
Because saint is nearly always taken. Rather than use a random number, 1012 is the month and day of my DOB.
Same thing is happening to me. I promise I am not a spam-bot!