If i remember correctly they were also experimenting with bubonic plague as a biological weapon and nearly made an attack on san fransisco with it but disagreement from the navy prevented it.

Posts made by Petrucci08
RE: Interesting WWII facts
RE: Most Important Piece
hard to argue with the Russian fig.
What about the Med tran. Without a bid this is the key to africa and a good way to retake Ukr threaten cau.
RE: Interesting WWII facts
Looks like someone’s been hanging around the making history site :-D
RE: G1 input
karelia is good in the early game because it stops the allies from getting a foothold in europe. later when the atlantic shipping is worked out UK and USA can just drop 8-10 suicide units each into your karelia stack and there is nothing for Rus to do but clean up the rest with the arm they’ve been saving up.
RE: G1 input
caucuses. Japan can’t hit karelia with you (in any normal game anyway :-D )
RE: Strategic Bombing?
And where would the Germans get enough forces to break Russia in 2-3 turns? 1 AC on G1 and that’s only 26 IPCs left for ground purchases.
Meanwhile UK and US build each 1 AC and by UK3 Brits are landing on France/Norway/Algeria, or even before, depending on how G leaves her planes.it would take more than 3 turns to build up a force capable of withstanding the German air/naval hit + enough men to start trading on the front.
And I didn’t mean Russia would be fully destroyed, merely well on the way.
Make an interesting test scenario. R1 standard Wrus/Ukr attacks. G1 standards + sz 2. then really starting on B1.
RE: Strategic Bombing?
If Germany bid a sub in sz 8 and took out the entire British navy (save the canadian tran) in the Atlantic then churning out bombers is probably a better strategy than trying to rebuild your navy to a strength that you can start making landings. Especially if there is a baltic AC as well. There would be an iron cross over Moscow before you could land in Norway :oops:
As always this all depends on what else is going on on the board.
RE: Always and Never
The ultimate secret ALWAYS move to win an FTF game:
ALWAYS provide all the free alcohol you can to your opponent.
You may take my capital but if I drank all your alcohol I’d say it was an economic victory :-D
RE: Has anyone tried a German fighter bid?
Did you not know that a battleship buy on R1 is the best Russian move in the game. It’s totally broken. Those germans sure will have egg on their faces when you start bombarding Berlin :-D
RE: Has anyone tried a German fighter bid?
Ah bunnies, what a great combination of condescension, humour and informative points in every post. :-D +1 karma
A 3 inf Ukr bid does seem much superior. I don’t see any mildly conservative Russian player attacking with 3 extra inf there. Plus you both raise good points about placing land forces closer to the front and building the extra, highly mobile, fig G1. Plus with 3 inf in Ukr you get an extra fig in a sense since you hardly ever get to keep the Ukrainian fig.
I’ve always thought bidding navy as kind of a waste, with the exception of an extra Jap tran.
thanks for the replies fella’s :-)
Has anyone tried a German fighter bid?
Given that 10 bids come around every so often now I was wondering if anyone had tried it. Seems to offer a lot of flexibility G1 and can be used for the entire game if your smart and lucky enough. You’ll probably only have 6 figs still on G1 (unless Rus is kind enough to give you another) but I would never count on having 6 anyway.
Coupled with a G1 10 inf 1 fig build the Allies are facing a very sizeable Luftwaffe for trading and keeping the shipping honest.
I would imagine that the Ruskis would throw the kitchen sink at Ukraine if you placed it there to take out the 2 figs. (3 inf 1 art 3 arm 2 figs) but they’ll be really stretched in terms of man power and will have only the Archangel tank + any R1 builds. It also leaves a lot of room for that battle to go horribly wrong (20% they’ll lose and 19% they’ll only clear it)
It won’t leave Gerry too short on manpower, the fig can be used in africa like the Lib bid. And no one would count on any Ukr inf bid surviving anyway.
However there is probably some huge drawback i cant see :-D
RE: On oil prices and food prices
I prefer to drive this go kart powered by my own sense of self satisfaction.
RE: Japanese IC – East Indies
If the USA were gunning for Japan early on i would be reluctant to spend more or less half my roundly income on an IC until i was feeling secure.
Plus the IC in EI saves you 1 sz from building from a IC in FIC and the mainland IC allows you to continue the stream towards moscow if you have to use your trans as fodder.
I can see an EI IC being useful for a specific goal and board situation (like a brazilian IC) but i would be reluctant to include it in a general strategy.
RE: UK Fighter to attack Japan's Trn (59)
send the destroyer instead. The fig is more useful.
RE: Japanese IC – East Indies
or instead you take that 31 ipc and buy 2 mainland IC’s giving you 6 units a turn and you save a dollar.
RE: The TRN Bid to Baltic - viable or not?
True that extra tran won’t hold africa forver, but taking egypt that heavy G1 is enough to deter the UK1 counter giving you a few more turns of receiving the full benefits of africa. Plus you can always change their heading and start pumping units in into cau with your BB bombard.
RE: Civil War…..Russian
Also the Guelf-Ghibiline conflict was the cause of numerous civil wars across Europe (although mainly in itlay) during the middle ages and the renaissance.
Then add to that the further conflicts caused because of the factions within the Guelf party (black vs white).
RE: Japanesse attack on US mainland
as soon as someone sees you do that on turn A they will start just pumping out inf at Wus and arm in Eus to counter that. so buy the time you actually drop units in Wcan, the US have at least 20 units in Wus + any thing moving west from the atlantic coast.
the best you could hope for using this method (IMO) is trading Wcan with the US. In which case i would be very happy to do as the US as it takes the whole weight of japanese pressure off Russia. Plus any units the US have already shucked to Africa (probably around a dozen units in those first 4 rounds) will be able to secure africa and start threatening japanese conquests in the middle east with very little reinforcements coming their way as they are all caught up in Wcan.
RE: Japanesse attack on US mainland
If you take and hold Western US for a turn then you will take the whole continent. But the distance from supply lines means the US can repulse you. say:
japanese set up transport fleet in sz 60 or 62 or split between both.
The US see the probable attack and plant 10 inf in Wus in addition to any armour that are part of the usual European/Africa Shuck. -
Japanese hit with 5/5 - 7/7 inf/arm invading alaska or perhaps Wcan or both. If attack is to Wcan or is split US hit Wcan with 10 inf 4 arm from Wus and place another 10 units in Wus.
japanese trans move back to sz 60 to reload. any trans attacking Wcan cannot make it back in one turn slowing you down even more. US forces in Wcan hit any forces in Alaska. 10 more units in Wus.
Second japanese wave. US places another 10 units. so by this time the japanese have perhaps 14 units in alaska while the US have 20-25 and this gap only widens with successive waves.
And thinking of having 7 trans by turn 4 is a bit of a stretch but i included it to make the point. First building so many trans will give the US even more warning. It will leave you very low on forces. And once you subtract the forces needed to fill those trans you are making no progress towards moscow at all and the Russians are regaining land. I am not saying it CAN’T work, only that it is going to be a hell of a feat to pull off.
RE: Japanesse attack on US mainland
There are two ways to attack the US. From the North and the South and both are very difficult to do. Any competent allied player can see what you’re trying to do. You may preoccupy the US for a turn or two but any landing especially if it is alaska or Wcan can be repulsed easily. The South road is favoured by some players around here, parking a small fleet in the solomons sea zone. If the US player doesn’t see it you can take Wus, and if it can’t be retaken that turn, it could very well be game over. The Good thing about this is that even if they do see it you are in position to hit Aus, hawaii, or NZ next turn, so you won’t be too much out of position. The north road is really just a waste of very valuable time and resources.