Anyone tinker with the setup, in order to make the game less linear?
We’re finding that G1 and J1 pretty much open the exact same every game, decimating allied navies then G going heavy armor.
My buddy has come up with an interesting house rule which we are going to try out next time. Its a bit complex, but in a nutshell the setup is kinda “Risklike,” in that you alternate unit placement. Each county has so many IPC’s to spend and you can purchase and place what/where you want; with limitations of course. You cant just place crap randomly all over the place. You’ll need to start in countries controlled a the start and adjacent sea zones. This gives players the option to go heaveir navy or air, or whatever.
I know, it pretty much takes away from historical accuracies, but thats alright. The idea was to change the opening setup, allow for new strategies and make the game a bit less linear for us.