Advanced Fighter Design. Great Idea in air combat, but your making a fighter stronger than your med. bomber in ground attack and as strong as a regular bomber in ground attack. Fighters should not have the same ability to inflict damage to ground and naval targets as a strat bomber or tac bomber, IMO

Latest posts made by lnmajor
RE: Using the new 1941 and 1942 pieces in Global 40 or 1942 2nd edition
RE: Using the new 1941 and 1942 pieces in Global 40 or 1942 2nd edition
Love the transports defending @ 1 with destroyer escort present. Great idea.
RE: Destroyer Escorts Gamers Paradise
Gamers Paradise escort rules. unit is 1-2-2-8 . Special ability: The convoy rule; escorts defend @3.
when there is at least one friendly transport for the first escort, and thereafter at least two friendy transports for every other escort defending in the same seazone. in other words, if you have 5 friendly transports and two friendly escorts defending in the same seazone, you can apply the convoy rule.
1) Transports defending against naval vessels- All navel vessels must try to sink all transports in first round of combat, then transports escape, except with aircraft.
2)Transports with escorts can not escape from naval vessels, and escorts defend until all escorts and transports are sunk, or naval vessels retreat. transports must be used as casulties first before escorts.
UNESCORTED TRANSPORTS RULE; Subs and Battleships attacking unescorted transports attack with 1 die @ 4 for each transport, maximum 2 die per sub. -
RE: 1942 2nd edition Flak Artillery house rules
What about giving it the ability to fire first in battle, defender removes casulties, then normal combat begins. Or what about being able to fire from ajacent territory. Also can it be used as AA and land combat at the same time or do you have to designate in defense.
RE: Amphibious Assault Bonus
Your idea sounds great for entrentchment. But your example of the 20 stack infantry on Japan to defend homeland as a reason not to use my idea for amphib. assault makes even more sense to do it my way. That is exactly why we dropped atomic bombs on them to force surrender instead of invasion. Its a mute point anyway cause if Japan has lost its navy to the point that the U.S. player can bring amphib. assualt across pacific into homeland waters and Japan is turtling on home island game is inevitably lost to Allies anyway. Maybe this concept can be applied to Pacific theater only? Cause Jap troops defended to last man. Not same mind set as in Europe, i.e. Italy. Bottom line for me is everthing comming off landing craft was not rolling off guns blazing. especially artillery and tanks. Infantry came off firing only cause the poor 3 or 4 guys in front on them absorbed the bullets. not to include that they were sitting ducks in their landing craft. In actuality if you use your entrenchment rules with my amphib. assault rules combined you dont need that 20 stack of infantry to defend. Ultimately playtest will tell. I do like the concept of the defender having options for defensive strategy. leaves outcome not as predictable for attacker can keep things fresh. Over the years the only thing that can get dull with this game is the predictability SOMETIMES. Thank GOD for the dice.
RE: Amphibious Assault Bonus
I said that this is a new concept for AA. Most ideas can be traced back to some other game or application somewhere. I have playtested this many times and it works well for me. I suggest you try it before shooting it down so quick. And yes IMO, sealion should be harder. Another thing is if you are expending 20 Jap infantry to protect 1 island my strategy as U.S. player is going to be to bypass that island and use naval blockade to leave all those 20 infantry which represents IPCs and resources much more well spent in other areas than defending an island worth like 2 ipcs for the entire game. Oh yea, and please dont tell me your going to put 20 infantry on every pacific island cause that aint happening. All im saying is try it before you flag it. Never said it was perfect. this game is not perfect. Look at how many times the rules and setups have been revised. Just be open minded, try it! maybe YOU can come up with a way to tweek this and make it work better. That would be awesome.
RE: Anybody play Xeno Europe at War or World at War?
Played Zeno exclusively thru out most of the 1990s. They were cutting edge and developed most of the advanced rules that are now considered OOB 15 yrs ago. Their World @ War map was vastly superior to anything MB or Wizards were doing. I also highly recommend using Paradise Games Naval expanition rules. I still use alot of these today.
RE: Amphibious Assault Bonus
I have be using this proceedure; After shore bombardment, DEFENDER fires first with one round of fire from all units, attacker removes causilties, now battle procedes as normal. This simulates all the attacking forces hitting the beach under fire. Let me go one further, Let the defender have the choice of using this variation OR just using higher defense bonus for entire battle.This is part of a completely new idea for Axis and Allies that i am developing. The concept being the defender now has 2 options to choose from in defending from a amphib. assault. What do you think? GAR? Anyone?
RE: Hidden Sub Role
Tried this many times in the past. Really slows the game down. U.S. and Japan resorts to flooding the pacific with all subs. Great idea in theory, just not practical. Try this instead. Destroyers and planes must make a detection roll of dice before subs can be attacked. On roll of 1 or 2 sub or subs are detected and can be attacked. If sub attacks first, defending destroyers must make succsesful detection roll on 1-3 becouse sub fired shot so defending ships already know sub is in area and maybe what direction torpedeo came from. If subs are not detected or as i refer to as “pinned” be sonar, sub is considered to have slipped away. Seems complicated, but after one or two games it becomes standard proceedure and is not a big deal. Just like escorts and interceptors were introduced into SBRs. I have found that this will simulate what your looking for without having to track subs on seperate pieces of paper the whole nite.
RE: The Raw Luck theorum. (How to make luck, like you make Units)
Now that im thinking about it, this is the outcome i have experienced many times over. exellent observation and strategy if out numbered.