Episode 57
Rounds 3-4 from our game of Pacific (2001) Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes of go to my blog to listen to it or download to listen later.
While doing some research on Larry Harris’ sight, I came across a very interesting topic about house rules to balance the game and keep it more in line historically. Krieghund had these suggestions in 2007:
1. Count the Japanese victory points at the end of the US’ turn (that way Japan has to take and hold a territory to get credit).
2. Japan can win only on victory points - not on capital capture.
3. No substalling allowed (attacking subs must fight one round before submerging).
4. Kamikaze may not be used until “activated” - they are activated on the first turn Japan collects less than 30 IPCs of income (this makes them more of a game-saving “desperation weapon” than an advantage for Japan).
Thoughts? Anyone try these?
I like these rules! The sub stalling has always bothered me. I would keep the victory points at 22 because of #1 and give Allies a little extra ipcs in the beginning. Time to dust off Pacific.
Rule number 1 does look like it might be good to include.