Round 1.
The uk sub in z40 attack japan sub in z46 passing trough z42.
No hits from both sides.
Can the uk sub retreat in z42 instead of submerge?
Round 1.
The uk sub in z40 attack japan sub in z46 passing trough z42.
No hits from both sides.
Can the uk sub retreat in z42 instead of submerge?
you can select the AC as casualty first, but that will undoubtedly mean that, if you win the battle, you will loose the fighter.
Of course I will.
Hi guys,
just one simple question.
Let’s pretend this situation:
in CM i declare a ftr and an ac to go in combat with other ships.
The ftr is supposed to land on this ac, so the move is legal, right?
No other places to land around.
During the combat can i choose the ac as casualty before the ftr? Or am I forced to keep the ship alive and eventually destroy it after the ftr?
Hi guys.
Two little problems.
Attacker has 2sub, 2ftr, 1ac vs 2sub, 1dst
No dst for attacker so defender’s sub are invisible to 2ftrs.
No surprise attack because the defender has 1dst.
Attacker rolls 2hits: 1 from sub and 1 from ftr.
Now the defender has to choice the casualties. Could he choice the dst as casualty from the sub and no more else because the subs cannot be hitten by ftrs?
Actually, axis_roll, I think he’s looking for a way to determine an individual winner. (Forgive me if I’m misreading your post, Yucatan.)
Yes Krieghund, you’re absolutely right!
Sorry if I express my question bad. My english is not so good… :-P
LHTR also has optional individual victory conditions on page 36. In this case, whichever power has increased its national production level from the start by the greatest percentage of IPCs is the individual winner (basically final income divided by starting income). This also allows the possibility of a tie, but there is less of a chance of one.
I knew this rule but I don’t know if it’s the best possible.
I mean… maybe, in this way, every player tends to play for himself instead of the common mission.
And then I think that every country has different chances to increase its NP. Think about the big expansion that Japan has at the beginning while German is pressed in WRU and UKR by Russia, NWY by the UK…
I don’t know if it’s well balanced. This is the reason why I’m looking for another way of winning.
Thanks for answering.
Hi everybody,
I’m looking for a way to determine, if possible in your opinion, a winner in a game played by 5.
In my group of friends we often play A&AR and need a kind of system to keep a sort of leaderboard.
Any suggest?
One doubt:
in the first example what happens if the attacker decide to retreat after one round of fire?
Where does The ftr that made 4 movements go?
I ask sorry if the question is stupid.
As subject: are LAB and WCA adjacent?
And, in case, where do I find it written? Because I serched on the Avalon Hill’s FAQ section and I didn’t find anything about it.
Thank you.
Thank you everybody.
You are…
Hi everybody.
An AC enters in combat with 2 ftr on board.
Another ftr comes from land and arrives here with its 4th movement, pretending to land on the carrier assuming that at least one fighter will be lost in the battle.
Is it a legal move?
Thank you very much