Another question, I see abbreviations like “J1”, “S5”, I know the letter refers to the factions, but what is the number representative of? The move?
and Welcome!
Another question, I see abbreviations like “J1”, “S5”, I know the letter refers to the factions, but what is the number representative of? The move?
and Welcome!
I like that. I’m playing game where you attack and if you lose, that territory only becomes an allied territory of either axis or allies. You only can influence certain ones, icp value , roll dice. The rest you can attack.
Aye, we do something very similar. If you attack and fail to conquer the neutral territory, it then becomes a territory of the power who defended it. There is still no effect on any other neutral territory on the board as a result of the battle.
I have never cared much at all for the “pro” one side or the other neutrals. Doesn’t much make sense to me and I like to keep it simple as well. I have always figured “neutral” means “neutral”. Even if the government of one was “pro” one side or the other, it didn’t mean that the highest percentage of the population agreed with that sentiment (look at the U.S. before the war). Then you have the added political effects (and the calculations to go with it) of a population disagreeing with its government - even IF the government was totalitarian. For game playing, I don’t want to mess with that so we use this rule:
Neutral countries may be attacked without paying an IPC penalty. When you attack a neutral (or violate its neutrality by an over flight) your opponent whose capital is closest to that neutral country rolls THREE dice. [Exception: roll SIX dice when violating the neutrality of Turkey or Spain.] The resulting number is the amount of IPCs your opponent receives to IMMEDIATELY spend on land or air units to place in that neutral country to defend against your attack. All neutrals have an IPC territory value of ONE when they are controlled by a major power.
Attacking or conquering one neutral country has no effect on any other neutral either “pro” or “con”.
I’ve downloaded this map after seeing it here and on youtube and am having it printed. Looking forward very much to playing it.
I like very much what you have done here. It matches very closely to what I needed in player aids. Alot of your house rules come very close to mine with slight differences. I don’t have mine all typed up yet as pretty as yours, but still working on them. I appreciate what you have done here… I think it will save me tons of work that I had ahead of me (I’ve got tons invested already so I know very well what you have done to get this far).
We will be testing alot of what you have here, but I’m not sure how long that will take. Thanks again… I don’t feel so alone, lol.