It reamins the same that you must control the territory at the start of your turn to pass through.
reamins or remains ?
It reamins the same that you must control the territory at the start of your turn to pass through.
reamins or remains ?
uk has always been a civilized country but never a peace loving one. they only cared about themselves and raped and robbed everyone they could get away with. look at what they done to ireland and scotland and all the wars with france and america and india and china. now i still like the brits, their history , culture and music. but they went to war to keep their empire plain and simple, it wasnt cause hitler was evil(they didnt fight the evil stalin cause he wasnt messing with their empire). its basically why they went to war in the 1st world war, to keep a monopoly on the shipping lanes.
hey sun, that sounds like a “Risk” strategy. i dont think it would work well in A&A tho. ;)
in tripleA speak, my fave is ww2 v3 1941 low luck no tech.(anniversary edition)
lol, someone just told me maybe the reason 4 the negative responses 2 my post is that i advertise tripleA and 4 some reason some people “hate” tripleA. i’m not sure if thats true (dont know why anyone would hate tripleA) but either way, its no big deal. have a nice day! :)
anyone who starts out by saying, “i dont want to start a flame war”, actually does want to start something. ;)
what the hell r u talking about? my post clearly states u get one bombard per unit dropped off per ship, learn 2 read.u guys r taking it 2 seriously not me.
his might have been more specific and detailed, but mine had all the same info in just one short sentence, so i win!
when doing an “amphibious assault” battleships and cruisers get one bombard per unit they drop-off, then they r considered out of the battle. i think that answers all 3 of ur questions.
zhuk im sure u could counter any strat i have anyway so i might as well stick with this one ;)
i do standard jap buy on j1 , 2 transports and a man, then i buy twin island factories if i see usa go atl, if usa comes pac, i buy fic factory and 3 subs.
my logic isnt flawed, its just a start, if u r worried japs cant go north or south then why even run the japs, stick with the easy countries like usa and uk.
on j1 i always buy 2 transports and a man, then i see what usa does,
if usa goes atl, i love my twin island factories on j2(along with a tank), imo, japan has plenty of transports for the task, i usually keep 2 in tokyo so i do put a little pressure on russia from the north, but i love dropping 8 units a round from my factories, and like i said, on j3 i usually buy another factory and yet another on j4, as long as u aint playing vs a master, japan should be able 2 take persia, then cauc then moscow faster then going heavy 2 the north. gj taught me the folly of trying 2 go north or thru china. as someone said, russia can easily halt japs advance with tanks in msocow and inf in novo. now im not saying im master or that this is the very best strat, but the next game u r in, and usa goes atl, buy 2 island factories on j2 and see if u ca make it work. ;)
u ever see the movie,
CSA: Confederate States of America
(2004) PG-13
its not that good but its something 2 watch if u r into this subject.
manch factories r a waste imo.
#1: u can build 8 units in tokyo if u want 2 try flooding the north.(which is a bad strat imo)
#2: the islands have 4 production and japan has the transports it needs 2 take advantage of the island factories.(plus they produce units in the south, and japans aim should be india/persia imo)
good post kurt, if u have time u should submit more posts like this.
the dog-killer should be working in a factory 4 minimum wage not be a role model 4 kids.
brady is the best as far as pure qb’ing(and he was on family guy) but i always liked favre(except when he was crying).
“two and a half men” is a funny show, i am also a long time fan of “cops”.