I’m just wondering if people play with the orignial rules or are now playin with the tournament rules?
I’m just wondering if people play with the orignial rules or are now playin with the tournament rules?
Played yesterday with the rules……and after some bad dices (terribles) and bad interpretations…bad moves too…and a bad british player…CP’s won hard…
Some toughts…
The 2 movements rules should only be available in the homeland territories not friendly…russia is getting hard time to protect every territories with austria and germany that can move with each others territories…Russia is always getting collapse…but overall its speeding the game…thats a goooooood thing
U.S.A should get to war in turn 3 because they cant move at all when being neutral
Economic collapse should be at the end of the turn like political…to ensure russia and ottomans can keep going for some turns
thats it…when those tournament rules will be officials?..looking for another game but we decide that we will wait for a official set of rules
Yep it was second edition and yep it was only europe but im playin global in 2 weeks and german strat in global or europe is the same so……or if not i want a german strat in global!
Hi, i played a game recently and i was Germany. Just played like the first edition and finally got overwhelmed by the allies in france and in Russia i was getting a lot of money but the big russian infantry stack was too much for me to kill so Moscow was very hard to take. ( played in Europe only wich i concede U.S.A is a big heavy mother***** with too much money and only you to kill) So the fact is, what do you do in your first move overall and whats is your best strat……tryied to kill all uk boats but failed…yep i was able to kill all of them in the second turn but lost a lot of planes, subs and my bismark. Italy player was just playing like he didnt give a shit so…yes that didnt helped me a lot…no africa, strange move, no big help form him in the russian front…
I don’t think you can avoid combat in a contested tt……if so…evryone will want to defend and not to attack…In D-day…i think…you could not avoid combat in a contested tt
When Europe second edition is supose to hit the stores?
Heard about end of summer?
Nice thanks! :mrgreen:
Soon is so looooonnggggggg
Sorry, i want this game so bad……