I wanted to study your rules a bit before I commented it’ll be awhile before I can playtest them. Here are some thoughts though.
I like the setup, especially 1 fighter, 1 bomber for Russia & UK forces in Borneo, New Guinea, and East Indies.
I like the Baltic Sea rule, I have a similiar rule in my house rules. Did you decide to drop any ideas concerning Gilbraltar & Turkish Straits?
You & I have been talking about SBRs, your escort fighters attack @ 3, interceptors defend @ 4. I’m sure you’ve come across SBR rules that have the attack & defense values reduced. The most common one I’ve come across is escort fighters attack @ 1, interceptors defend @ 2. The people I play with decided to have it escorts attack @ 2, interceptors defend @ 2, bombers dogfight @ 1 before bombing run. I’m just wondering if you’ve tried it, if not it might help with increasing SBRs.
I like the ‘shipping lanes’ rule how does it play out for you? It reminds me of something vaguely similiar proposed by a gentleman by the name of Jim Lee. His post is in these house rules much further back, I’m just not sure how to find it & attach it to this post. He suggested not using the paper money, place coins on the board for income & a nation had to move the coins to factories to purchase units. That’s how we’ve been playing up here in the chilly, wet north country. Anyway, you gotta do some extra planning to get your supply lines & convoys organized and once organized you gotta protect them pretty hard cause any disruption can lead to 1-2 turn setbacks.
We used a dogfight rule like yours, except for the first round strike on grounded aircraft (I don’t think I could sell that part to the other guys). We decided to drop the dogfighting to streamline the combat round. Now we use random casualties. If interested in that let me know.
Your techs are more like National Advantages. There is nothing wrong with them but I prefer techs that are available to any nation. Is the Atomic Bomb designed to be a game ender? If not, then maybe roll 2d6 or 3d6 and the total would be the number of land units destroyed. However, the defender does have an opportunity to intercept & shoot down the A bomber. Anyway I like it.
Emperor_Taiki is correct to a point however, the Germans were nowhere near as far as the Americans were with atomic research and the German A Bomb was totally screwed after the heavy water plant in Norway was bombed and what remained of their heavy water was sunk on a ferry in the Baltic Sea by commandos, I’m a little fuzzy on the details, its been awhile since I saw that on the History Channel.
All in all your house rules are nice work. :-)