The Me262 and the do 335 were some of Adolph’s wonder weapons too. But I for one would agree things like the v1 and v2 would be too much. Remember the whole game is suppose to take all of 7 min (not real game time but in theory),
Posts made by axisfan
RE: Secret Weapons
RE: Your Must Haves
Either way whether 100 - 600 pts. Take the ideas and adapt them. I went very quickly from a 100 point games to 250 -500 pts. Eventually you will see the value in most pieces depending on the situation) I assumed when the intial question was asked it was just the game as a whole. in a 100 pt game many pieces would be unplayable.
Infantry regardless of points : Haup (commander) Snipes SS PG and Griz vet. Also years was not mentioned but play a factor.
Armor on 100. My Hetzer suggestion may be useful. The difficult thing about German armor is that to get anything powerful you have to pay. I forgot to mention the Brumbar(killer anti infantry 22 pts) also the Puma isn’t bad either (23pts) has a punch and strike and fade +1.
I’ll stand by my suggestions with any games larger than 100.
Axis Fan
RE: Your Must Haves
Ditto on Agents comments. Try at least one new piece and see how you can tweak your build. If we are suggesting it yuo can bet your opponent is expecting it as well, add some USEFUL unpredictable units that can work well with he build.
Assuming you stick with what is on the cards (and not go with the recost)
Vet Tiger : is a must. The crack shot is worth too much not to. I once went up against 4 armor units taking out all (I lost my Tiger to a crock but took him down as well).
SS PG: Cheap and powerful
Wehr Snipes; Another "don’t leave home without them. The crackshot again is vey useful not to mention the SA, head shot. I fielded two once and stopped two crocks in their tracks. This allowed me to take them both out with my Tigers very early in the game.
SS haupman what cha ya ma jigger. +3 and cheap + SA. the ober is nice but pricey
I like the hetzers if your short on pts. and need some decent tank killers. (there are other thing out now with the recost that may be better. 20 points each.
Jagd panther (RECOSTED) is 39 that is real good for that kind of armor and punch.
Look at the Panthers as well.
SS determination is a great ability bt you pay pay for it. I think the Panther and a PZ IV have that (Not sure).
I have broken even on the Nash. but must agree with Agent 20 hexes with superior ops is somethingyour opponent won’t ignor(just be careful of the planes.)
Simply put look for stuff with crack shot it almost always helps. If you know yo somehow rol a lot of ones add an ammo dump. (this just helps your odds along).
If you go with the recosted stats these optons ae still, in my opinion, goodthe King becomes viable but I usually stick with the vet anyway.
As far as Allied units I just decimated an opponent with three 81 mm mortars (Improved indirect fire is the best). Agains infantry they rule.
Hope this helps
Axis Fan
RE: Expanded Rules: Major Disappoinment
What is HHR? I have been looking at Flames of War and that seems pretty cool. Seems a lot more details (pieces and otherwise) What other games are players using these pieces for?
btw The recosts are driving me nuts (if it were not for the fact that it is a lot of German pieces I’d really be ripping =). If this was corporate the project leader would be gone. That being said, I think I’m addicted to the game until something better comes along. (does that ryme?) Great concept on the game just sad on the follow up. I have seen tons of great ideas over the past 2 years on these forums. Someone truly needs to take some of this info and actually use it properly. Not just the unit wish lists.
Constructive Critisism,
Axis Fan
RE: I hate the stupid Crocodille
You could also fight fire with fire as well (Flamingo 17pts). If other tanks/units are involved deal with them first. Save the Crock for last it only moves 2, 4 at the most. Assess your threats and deal with them in order. Just thought of something else. I used 2 expert sinpers and had great success. let him come out in the open and then use head shot. He will be disrupted for 2 turns (face up) That should give you time to deal with that situation.
Axis fan
RE: I hate the stupid Crocodille
I’m with Cyan, Also distance is your best friend I think PZIV have extended range 10 so even better. What else does he/she field besides the croc?
Axis Fan -
RE: Vet Wher Infantry vs ss PG
Short0-1/ 9 Med 2-4/ 7
Steely resolve
Supressive fire
Close assult 7 -
Vet Wher Infantry vs ss PG
Now with the new costing what are your thoughts on the Vet Wher infantry.
5 points (to date)
6/6 to kill
I’ve always wondered how useful they are, now they may get a second glance. While I’m on the subject what about the Reg PG?
Any thoughts?
Axis fan
RE: Rules Question
When you say keep blasting away. Do you mean even though the tank is destroyed it stays on the board? I thought all desroyed counted come off on the casualty phase. The reason I’m asking this is I don’t play with U.S. that much and this question has never been answered.
Axis fan
RE: A big one coming up
Mine was in a center hex in the hills and upon deployment it was one of those cringe moments. He had a Typhoon. The funny thing is he didn’t use it on the Nash so I was able to bump it off mid game. I’m please with the results 55 point to 45 cost I’ll take that any day. If it wasn’t for the mortor and the Improved Indirect fire it may have been higher kill points.
Axis Fan
RE: 100 points? C'mon…
For me, we went up to 350 on our third game. I mean in order to use some really cool stuff vet of King heck you need 65 -71 points . Time is the factor here. I hope these new maps are numbered so perhaps we can kind of pick up were we left off.
Axis Fan
RE: Elite Infantry Officially Recosted By WotC!!!
Yeah, This probably was necessary but man it’s awkward.
RE: A big one coming up
Been a while let give you my reflections on this game. I think the rest of my games will have a screen upon set up.
I placed first going with an even spread upon the field. Left: Brumbar/Puma/Panther Middle: Nashorn/Vet Tiger/Panther Right: Vet/Panther
He stacked my Right side with 11 tanks and swarmed me. Nashorn took out Approx 55 points. But I lost a vet first round which really killed me.Â
My Puma who I’ve been itching to use for ever finally got the nod. Killed a sherman and damaged a rhinobefore going down. Also used my werewulf’s. I placed 1st and was able to deny nice cove for the ammo dump my ME 262 took care of it 1st round.
Re: Comparison between Panther G and Panther D. I’m starting to suspect that the G is worth the extra 14 points. I lost my D’s fairly easy and I know in previous games that he had a hard time ending my G’s . I think my next on will field more G’s perhaps those SS PZ IV’s as well I really can appreciate that determination ability now.
Axis Fan Out
P.S. I actually played the Russians last Thursday in my strategy club at school. The grop loves High points low unit. I was a real good Tank battle. The group is really getting into it . I think I have provided their parents gift ideas for the next several months and to listen in on the coversations they are really getting the hang of it. 2 of my guys went to a local tourney and won 1st and 3rd place. Pretty cool.
Axis Fan out
RE: Back to Basics
I’m going to do that as well. A risk box cover should do the trick or cardboard. I suspect that you will see a slight defensive posture to begin with from everyone.
Axis fan
RE: A big one coming up
Had a defeat this Sat. I felt the game went very well and I used a lot of new pieces so as always I learned something. I’ll try to give you a summary this week. I just don’t have the time right now.
Opposing force:
3 Church Crocks
1 Centurian
5 Shermans
2 Rhinos
2 M5’s
1 Humbar
1 Hawker Typhoon
1 M36
2 Mortars
Red Devil
Ammo Dump
6 RangersMy set up
2 Vet Tigers
3 Panther D’s
1 Nashorn
1 Brumbar
1 Puma
1 250
2 mortars
1 spotter
6 sspg’s
1 para
2 snipers
1 mg42
2 were wolfs
1 SSHF -
RE: Getting started
The starter set should be enough maybe with 1 or 2 boosters just to see if you like the game. all in all maybe $30.00 depends, I’ve seen starters for $17.00
Since the pieces are random use what you get if you like the game then start stacking your preferences
Axis Fan