• Hi everyone.

    The exact functions of a CAP are a little confusing for me.

    Example: The Japanase establish a CAP with a carrier in the same sea zone. A US fleet moves into that sea zone. Does every US unit (ships and perhaps air units) has to fight the CAP and is the Japanese carrier therefor save? If not, why should one establish a CAP with a carrier in the same sz? (There would be no extra benefit.)

    I found another example on the wargamer homepage that is strange:

    “Question: 3 Japanese transports in a sz. 4 CAP are established in that sz. US attacks with 4 fighters. Are the transporters save.
    Answer: Yes, they are.”

    -> If this is true, what happens when the US attacks with 6 fighters? Can 2 fighters then attack the transporters?? (Does the attacker has to declare, which units he uses to fight the CAPs?) This doesn’t seem logical to me, because the CAPs can destroy the attackers. Or are the CAPs attacked first (with the declared units) and if they are destroyed, the remaining units (that were not declared for fighting the CAPs) can then attack the transporters?

    Sorry, I know my questions are vague, but I am confused.

    Thanks everyone for answering.

    a friend of your forums.

  • As far as i know, cap fighters are just added to the defence of the other units you may have in a sea zone. Enemy fighters can fly threw the cap, or engage it.

    Ex; If a loaded jap carrier, is attacked and there are 4 cap fighters in the sea zone, they all defend against the attack. If the attack include fighters that wish to a attack an island in the zone, then the attakcing fighters would ignore the cap.

    So, if, as you mention, the US attacks 2 japs transports and 4 jap fighters(cap)with 6 fighters, all the japs units defend against the attack……i think.

    [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-05-07 11:39 ]

    [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-05-07 11:40 ]

  • that’s the way I read the rules, Mr. Ghoul. Another handy use for the CAP is to effectively build a loaded carrier. Most often this is done by the Aussies on their first turn, here’s what I mean; On the first turn, aussies buy a carrier, then on combat movement send the fighter at the home port on CAP. When the next turn rolls around, you notice that the first order of play is Land CAP. So the fighter is deposited on the deck of the carrier and IS AVAILABLE for combat movement that turn from the deck of the carrier. This move would be much more critical if the Japanese were in striking distance of the carrier their second turn, but it is a nifty move nevertheless.

  • Thanks Mr. Ghoul and “the admiral” for your prompt help.

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