Dems win in Jersey and Virginia governors races


    Texas also voted to pass an anti-gay marriage amendment and Maine voted to include sexual orientation as an illegal basis for discrimination.

  • and the governator lost his pants in CA!

    You celebrate over the littlest things.

    First, it’s an off-year election…
    low turn out
    not indicative of the national temperment.
    As a refresher, recall or refer to history books for Democrat letdown in 2004 after minor off-year gains in 2003.

    The governator win against the most powerful Union state machine in America?
    I don’t think so.  Especially after taking on multiple opponents at the same time…
    Unions, Teachers(read ‘unions’ here, too) and Abortion proponents…
    oh, did I forget the LCWM(Left Coast War Machine) commoly known as the Democrat Party?
    Even a T-3000 couldn’t stand againsy one of those, but four…No Way!

    What else was gonna happen?
    A Republican win in NJ?
    Now, that would be a miracle!

    A Republican win in VA with W in offfice?
    It wasn’t gonna happen…
    the reasoning follows…

    The present day key is the last third of the list if you must be quick.

    Included With this partial history of VA Govs. is a Partial Presidential Timeline showing Virginians usually vote in OPPOSITION PARTY CANDIDATES for governors, hereafter referred to as VOPE(Virginian Opposition Party Election)

    A partial Virginia Governors(popular vote)…FYE(For Your Education)

    Joseph Johnson - Democrat (1852-1856)
    Henry A. Wise - Democrat (1856-1860)
    John Letcher - Democrat (1860-1864)
    William Smith - Democrat (1864-1865)

    Francis H. Pierpont - Republican (1865-1868)
    Henry H. Wells - Republican (1868-1869)
    Gilbert C. Walker - Republican(provisonal gov.), elected as Democrat (1869-1874)

    James L. Kemper - Democrat (1874-1878)
    Frederick W. M. Holliday - Democrat (1878-1882)
    William E. Cameron - Re-adjuster (1882-1886)

    Fitzhugh Lee - Democrat (1886-1890)
    Philip W. McKinney - Democrat (1890-1894)
    Charles T. O’Ferrall - Democrat (1894-1898)
    James Hoge Tyler Democrat (1898-1902)
    Andrew Jackson Montague - Democrat (1902-1906)
    Claude A. Swanson - Democrat (1906-1910)
    William Hodges Mann - Democrat (1910-1914)
    Henry Carter Stuart - Democrat (1914-1918)
    Westmoreland Davis - Democrat (1918-1922)
    Elbert Lee Trinkle - Democrat (1922-1926)
    Harry F. Byrd Sr. - Democrat (1926-1930)
    John Garland Pollard - Democrat (1930-1934)
    George C. Peery - Democrat (1934-1938)
    James H. Price - Democrat (1938-1942)
    Colgate W. Darden Jr. - Democrat (1942-1946)
    William M. Tuck - Democrat (1946-1950)
    John S. Battle - Democrat (1950-1954)
    Thomas B. Stanley - Democrat (1954-1958)
    J. Lindsay Almond Jr. - Democrat (1958-1962)
    Albertis S. Harrison Jr. - Democrat (1962-1966)
    Mills E. Godwin Jr. - Democrat (1966-1970)

    Richard M.Nixon - Republican (1969-1974)
    The VOPE phenomena was still evolving.
    A. Linwood Holton Jr. - Republican (1970-1974)
    Mills E. Godwin Jr. - Republican (1974-1978)

    Jimmy Carter - Democrat (1977-1981)
    John N. Dalton - Republican (1978-1982)
    Ronald Reagan - Republican (1981-1989)
    Charles S. “Chuck” Robb - Democrat (1982-1986)
    Gerald L. Baliles - Democrat (1986-1990)

    George H.W. Bush - Republican (1989-1993)
    L. Douglas Wilder - Democrat (1990-1994)
    Bill Clinton - Democrat (1993-2001)
    George F. Allen - Republican (1994-1998)
    James S. Gilmore III - Republican (1998-2002)

    George W. Bush - Republican (2001- )
    Mark R. Warner - Democrat 2002-Present (term ends in 2006)
    Tim Kaine - Democrat (Governor-Elect)

  • I wasn’t celebrating. I’m just happy that the dirty NJ race turned out with a happy ending :)

    And your right, Ahnold did lose his pants.

  • Weren’t these positions already filled by democrats?  I don’t see what the big deal is.

    I don’t recall anyone making a big deal out of 3 republican senators retiring in 2002 and 3 republicans reclaiming those seats.Â

    It is still earlly for celebrations for the democrats and for doom and gloom for the republicans.Â

    2006 will be the make or break year for both sides.

    George W Bush needs to get his act together and realign himself with his conservative base in order to win needed seats in both the house and senate.

    The democrats need to come up with legitimate and tangible ideas for the problems facing the country (ie, Borders, Taxation, Iraq, Terrorism, etc.) if they are to have any chance in 2006.  The Hate Bush bandwagon is not the way to power.  Ideas are key.  You may or may not agree with Bush’s ideas on Iraq, Terrorism, and Taxation, but at least he has a plan (I leave out borders as Pres. Bush has not significantly addressed this growing crisis in the South).

    Rune Blade

  • It’s not big deal at all. It’s just election day, and election day deserves a mention.

    I’m always disgusted by people who don’t vote in off year elections. People wonder why my generation is getting screwed by politicians on both sides of the isle every day. Because probably about 10% of those from 18-24 voted on Tuesday. Hell, most of the political science majors in my class today didn’t realize there were elections yesterday.

    Local and state elections are just as important as national elections. It wasn’t an off year for freeholders, town council, or governor in my state.

  • True,  young people don’t care much about elections.  I regretably must also say that I didn’t vote yesterday either.  I am guilty of the laziness that is gripping my country to death.  Of course, no one was running in my area that I cared to vote for.  As far as I’m concerned, people have to work for my vote, it’s not just something I give away without thinking.

    Rune Blade

  • I wish I had been in NJ for this campaign. I think we may have seen the begining of the future of grassroots democratic politics. Corzine used a combination of high-tech statistical analysis and 20,000 activists armed with palm pilots on election day.

    This article gives a decent little description of how he did it. Expensive, but precise and effective. Corzine was able to a) Mobilize the Democratic base extremely effectively and b) Grab voters in Repubican districts that most Democrats usually don’t get.

    All and all, a very good couple of days for the Dems. ANWR shot down, and two very effective races were won. Not only that, but every poll now has Bush’s approval ratings below 38%, and over 54% of the American people think he deliberately lied about Iraq’s WMDs, and over 50% want the Democrats to regain control of Congress. I love

  • @Yanny:

    It’s not big deal at all. It’s just election day, and election day deserves a mention.

    I’m always disgusted by people who don’t vote in off year elections. People wonder why my generation is getting screwed by politicians on both sides of the isle every day. Because probably about 10% of those from 18-24 voted on Tuesday. Hell, most of the political science majors in my class today didn’t realize there were elections yesterday.

    Local and state elections are just as important as national elections. It wasn’t an off year for freeholders, town council, or governor in my state.

    I have always looked at voting in a negative light.  The idea of “your voice” seems kind of stupid to me.  My vote won’t make a difference one way or another (I am 33).

    MTV had “rock the vote” commercials running years ago (may still have them, god knows they don’t play videos anymore lol) and it convinced me of the futility/stupidity of voting.  They kept showing trailer trash and the other bottom feeders of society and the message was “if they are voting and their voice is heard, shouldn’t you vote?”  My answer to that is no.  My opinion is more important than a dumb ass hick who can’t stand “dem neegrows” or someone who is on welfare that refuses to get  a job.  I was of the opinion that if this country went head first into the crapper it wouldn’t be because I didn’t vote.  But when/if that happens I would do a lot more than just vote.  That is what the 2nd ammendment is for.  The people who say “if you don’t vote, you can’t complain” don’t know what they are talking about.  I pay taxes, I will complain all I like.

    I did vote in 04 out of a symbolic gesture more than anything else.  I live in TN, it was going for Bush no matter what.  I used to live in IL, it was going to go Kerry no matter what.  However Kerry disgusted me to such an extreme that I did go to the polls and vote out of a dislike of him.  I may make the same gesture in 08 if they get comrade Hillary to run (or even worse - dean).

    I kind of look at it this way.  I don’t really own a gun (I have a 120 year old shotgun my great grandfather passed down that can no longer be fired), but if the government ever tried to take away my right to getting one I would have one in a heartbeat… and probably join a militia.

  • See, that is where the problem lies. Your vote goes beyond simply choosing the person elected to office. By voting, (in number), you force those currently elected to pay attention to issues which matter to you, because they could potentially result in that person being ejected from office come next election if attention isn’t paid to it.

    So, if only 10% of people ages 18-24 vote, an elected offical can say “Let’s cut college loans [which is currently being attempted by the way. If the cut were to go into affect today my girlfriend might have to drop out of college]… because hell, you guys aren’t going to punish me if I do”.

    The reason our generation constantly gets screwed over by politicians is because they have nothing to fear. The reason that the baby boomers got everything in their favor was because for awhile they voted at 80% or more.

  • All and all, a very good couple of days for the Dems. ANWR shot down, and two very effective races were won. Not only that, but every poll now has Bush’s approval ratings below 38%, and over 54% of the American people think he deliberately lied about Iraq’s WMDs, and over 50% want the Democrats to regain control of Congress. I love

    Although I haven’t seen these polls, I think this goes to the great saying, “If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it.”  The Democrats are liars.  They constantly said Bush lied about WMDs.  They had no evidence, but their willing accomplices in the media didn’t ask for that.  I mean, why would they?  Dan Rather and Mary Mapps didn’t think they needed hard evidence either huh?  But Bush has done a terrible job striking back at the snake of the Democratic party.  He needed to learn at an early Presidential age that you cannot attrack the enemy to your side.  Offering the hand of peace will only receive poision ivy in return.  That is all he go from the Dems even after all the pandering he did to try to get them on board with him.  Unfortunetaly, he also didn’t fully attack his critics about Iraq either.  He needed to come out every week explaining all the victories we’ve won there including all of the terrorists we’ve killed.  Believe me, people would have stuck with Iraq more if the President had kept up with his critics.  I do realize that when you have an 80% Anti-Bush media constantly reporting all of the negative in Iraq instead of showing the positive things happening, you’re going to see public opinion drop.  Bush needed to pull a Regan and go over the heads of the liberal media straight to the people.  Unfortunately, he hasn’t done that and yes, a lot of people are wondering why we are still in Iraq.  People like me understand what is at stake and are in it for the long hall, but I also believe that we need to have the president constantly tell us that this is a fight that needs to be won and have him show the statistics of our success.  But most people in this country are ignorant and just plain dumb.  They don’t check out the facts and after a while, start to believe what the Democrats say about Bush with the help of the liberal media.

    Bush doesn’t have a chance unless he goes back to the people.  You cannot stay silent when your enemies like Dick “The Turban” Durban are out there blasting you and calling you a liar and a war criminal.  You have to strike back…and hard.  Bush has tried to take the high road, which is honorable, but there is no high-road in politics.  Yanny, you also have to admit that there is too much anti-Bush media out there.  On top of that, most conservatives and republicans didn’t feel the need to vote.  Maybe that’ll change in 2006, and I hope it does, because I fear for this nation if Democrats take over.

    And by the way, to all you Bush critics that think he is a war criminal, I want all you two faced liberal hipocrits to right here and right now condemn FDR and Harry Truman for their fascism for destroying two countries.  One with firebombings and the other with a nuclear holocaust.  Until you do that, keep your anti-Bush war criminal criticisms to yourself.  I am sick and tired to listening to a bunch of hipocrits like yourselves.  Freeing people is not a war crime.  If it was, Clinton would be a war criminal for Kosovo!Â

    I wish we’d drill in ANWR.  We have to reduce our dependancy on Foreign oil.  The Dems keep up that mantra except they prevent our own drilling in this country thanks to the tree huggers.  If you want to be energy independent, we have to drillfor oil in this country!

    Rune Blade
    The Maste of Debate, Fighting the Good Fight against Liberal Imperialism

  • I should just close every post with “Just because Rush and Sean say it, doesn’t mean it is true” in “Carthage must be destroyed” style.

    I do realize that when you have an 80% Anti-Bush media constantly reporting all of the negative in Iraq instead of showing the positive things happening, you’re going to see public opinion drop.

    We’re blaming the liberal media again? Remember, Judith Miller went to jail for two months to protect the identity of Scooter Libby, who had to sign a waiver before she would reveal her source. That’s not the “liberal” media, it’s responsible journalism. She tried to stop this from happening.

    If Bush didn’t lie about WMDs, then where are they? Colin Powell went before the UN with satellite photos saying “Look, here they are. I’m pointing to them right now. The WMDs are right here”, and… they weren’t. Bush made his case for war based upon a false premise. War crimes?

    Yanny, you also have to admit that there is too much anti-Bush media out there.

    Too much? I think theres too little. The media treated Bush lightly during the election, during the Iraq War, and they aren’t being damaging enough during this current Rove/Libby situation. I think there are two types of mainstream media out there: The pussy media and the conservative media. By the pussy media I mean the mainstream newspapers, network news programs, and in some cases cable news networks. These major institutions are too unwilling to seem biasd toward either left or right, so they refuse to take a hard stance on anything. They are afraid to be too damaging to anyone, Democrat or Republican. The conservative media are your talk radio hosts for the most part. They actually build following through bias, and are very blatant about it. They also lie their asses off (“Senator George Allen, favorite for the Republican nomination for President [who is actually polling at 4%]”.)

    And by the way, to all you Bush critics that think he is a war criminal, I want all you two faced liberal hipocrits to right here and right now condemn FDR and Harry Truman for their fascism for destroying two countries.  One with firebombings and the other with a nuclear holocaust.  Until you do that, keep your anti-Bush war criminal criticisms to yourself.  I am sick and tired to listening to a bunch of hipocrits like yourselves.  Freeing people is not a war crime.  If it was, Clinton would be a war criminal for Kosovo!

    You are really straw-manning here. We’re talking about WWII here, 40 years before I was born, and no one is denying what the war (and our bombs) did to these countries.

    Clinton in Kosovo didn’t a) toture prisoners or b) instigate the war on a false premise or c) fail to get the support of everyone else in NATO.

    I wish we’d drill in ANWR.  We have to reduce our dependancy on Foreign oil.  The Dems keep up that mantra except they prevent our own drilling in this country thanks to the tree huggers.  If you want to be energy independent, we have to drillfor oil in this country!

    An example of the media not informing you correctly. I don’t have a link at the moment… but delve in and you’ll find this information out. The oil located in ANWR is not pure enough for US consumption. If we were to drill it, the company who drilled it would just sell it to Japan or somewhere. Not only that, but it’ll be 10 years before a drop of oil is extracted.

    The only people who would benefit are those actually drilling or being paid to drill the oil, no one else. And it sets a dangerous precedent for opening up our national parks to economic exploitation. It’s hard to find some camping space in New Jersey, and I don’t feel like my summer job/retreat in camp nobebosco being sold to a housing development.

  • @Yanny:

    See, that is where the problem lies. Your vote goes beyond simply choosing the person elected to office. By voting, (in number), you force those currently elected to pay attention to issues which matter to you, because they could potentially result in that person being ejected from office come next election if attention isn’t paid to it.

    So, if only 10% of people ages 18-24 vote, an elected offical can say “Let’s cut college loans [which is currently being attempted by the way. If the cut were to go into affect today my girlfriend might have to drop out of college]… because hell, you guys aren’t going to punish me if I do”.

    The reason our generation constantly gets screwed over by politicians is because they have nothing to fear. The reason that the baby boomers got everything in their favor was because for awhile they voted at 80% or more.

    You see, that is where I dissagree.  You are putting my voice as being a percent… and I am not a percent.  I am a person who believes strongly in many things, but even the people who agree with me I don’t see as my peers most times.

    I am pro life… I have nothing in common with Christian fundamentalist who are also pro life.

    I am against the death penalty…  But I have nothing in common with feel good liberals who want to give the benefit of doubt to people who are obviously guilty.

    You look at a voice being a demographic.  I’m not a demographic.  I’m a person and my opinion will not be heard by punching a hole in a card.  Our society will evolve into what it will.  If it gets to the point that America goes to hell in a hand basket my voice will be heard a lot more vocaly than a simple vote.  The worst case it will be heard from the barrel of a gun.

    There are far too many stupid people out there that do vote that would counter my little vote.  Both sides have them whether it be red necks who hate the nee grows or minorities who think that AIDS was created by our government to kill them off.

    At best, your individual vote is a gesture.  Any rational person knows that their lone vote means nothing.  But I would be the first to get a gun if the government ever made it illegal to vote.

  • We’re blaming the liberal media again? Remember, Judith Miller went to jail for two months to protect the identity of Scooter Libby, who had to sign a waiver before she would reveal her source. That’s not the “liberal” media, it’s responsible journalism. She tried to stop this from happening.

    So far I don’t even see what Scooter Libby did that was illegal.  I wouldn’t be able to remember something two years ago either.  And Yes, Yanny, a liberal media.  Try watchin CNN for a few days and YOu’ll get the picture.  Dan Rather anyone?

    If Bush didn’t lie about WMDs, then where are they? Colin Powell went before the UN with satellite photos saying “Look, here they are. I’m pointing to them right now. The WMDs are right here”, and… they weren’t. Bush made his case for war based upon a false premise. War crimes?

    Again, you are trying to say Bush lied because there are no WMDs yet.  Yanny, a definition of a lie is if you intentially mislead someone.  NOtice the word “intentional”.  Where is your proof that Bush Lied?  Where are the memos that stated, “Yeah, I know that there are no WMD’s but we’re going to invade anyway and lie about it.”  Where is your proof?  You have none so you think that since the weapons were not there that Bush lied.  That is misleading.  YOu must prove that Bush intentionally lied or if he was misinformed.  He was probably misinofrmed as I have no evidence that he lied and neither do you.  If you claim that you do then you are a liar.

    Too much? I think theres too little. The media treated Bush lightly during the election, during the Iraq War, and they aren’t being damaging enough during this current Rove/Libby situation. I think there are two types of mainstream media out there: The pussy media and the conservative media. By the pussy media I mean the mainstream newspapers, network news programs, and in some cases cable news networks. These major institutions are too unwilling to seem biasd toward either left or right, so they refuse to take a hard stance on anything. They are afraid to be too damaging to anyone, Democrat or Republican. The conservative media are your talk radio hosts for the most part. They actually build following through bias, and are very blatant about it. They also lie their asses off (“Senator George Allen, favorite for the Republican nomination for President [who is actually polling at 4%]”.)

    That is a bunch of crap.  What stations are you watching?  I’d like to watch them too.  What about all the negative reporting in Iraq without showing any of the great things we’ve accomplished?  Remember Memo Gate with Dan Rather?  Newsweek’s fake story on the Koran flushing?  The New York Times’ 48 Front Page articles about Abu Grabe?  Come on Yanny, pull your head out of the quicksand before you get swollowed in.  It’s all biased against Bush.  If it wasn’t for talk Radio and FoxNews, Memo Gate never would have been exposed adn there’d be no balance in the media.

    You are really straw-manning here. We’re talking about WWII here, 40 years before I was born, and no one is denying what the war (and our bombs) did to these countries.

    That still doesn’t detract from how bad those things were.  They were worse than anything that is happening in Iraq.

    Clinton in Kosovo didn’t a) toture prisoners or b) instigate the war on a false premise or c) fail to get the support of everyone else in NATO.

    Uh huh.  That is a lame argument Yanny.  If I remember correctly, Clinton went into Kosovo without the approval of the UN!!!  And who is everyone else? Britian helped as did many other Eastern European countries.  France and Germany didn’t help because they were getting kickbacks from Saddam which has already been proven through the oil of food scandle.

    Rune Blade

  • Ahhh …pure gold …


    As far as I’m concerned, people have to work for my vote, it’s not just something I give away without thinking.

    Let me rephrase how i understand this:
    People have to work … and do my thinking.


    …I wouldn’t be able to remember something two years ago either.  …

    Yeah, two years is such a long time.


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