• Have Global 1940 as well as just about all variants. Currently playing Global with one other forum member from Boston area regularly. Can host games, have large (72"x36") table to play Global.

    Hit me up via PM if you want to join us, we’d like to get up to four or five if we can. I can also travel in the greater Boston area to meet up elsewhere.

  • Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

  • Okay, I just got another forum member contacting me. There are three of us plus the newest member has a group going. We also look likely to be adding another regular player shortly.

    The more the merrier, anybody else game for meeting up in the Boston area?

  • We now have four in our group. Three members off this forum and one off of the Larry Harris forum. If anybody else has interest in joining us, please PM me.

    Our next planned Global 1940 get together is November 9th.

  • Hi Jason,

    I realize it’s been a while since you posted this, but I wanted to throw out there that I’d be interested in joining a game of Global 1940.  I’m from Newton, MA – where do you guys play?


  • Alex, I saw this today. I also saw that emptysuit responded to you via email and copied me. I am travelling for work right now, but I should be back in town the end of this week and we can figure out a time to get together.

  • Holy thread resurrection Batman!

    I just moved from the Bay Area to Boston. I’m a longtime Axis and Allies player, and looking to connect with Boston area players.

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