ah i noticed something also… Don’t know if its worth mentioning. But ALL US NO’s apply when its at war. Now it looks like only the uppermost NO applies when at war.
Sorry :/ Btw you are awsome :p
ah i noticed something also… Don’t know if its worth mentioning. But ALL US NO’s apply when its at war. Now it looks like only the uppermost NO applies when at war.
Sorry :/ Btw you are awsome :p
Awsome dude! very VERY much appreciated!!! :-D
question of my own concerning firststrike subs:
It states in the europe manual that:
attacking subs roll and if hit defending player places sea casualties behind casualty strip.
Then each defendingsub conducts surprise strike. attacker chooses 1 sea unit for each hit and removes it from game.
The last step is that each casualty is then removed from play.
So… Does this mean then that the defender while rolling for 1’s with the dice does have one advantage… namely that a defending sub which was HIT and put behind the casualty strip may FIRE a surprise attack back before its put out of play?
To illustrate using the rules observerd in the manual:
attacker: 2 subs, 1 cruiser
defender 1 sub, 1 cruiser
attacker declares both subs use surprise strike. Defender declares surprise strike.
attacker rolls: 1 and a 3
defender moves sub behind casualty strip
defending “hit” sub rolls a 1
attacker removes 1 sub out of play and then the last step all players remove casualties out of play (the remaining defending sub).
now normal combat starts between the cruisers (they both miss) and next combat turn the last sub utilizes its first strike killing the cruiser. no defendingsubs annymore so casualties are removed.
Is this correct?
No that is not legal.
It can only scramble against an attacking fleet in SZ6 or it can scramble against an amphibious assualt on japan and/or korea.
The UK on the other hand is adjacent/adjoining to 2 seazones.
Your the best :-D My first game of Global will commence tommorow at noon and I will be playing by the latest freaking official rulings most likely to be definitive ruling!!! All because of you! thanks!
Now to score some laminating thingies.
Allied Factories in Asia?. Where in eastern Asia can the Allies build a factory? I ask since my understanding of the rules is that if the US/UK/Anzac forces “liberate” a Japanese held chinese territory (especially one with a japanese factory), that territory reverts back to China (right?). So how can the allies take advantage of “chinese” land territories where japanese factories exist? and if they cant, can they opt to destroy the factory if there is a risk of the territory being taken back by the japanese? Thanks.
Asia is not just merely China. As I understand it: Any factories on japanese occupied china territories that contain a factory (build by japan) get destroyed when it gets liberated by the allies. Since china territory reverts automatically back to chinese control (since they don’t have a capital) no factories can ever be build on chinese lands by the allies. just naval bases and airbases edit: and these only by the japanese i think they just won’t be destroyed after liberated.
Could someone explain the scrambling rule to me in regard to amphibious assaults?
Does UK now have to assign part of his fleet to battle the fighters and part of his fleet to conduct bombardment (for instance: 1 battleship and 1 cruiser will take on the fighters and 1 battleship will bombard the territory), or do all of the naval ships battle the fighters and any ships remaining after the battle get to bombard, or is it something totally different?
I understand the other part of the scramble rule where it’s fleet on fleet, but I’m a bit confused by the amphibious side of it.
As with any sea battle preceding an amphibious assault, all of the ships must battle the fighters. None may bombard.
Just to avoid any nitpicking. does it matter if the defending player deliberiatly waits to see if the attacker will shore bombard and THEN declares he’s scrambling? Declaring bombardmarmetn is that part of the combat move phase or conduct combat phase?
I can think of people saying: yeah but if you scramble I wouldnt have bombarderd or vice versa. so just to ask does the defender have final say after attacker has declared everything? as it should be i think…
Hehe hey mate. Alpha+2 is finalized. Any chance you can make this one as well before the weekend? :evil: WOULD BE SO FREAKING AWSOME :)
Thanks TwistedAries! For planning to have the alpha+1 made also by tommorow :)
Thats very helpful for my very first global session this saturday. I’ll just print them out and when someday the alpha+2 comes out i’ll make something fancy with them with foam board and stuff :)
Hi i don’t have the rulebook with me and can’t remember the ruling for the following situation:
If a defending carrier is taken out. Say for instance by a submarine squad and there is no friendly destroyer present. Will the remaing airplanes, which couldnt participate in the battle but are still up in the air, be able to land on a island located in that very sea? Which will technically be a move of 1.
I can remember defending planes having an additional move of one when their point of origin is being captured. But this is offcourse clarified in the scrambling rules so it would possibly not apply here.
Please if you could elaborate :)
Thanks for the swift reply. Yeah we plan to jump in and use all the freaking rulings :p To make it less chaotic for the rest of the group we are gathering all errata from this thread and alpha plus 1 rules into one document. With the alpha plus 1 overruling any OOB and errata rulings offcourse.
so we will end up with 1 errata on top of the europe rule book. Its a pest to translate in dutch because if you are not carefull different interpretations sneak in. Bah :p But nearly done.
Hi there,
Me and a friend are juggling some rulings from errata here and alpha +1 together and translating it to dutch for some friends whom we are going to play with in a week.
But I thought I read something about conquering tt with a major complex on it, that it will revert to a minor complex if you capture it if that tt isn’t yours originally. But I can’t remember where i read it or that is was correct. A mate and I were debating if this was supposed to be like this. For instance russia will be screwed if germany keeps attacking and taking over his major factory thus reverting it to a minor one and when russia retakes it it will have to upgrade it again and again.
The ruling we have so far is this:
2. Major industrial complexes can no longer be built on foreign territories (this includes upgrading minor ones). When a major industrial complex is captured on a foreign territory it automatically reverts to a small industrial complex. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured.
Is this correct or should that second sentence be removed?
I cant for the life of me remember where i read that…
Thank you that should do nicely :)
Still do there seems to be discrepancy between the both of you and one above you. You are talking about legal size which i find at american copyshops sites to be 8 1/2" x 14" and tabloid being 11" x 17" tabloid bleed is 11.7" x 17.7"
But anyway I should look for the 11" X 17". thanks for your help in any case.
Are you sure about that? i googled it:Tabloid = 420 x 297 mm, equal to A3. The guy at the printer measured the document as 430 x 244 mm. So if my tabloid dimension find is not faulty than the ipc income picture won’t fit on a tabloid. I’ll be short by 1 cm. but this may be rectified by printing borderless?? Lol i’m such a idiot when it comes to these kinda things :p
Hehe a friend of mine and I bought this together. We have both read this topic. So the rest of the lads… Well they don’t know what we won’t tell 'em :P I’ll just say when i hand them the official rule book plus all printed errata and modified setups: The game was broken from the start and if we don’t play it like this we will kill each other off before the moon is out :p
They will sympathize because they have all experienced what unrevised rulings in former games can do to a mans state of mind :)
Thanks! :) and will let you guys know!
Hi guys, awsome thread! Been reading this the last couple days and finally finished last night. Glad to see the russia rule resolved where it may only reinforce ‘allies’, annex neutrals etc in the theater it has an ongoing war in.
I’ve been playing since i was 18 maybe some 15 odd years ago but don’t have to many games and or sessions under my belt. Just the AA1942 and the odd game of the unofficial 1939 ‘expansion’. For some reason I have a hard time adjusting between the 1939 revised rules and the aa1940 rules. For example I really feel that the rule stating that russia may NEVER share a tt with an ‘ally’ was sweet. Furthermore it never liberated a tt it just annexes. Glad though that russia’s involvement has been crippled somewhat. Makes alot more sense. And maybe when we fire this game up with the lads a house rule will be implemented that Russia or any other country may only share tt when they are in war with the same opponent. When another opponent attacks a enemy controlled tt with enemies and undecided, the undecided may not defend. hmm what happens when the tt gets conquered though i’m not too sure… maybe thats the catch :p
But those things set aside heres the ‘big’ question:
We are planning a global session in a week or so. What do you guys recommend we use since it will be our first global session. We havent even played pacific or europe. Should we play OOB or should we use the alpha or alpha +1 setup and rulings? I was thinking to start off OOB with the errata spread around here but balance wise i’m not too sure.
thanks in advance,
Hi there,
Great and awsome work on the panels!
I’m going to get these printed but the shop told me that to reduce cost for me I can hand them self bought foam boards where they will stick the prints upon. I don’t know the correct dimensions though for the prints so i can shop for the correct foam boards. Could you please post these for the battle board, income board and the globalsituation/setup boards please?
In Metric millimeters would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
edit: I spoke with the printer and i got some dimensions from the files I sent to him
The Battle Board is as big as your American letter format? Is that correct? 279.5X215.4mm
If this is so i can conclude the National income board is 430X244mm
and the country boards are 292.6X86.4mm per side at least i think you intended these country boards to be double sided. I will at the least have them like that.