Thanks we have the old rule book, that’s much clearer
Posts made by KbKilla
RE: Question about surprise attacks on carriers
Question about surprise attacks on carriers
would planes still be considered cargo during a initial surprise attack from subs if the carrier is alone? (No destroyer or any other units in the zone)
We’ve gone over the rules for damaged carriers, surprise attacks, combat sequence and the rules seem vague at best.Given the nature of a surprise sub attack I find it unlikely that planes would already be in the air ready to defend before they ever knew an attack was coming.
regardless were just looking for a fair ruling we can apply unilaterally.Thanks in advance for any help! :-D
Industrial complex placement…
Sorry about all the questions >.>
Anyway can you place an industrial complex on a enemy territory you have controlled for a round or more?I.e. if Uk controls Western Europe could they place an industrial complex, and produce right next to Germany even though it was originally a gray territory?
RE: IPC's and liberater territory question
Ahh thanks, he was saying the opposite which I didn’t think was correct but couldn’t find anything in the rules and was worded strongly enough to disprove him
IPC's and liberater territory question
So I am in the middle of the longest game me and my buddy have every played, he has just taken Russian capital, but I am working on taking it back with America. (used the search function and couldn’t find a answer)
My question is what happens to the IPC’s from Russian territory that America controls? Do they go to America? Do they go into a pool for Russia if its capital is liberated? Are they just wasted?
Clarification on this point would help tremendously :D