So since with the new rules setup, no power can build an IC on enemy soil, does that mean Japan can’t build factories on mainland Asia anymore or is China the exception to that rule?
Posts made by Gharen
Do new rules change Japan IC deployment?
RE: A sticky question to Krieghund
If its not the German players turn, which I assume, lets say its USA that has the other ships then they can just ignore the German sub on their turn. It states in the rulebook that subs and transports can be ignored in combat moves, basically forcing players to buy destroyers as movement/bombard blockers instead of transports and subs.
The player moving the transports and battleship has to openly declare he is attacking that German sub because it isn’t implied.
RE: Southern Russia crush
I agree that the navy in the Black Sea is just a waste of cash, better off pumping out tons of units and air planes. Can opener is nice to do with Italy. Also if you are gutsy as Japan and you do wait several turns for the onslaught on Russia, you could double can open with Japan planes attacking front line targets, Italy pulsing further in, and Germany moving up with 0 casualties.
RE: 3 thoughts to slow the allies
The only change I would toy with is the steady increase of USA’s NO for being at war, starting at 10 then increasing by 10 until it hits 30, 3 turns later. It would open up the possibility of going to war sooner in the Pacific and allow Japan to cripple people faster instead of waiting around for a couple of turns. I don’t like the factory reduction, the game is slow enough as is.
RE: Do you use "ALPHA SENARIO" set-up for Global 1940?
Thats an interesting idea to possibly have the USA wait til the end of their turn 3, regardless of whats happened to get their wartime economy boost. I have not had the chance to play OOB global yet, so I can’t make a true formal opinion on it. I think Larry is spot on in making the Pacific theater more drawn out. Sure there are the 18 inf from Russia to deal with and the USA money boost, but with OOB you could still do that dominate turn 1 attack and destroy lots of units and turn up the heat on the Allies. Anyways, I like the reduction in air power and the increase in the boots on the ground.
What I am thinking about as to the USA income boost is what about having a tiered increase that started at 10 then ended at the full amount per turn 30. Say if they were attacked turn 1, they get a bonus of 10 bucks at the end, attacked turn 2 then that would be 20 at the end, and if normal turn 3 attack happens, then they get the 30 at the end like normal. Regardless of when the attack happens, in the end they get 30 bucks at the end of turn 3, but if it happens earlier, depending on the turn then it would be less. The increase each turn to the cap of 30 would simulate the ramping up of war time production for the USA economy.
RE: Stategic Bombing question
Ah I guess I miss read that somewhere, could have sworn in the Pacific book it said something like factories don’t have a built in AA gun, gonna double check the rule book myself.
RE: Stategic Bombing question
The AA gun fire is only for the bombers since they would make it on through a small dogfight that occurs if fighters were involved in the strategic bombing run.
As for the bombing of a port or airbase, remember that even if your bombers make it past the fighter defense the naval base or airbase gets an AA shot as well. They have built in AA where as a factory does not and requires a AA gun to placed for defense.
RE: Do you use "ALPHA SENARIO" set-up for Global 1940?
Like I said before, it slows the pace down in the Atlantic and makes it worthwhile for all of the Axis to agree to hold off full out war with everyone a few turns. If Japan decides to go all out J1 like in OOB then I think it just means that Europe could get steamrolled faster by the Allies. Either way in either set up you still have all the choices in the world to decide when to go to war with people. The Alpha setup does make Pac 40 by itself much more fun, at least I think. So far I think Europe looks and feels pretty well balanced, unit placement and distribution wise. I think I remember reading on his website about Larry saying that he was wanting to look at England for some tweaks to not make Sea Lion a dominant choice for Germany in the first few turns but lets face it, if Hitler was halfway smart back in the day he would have invaded and taken England if he devoted enough resources to it.
Here is the question I got, can the USA and USSR invade neutral countries while not at war with one of the Axis powers? Could the USA take all of South America while not at war with anyone?
RE: Do you use "ALPHA SENARIO" set-up for Global 1940?
If you are playing only Pacific 40, then the Alpha set up is recommended by Larry Harris himself to help balance that game out. The Alpha setup itself has no effect on the Europe half of the board for the time being. Larry has commented, I believe, on making some minor changes in the coming months if they are needed for Europe.
RE: Japanese uses Mongolia as the USSR can-opener. Thoughts?
Mongolia provides no free troops, I believe they are a true neutral neutral. Its also a good back door to China if bad rolling or surprise tactics come about to stymy your Japanese task force. It is a good idea to make Russia back up its northern stacks if you haven’t already annihilated them.
RE: Do you use "ALPHA SENARIO" set-up for Global 1940?
Well Alpha was created by Larry to stop the J1 attack and J3 India crush that happened in every game of Pacific 40. Global is its own game to begin with, Russian involvement and a huge IPC boost for USA entering war has changed things in the Pacific theater. I have played a game with Alpha setup and it seems to slow the Pacific down to a more realistic WW2 feel. Japan can still attack any turn against the Allies but seem to fair better the longer they wait. China is beefed up a bit so they don’t die in 2 rounds of combat. Overall plane reduction for the entire theater forces all players to buy air planes to keep their fronts moving.
From what I have read and understand, each board separately gives the Axis a slight edge while combining them seems to net an Allied advantage, still everyone seems to think the game is overall balanced.
RE: How would stop US sub convoy raid in Med and Europe
Get more Axis ships into the open waters of the Atlantic to at least stall the Americans. Tighten the noose on England and hope that Japan is threatening the USA enough that they can’t afford tons of units for the Europe half. Italy has always been the weak point to the Axis, hence why we took them out first in the real war.
RE: How should Japan try to save Europe?
You can’t ignore china, they can just save up a few rounds if you are attacking them then dump about 15 guys in a brand new territory they just took. Divide and conquer I say, or divide and cripple. ANZAC, India, and China have meager income compared to Japan. You can just blockade ANZAC and wage a land/air war against Asia and send some naval might east to face off against USA. You must keep the USA honest, and threaten mainland USA.
RE: How should Japan try to save Europe?
I think balancing the steady solid progression for more income in the Pacific theater with threatening the USA is the main thing Japan should accomplish. Germany and Italy should be able to do the Reine River 2 step aka Potomac 2 step with Russia and England. I think by time turn 3 rolls around, Japan should have have an establish pipeline in mainland asia, either a factory or dedicated transports. They should have a sizeable task force at either Japan or Caroline to threaten Hawaii-ANZAC-Alaska. I ultimately think the main goal for Japan is to spread their sphere of influence across the Pacific which most people would agree with and do, but I don’t think people contest the USA enough to make them dump round after round of units in the Pacific. You must make the USA feel threatened from round 1 so they don’t dump 150+ IPCs worth of units on the east coast and just wait on your to attack in the Pacific.
In some respect, you are the same as the UK and USA, you have to balance 2 completely different fronts and make progress in both for overall success. Like I said, you must keep the USA honest in the Pacific, you CAN’T let them just steam roll Europe.
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1942 Set Up
Double Blind means these guys ran at least 2 full global boards simultaneously if I am not mistaken. For example, if you are the Axis, then you only see Axis units on your board, and you can send planes out to recon areas which will then show what Allied units were there when the recon happened. It really brings a whole new aspect to the game which I really want to try myself but I don’t have 6 friends around to play this with me :(. You could also have a 3rd board with a judge who can see everything and adjusts it to make sure everything is fair and correct. Its very true to real war where you need intelligence and you need to have intuition on what your opponent may do. I do agree that it seems really boring for Russia and the USA if they don’t get attacked at all for the first several turns, but, that means they need to be making preparations to weather the onslaught once it ensues.
The things I can see that would help speed up the game are:
1. Have a dedicated person tracking IPC’s with a photo copy of the page in the back of the book so you can get rid of the bank. The monopoly style money system just adds more time to the game which already takes way too long to set up and play.
2. Try to plan ahead on what you are gonna do, like if you are Russia and Germany is playing their turn right now, you need to know what you are buying and have that ready to go and have some ideas of attack moves before you even get to your turn.
RE: G2 Barbarossa
I agree with attacking Russia sooner than later and I also agree that Sea Lion, while viable isn’t worth it once America gets a fleet in the Atlantic. You would basically need to take England with lots of troops and hold it for a turn or 2 to make sure America can’t take it back, all the while shoring up your eastern front. I just think its more viable to keep the UK’s navy to a minimum while hammering away at Russia. Cause if I saw that Germany was going for Sea Lion as Russia, I would have several tanks and mechs headed to China ASAP to help out there. That 5 IPC bonus for not being at war with Russia is easily over come in a turn or 2 while also butchering those pesky Russian infantry.
RE: Just finished our second game
Thats why I love this new global game, there are so many different things that can happen since not everyone is at war with each other at the start of the game. Seems like you could have faired better against Russia had you bought more ground units each turn, but then you would have given up more real estate in the Atlantic by not making more subs and planes. It was interesting to hear that the USA went mostly Pacific and yet Japan was still able to take India and China.
With the introduction of Declaration of War rules in the game now and Russia and USA having to wait several turns to begin combat if the Axis don’t strike first, the Allies strategy becomes even more difficult to maintain. You can’t ignore a theater of war just to crush one Axis player first because then the other side of the board gets too out of hand. To quote someone back in the AAE50 days, you can do a KFG/KIF but you must also “contain Japan”. Germany and Italy are a more logical choice with 3 powerhouses versus 2, where as Japan is going against 2 weak factions, a semi strong faction (India) and the powerhouse of America. Russia is so far away that only minor forces can get to the front in time to have an impact, even less so if Germany/Italy attack them sooner. I tend to agree with the cheaper unit buys being sent to the Pacific to take on the more expensive units of Japan but that is just me.
Thanks for the clarification, my friend and I finished our game this weekend and we were debating on why Germany and Italy should wait that long to attack Russia. I also wasn’t sure about the minor factory take over, so thanks a ton.