Hi, I just played a game of a&a revised. Each power started with one "special ability " The US had superfortress making the bombers immune to AA fire. The US rolled 3 dice for heavy bombers round 1. By round 2, the US had long-range heavy bombers, and caught the Japanese fleet off guard destroing it. On round 3, the
US reduced the German IPCs in industrial bombing by 26IPCs, at the end of round 3, the US had 8 bombers that are long range, heavy, and immune to AA fire.
So, all the US has to do is get technology which is reasonably likely to attain because you get to choose which technology to research. It is most likely to take 4 dice for technology to get heavy bombers, so it’s relatively cheap. Even without long-range, it is only a matter of 4 turns before the US has enough bombers to reduce Germany’s income to 0. How can the Axis ever win?
Maybe technology should cost more? or is it only fair without it?