Don’t bother going to Alaska… put pressure on the coastline of SE Asia with your fleet and protect your valuable transports. If I remember correctly you ought to buy 2 transports and 3 inf on J1 or 3 transports and save 1. Take Pearl, start transporting your infantry from the islands to Manch etc. Keep pumping infantry in J2 and on J3 you can start thinking about building IC’s on the mainland.
Posts made by Bashir
RE: What to do with Japon ships after pearl
RE: Are people still into 2nd Ed?
Recruiting new players, even with 2nd edition is/was always hard, because of the skill level. Even if the opening moves for every country are optimized it is far from clear for new players. It takes a while to comprehend the mechanics of pushing, retreating, feints, death zones etc. If a new player is willing to pretty much lose the first 20 games he/she will become a worthy opponent, but most people are not that persistent to learn a game that takes a pretty long time to understand. When they finally are decent enough to understand why bids are a necessity it will have taken a long time. Times have changed as well… When I grew up I didn’t have internet or a computer, so when it rained we had to play board games, nowaday it is almost an exception if teens play a board game.
RE: Optimum Axis Strategy
I understood perfectly what you trying to point out, but the point I was making, why do you want to play with these rules? If your are relying on luck you should stick to Risk imho. Axis and Allies was designed as a tactical game and not yatzee… And top notch players know how to handle those kind of strats, if Germany goes for tech, the US will do some tech roles as well, because in no RR no bid games Germany is under a lot of pressure from Russia alone and if they spend money on tech the US can easily spend IPC’s on tech as well (and more than Germany)
The risky Japan moves are quite useless, because you need your navy to assist your ground push in the west. Ok say you want to move your fleet to the atlantic, and Russia attacks Manchuria on R1 and the UK attacks kwantung on U1, you really need your navy to assist taking it back and establish a front in the west.
Your Japanese tech rolls on J3 will make Germany crumble! They will be under a lot of pressure and you are nowhere near Moscow, so again the Allies can easily counter your tech rolls with theirs…
I think with top notch players your winning% will drop below the 5% winning rate you might archieve with the Axis.
RE: Optimum Axis Strategy
I think giving the Axis 90-95% is really optimistic if the allies are skilled enough. I would say only if the Allies get dicefucked during the whole game the Axis has a chance of winning.
The systems you describe are either based on luck or incompetence of the allies player. In the second scenario it would be much wiser to play the optimal Axis strategy than playing a risky strat.
- Based on luck, in this scenario only heavy bombers, industrial advance and maybe long range aircrafts are useful, but wasting 3 inf every round really hurts germany…
- Again based on luck, what is the fun in playing AA if you rely on luck? Go play risk…
- Wasting a transport will delay the Japanese on the Russian front, spending 15 IPC’s more on a useless IC on Brazil is even more worthless. The fact that the allies see the transport comming for 2 rounds does not help a lot either
- Wasting your Japanse fleet for 4 turns to move them to the Atlantic… I rest my case…
- England buying an IC for India is not that bad for the axis, it delays the allies in retaking Afrika while they need to spend a lot of rescources to defend the IC in India (which will fall inevitably)
- I hate to brake it to you, but Japan has only 25 IPC’s to start with, you simply do not have money for tech rolls in early game!
5 of the 6 scenarios which you describe will only shorten te game significantly. Ow if there is no RR or no bid, Rus attacks Manchuria and UK will attack Kwantung, leaving the Japanese in an even bigger hole…
Playing without bids or rr (+ bid) is just no fun… To win as the axis you have to get really lucky and that is just the reason why I stopped playing risk.
RE: Amphib question
Attack Hawaii is mandatory on J1.
- The Net IPC loss for the allies is way higher than the net loss for Japan.
- You don’t want that fleet in the Atlantic.
Btw transports > IC on round 1… You can start to think about buying IC’s on J3 or further, you just lack the infantry support to make a decent push to Moscow if you invest in IC’s too early.
Don’t take Hawaii… Just take PH heavily. sub/carrier/2 fighters/bomber or something, the USA can’t waste rescources to Japan if they go KGF and it would cost them a lot to first counter and the delay for Russia will be devistating
RE: USA aircraft carrier on round 1?
US carrier on A1 is bad imo. I am a huge fan of the all inf build or 1 transport and rest inf on A1. This is because you can place your inf on the west coast and move them to wcan and on t3 you ship them all to europe and keep your shuck shuck optimal
RE: People getting worse, or am I actually getting better?
In a Pafr bid(around 21-24), there usually goes 1-2 inf of the bid to Manch. And you are correct, a PowerAsia bid should be around 32…
RE: My Thoughts(Rants?) on Axis & Allies
And the Allies don’t always win, neither do new players always get crushed…regardless of what has been said
In a no bid game, the allies WILL always win!(given that both players have equal skills) And a new player WILL always lose vs an experienced player, does not matter if he plays Axis or Allies.
RE: My Thoughts(Rants?) on Axis & Allies
simplistic??? Honestly, I find A&A anything but simplistic… If you play without bid it might be simplistic because the Allies will always win, other than that I think it is not simplistic at all. I also have the problem teaching new players, because you kick their behinds so hard that most of the time they don’t like playing it a second time :P Just because the basic tactics are hard to understand as a new player…
RE: People getting worse, or am I actually getting better?
I don’t understand how Power Africa negates the ability of Kwangbang. To be honest, unless Japan gets 6 IPC of the bid (1 Infantry for Manchuria and 1 Infantry for Kwangtung) I don’t see much that would stop the allies from attacking those territories. Far better to destroy the Japanese fighter in Manchuria then cower in Yakut, I believe.
Why would you want to spread those two inf? If the allies can’t take both its not worth it… So if you have 5 inf, 1 arm and 1 fig vs 5(I don’t remember if it was 5 or 6), 1 arm and 1 fig… You won’t get the jap fig, but accomplish that Japan can easily walk through Asia and if you take kwantung (Germany will get a huge IPC boost, because they can hold Africa so much longer), you won’t really set back the Japanese…
Btw a PAs bid should be around 32 to make the game interesting…
RE: People getting worse, or am I actually getting better?
I still favor a PAf bid over a PE bid. With PE you kinda need to win quick, because you pretty much neglect Africa and leave Japan in a hole. In my experience PE bid games are most of the time short games, where either the Allies keep Russia, or the Axis takes Russia. Those concepts will happen after 3-4 rounds finishing the game and leaves either the Axis or the Allies fight in a lost position.
The difficulty with a PAf bid of 21 is that you will have 6 inf and 1 arm in Lib. You attack Egypt and in a low luck game you will 5 inf + arm remaining if lady luck favor you. The hard part about this is that the UK will almost suicide with 3 inf, 1 fig and 1 bomb on egypt and with a little luck leave the axis with 1 arm or 1 arm and 1 inf screwing over your whole PAf bid… If you use 2 inf from SEu to fortify Egypt you will have a hard time in Europe and if you put an extra inf in Lib from manch (from the bid) you will have a chance that Russia and England will go for it setting you back a lot…
Its a long time ago I discussed strats for 2nd ed A&A, but still fun.
RE: Spain as a staging area
Almost always a waste of time to go to Spain… Most of the time you can take WEU fairly ez if the threat is to big… So I pick WEU over Spain anyday…
RE: Axis turn 6 help
I don’t really understand what the problem is… You say that Japan has Russia surrounded… With surrounded I assume you have a big stack of units in Novo, only in turn 6 that is not really possible imho and you tell us that the allies stacked in Kar and not in Russia. If it is the case that you are still building your forces with Japan, you could try a strafe on kar. Building up until Japan is ready for the 1-2 punch is also a good alternative…
Some other things.
- Never, I repeat NEVER leave your arms alone!
- Don’t divide your forces if not necessary.
RE: New crazy bid idea
Thought you could only place bids on territories controlled by the country… So Ger troops can’t start in Jap controlled territories.
RE: Axis and Allies balancing
Try a bid…
In non RR games its around 23-25 and in RR games it varies from 12-15.
RE: A&A Classic Strategy?
Buy 8InfAttack Baltic Fleet with Sub transport and fighters
Move all from Russia to Karelia, all but 1Inf from Caucasus to Karelia
Leave 1 Inf In soviet far east stack Novo with all inf that can reach + 1 Armor.
Place all in Karelia
Why only attack the navy?
Build InfantrySend any remaining ships plus all air that can reach to kill brit fleet.
If possible use bomber to kill Canadian transport.
Take Egypt and if feeling ballzy take Transjordan with 2Inf and BB in Seurope.
Move everything in Europe east, leave the 2 infantry in france.
Place 2 Inf in SEurope, the rest in Ger.
- Fig from France can reach Can tran, so why waste a bomber?
- Just go fo Egypt with 4 inf and 1 tank
Option 1
Purchase 1 AC and 1 TransportOption 2
Purchase 1 IC and saveFly fighters to Karelia
Bomb Germany
If option 1 place AC and wait for US fighters
If Option 2 Place IC in India (reinforce from Australia earlier)- Option 1 is better than option 2. IC in India is just stretching the game…
- Get Africa back. If you have to sacrifice your bomber so be it!
- Optional imo is the kwangbang, but Dert didn’t mention Russia attacking manch.
- Get a fig and save rest is my preferred buy to get a better naval buy on UK2.
Buy 2 Transports and 3 Infantry
If UK built AC take just enough to kill the ships in Hawaii
If no Brit AC hit Pearl heavy
Start pulling infantry from Islands to Kwang and ManchuriaTake Soviet far east Lightly in hope of drawing russains out.
If UK builds IC in India push heavy into French indo China
Kill US fighter in China
Place all in Japan, because there’s no where else to put it.
Just go heavy after the US fleet in Hawaii. Get inf from islands and take China heavy! If Russia and UK took Manch and Kwangtung its kinda over already…
Buy transports and infantry
If UK built AC move troops from East US to UK, move 2 fighters EUS, WUS to AC
If UK Built IC invade Africa and counter pearl if Japan took it light. 3ftrs, 1 bmb 1bb etc.
Start moving troops to East Canada to Set up Shuck, if you don’t know the shuck do a search.
Move all remaining Pacific ship toward Panama, use transport to screen BB if your worried.
Place builds in east US
I am more of a favorite of going all inf build and maybe a fig on US1. Why? It easier for your shuck shuck… You walk inf to Can and only need 4 trans!
2nd ed without a bid is not really fair… We all agreed on that I think…
RE: A&A Classic Strategy?
Zzzzz why are we discussing 2nd ed no bid games?
For the last time optimal R1 turn:
Buy 8 inf- Sub vs sub in Spain sz.
- 1 fig and tran vs Baltic sub and tran.
- 8 inf (5 cau and 3 kar), 3 tanks strafe ukr. (optimal is to leave ger with 1 fig)
- Attack Manch with 5 inf, 1 arm and 1 fig.
Place 8 inf on Kar, move mos units to Kar.
To accomplish what?
- EEU is a deathtrap
- Slow Japan
- Germany is down for the count
- Game is over in 3-4 turns
RE: A&A Classic Strategy?
If you read it all, please don’t come with any new ideas like, an IC on J1 really rocks, or lets go navy with Germany, or Axis are way stronger than the Allies…
RE: Allied advantage? I don't see it
You can’t possibly attack Rus with Japan in 4 rounds… If you have optimal results with the axis it still takes you 3 turns to get to novo! You can’t bring enough inf to think of taking Rus on round 4…
For your plan to buy airforce or ships with germany, its doomed… Russia walks over Germany with ease, because the UK will keep wiping out German ships, then the US keeps dropping inf in Eur… => Game over!
For your other question about going 2 trans 3 inf as initial buy for Jap:
You need cannon fodder and inf provide just that. You can’t take Russia with just tanks… Give a mathematical example here. 2 tanks take out one inf, 3 inf take out one tank on def => Russia spends 9, Japan 10. So you gonna lose a lot of value with just buying tanks.I think a bid of 12-15 was enough for RR. Because you don’t lose ukr and Manch on round one, so 12-15 is sufficient…
My optimal Ger 1 move with RR (no bid) would be:
Lab sz: tran vs fig (WEu)
UK sz: 2 trans, bb and a sub vs 4 fig and a sub
Gib sz: BB vs 1 sub and bomb
Jor sz: sub vs tran and bb
Egypte: 1 inf and 1 arm vs 3 inf and 1 arm.
Then pray you only lose 1 fig, its the best you can hope for… -
RE: Allied advantage? I don't see it
Don’t buy a complex on J1… go 2 trans and 3 inf or advance build of 3 trans.
Furthermore Darth says it all…