Germany always just because its gives me the option of dropping naval units in the Med and even a makeshift Afrika Korps if it calls for it. Better to have Italy support the Russian front and send those units into Egypt and Middle east where most of it’s NOs are at anyways.
Latest posts made by afrothunder12
RE: Do you take Southern France as Germany or Italy?
RE: Straight from the Frontlines
Yes, all UK units in South Africa and Canada are replaced w ANZAC pieces to represent the Commonwealth, along w the Destroyer in Sea Zone 71 and the Destroyer and transport from Sea Zone 106
RE: Straight from the Frontlines
To those who are interested in the house rules agreed on here they are. I managed to convince my friends on the Commonwealth house rules that SpitfirED posted on my other thread, about sharing one economy and able to place in any Canadian, South African and ANZAC ic. Also used Young Grasshopper’s idea about Calcutta no longer a capital and for new National Objectives.
Turn Order
1. Germany
2. Soviet Union
3. Japan
4. United States
5. China
6. United Kingdom
7. Italy
8. The Commonwealth
9. FranceUnited Kingdom / India
London and Calcutta now share a single economy. The United Kingdom’s starting income is now 35. The major IC in India is downgraded to a minor IC and a second minor IC is added to West India. The capture of Calcutta does not result in the UK surrendering it’s IPCs. Japan still receives it’s +5 bonus for the capture of Calcutta. Two new National Objectives are added to the UK “When at war with Germany, Italy and/or Japan: +5 IPC if UK controls all of its original territories” and “When at war with Germany, Italy and Japan: +5 IPC if Allies control Gibraltar, Egypt, Malaya and Kwangtung”The Commonwealth
The new playable power, known as the Commonwealth, consists of Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. All territories with Canada roundels, South West Africa and the Union of South Africa constitute as Commonwealth territories. A new setup is used for the Commonwealth. All ANZAC setups remain the same except for the following.Add 1 DD to Sea Zone 1
Add 1 Infantry to South West Africa
Add 1 Infantry to British Columbia
Add 1 Infantry to Alberta
Add 1 AAA and 1 Naval Base to Ontario
Add 1 CV to Sea Zone 120The Commonwealth has three National Objectives “When at war with Germany and Italy: +5 IPC if all Original Canadian territories, Newfoundland and Iceland are Allied control and SZ 106 is free of Axis ships”, “When at war with Germany and Italy: +5 IPC if Africa is free of Axis forces and Gibraltar is Allied controlled” and “When at war with Japan: +5 IPC if Allies control Hong Kong, Malaya and Calcutta”
RE: Straight from the Frontlines
After finally fighting off this summer cold I caught, here is as promised a report of round one. Now this is a house ruled game just in case some of you find somethings out of place lol
This is Afrothunder of A&A insider, reporting to you from the front. At this very moment Germany has unleashed it’s military on France. Reports indicate that what little defenses the French Army has put up are beginning to crumble away under the weight of the German invasion. We have reports of intensified and aggressive actions by the Japanese in the far east as well. We managed to get inside quotes and battle plans from all nations currently involved in the conflict. What follows is an A&A exclusive of the current situation.
“We have crushed Poland and chased the British into the sea. Now, all of France will feel our wrath and the world will see how great Germany truly is.”
Purchase: 1 AC, 2 TT. No IPCs left.
Combat: •Sea Zone 111- 1 BB from Sea Zone 113, 1 BmBr from Germany, 1 SS from Sea Zone 124, 1 Ftr from Norway (UK scrambles Scottish fighter)
•Sea Zone 110- 2 SS from Sea Zones 103 and 108, 4 Tac.BmBr (3 from Western Germany and 1 from Germany), 2 Ftr from Western Germany
•Sea Zone 106- 1 SS from Sea Zone 117
•Yugoslavia- 6 Inf., 2 Art. from Greater Southern Germany
•Normandy/Bordeaux- 3 Inf.,1 Art. from Holland/Belgium
•S. France- 3 Arm. from Greater Southern Germany
•France- 4 Inf., 4 Mech., 2 Art., 3 Arm., 1 Ftr., 1 Tac. BmBrOutcomes: •Sea Zone 111 is cleared with the loss of 1 sub.
•Sea Zone 106 is cleared with no losses
•Sea Zone 110 is cleared with the loss of both subs
•Yugoslavia falls, Germany suffers the loss of 3 infantry units
•Paris falls, defending units manage to down a Tac. BmBr with AAA fire and inflict the loss of 4 Infantry and 2 Mechanized Infantry units.
•Normandy/Bordeaux falls alongside Paris, Germany loses 1 Infantry unit
•Southern France falls without the Germans suffering casualtiesNon-Combat: •1 Infantry from Romania into Bulgaria. Bulgaria welcomes it’s German allies and mobilizes 4 Infantry units for the Axis cause.
• 1 Infantry from Norway into Finland. Finnish troops mobilize to the front alongside the Germans.
• 1 CV from Sea Zone 114 into Sea Zone 112Mobilization: •AC placed in Sea Zone 112, 1 Fighter and 1 Tac. BmBr land on the AC.
• 2 TT are placed in Sea Zone 113
•1 Ftr. returns to Norway.
•1 BmBr into Western Germany along with 1 Ftr and 1 Tac BmBr.
• 2 Ftr and 1 Tac BmBr land in Holland/BelgiumCollect Income: 44 IPCs + 19 ipc from French treasury + 10 in National Objectives (Trade with Russia and Iron Ore trade with Sweden)
Total= 73 IPCsCasualties Suffered
• 10 Infantry, 2 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tactical Bomber, 4 SubmarinesCasualties Inflicted
• UK: 1 Art., 1 Arm., 1 Ftr., 1 DD, 2 CV, 2 BB
• Commonwealth: 1 TT, 1 DD
• France: 8 Infantry, 3 Art., 1 Arm., 1 AAA, 1 Ftr., 1 CV
• Yugoslavia: 5 InfantryThe Soviet Union
“We will not ignore the threat that lies at our doorstep. Even if we must rebuild from scratch, the Motherland will have an army to defend itself with.”
Purchase: 1 Infantry, 6 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Armor. No IPCs left.
Combat: The Soviet Union, having signed a pact with the Third Reich, does not conduct any combat. In the East it has concluded a Pact with Japan assuring peace for now.
Non-Combat: • 1 Infantry from Archangel, Belarus, Vyborg and the Baltic States into Leningrad
• 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery from Moscow into Smolensk
• 1 Mech. Inf. and 1 Armor from Moscow into Western Ukraine
• 1 Mech. Inf. and 1 Armor from Stalingrad into Ukraine
• 6 Infantry from Buryatia into Yakut S.S.R.
• 6 Infantry from Sakha into Buryatia
• 1 AAA into AmurMobilization: • 3 Artillery in Ukraine
• 3 Artillery in Leningrad
• 1 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry and 1 Armor in MoscowCollect Income: 37 IPCs
Total= 37 IPCsCasualties Suffered
NoneCasualties Inflicted
“The West has heard our ultimatum, now we shall see if they will risk war. As for the Russians, they are foolish to think we will allow such a sizable force go unnoticed in the North. We will drive them out and drive deeper into China. Our divine right to rule these people will lead us to victory.”
Purchase: 1 Minor IC, 2 TT. No IPCs left.
Combat: • Amur- 6 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Mech from Manchuria, 4 Inf, 1 Ftr from Korea (This unprovoked attack causes Mongolia to activate it’s military on behalf of the Soviets)
• Chahar- 2 Inf and 1 Art from Jehol
• Anhwe- 4 Inf (2 From Shantung and 2 from Kiangsu)
• Kweichow- 2 BmBr from Japan
• Hunan- 3 Inf, 1 Art from Kiangsi, 1 Ftr from Formosa
• Yunnan- 3 Inf, 1 Art from Kwangsi and 1 Ftr, 1 Tac BmBr from KiangsuOutcomes: • Amur is captured with the loss of all 4 Korean units
• Chahar and Anhwe are captured without resistance from the Chinese army
• The Chinese garrisons in Kweichow are destroyed by Japanese bombers, but manage to destroy one.
• Hunan is captured at the loss of 1 Japanese infantry
• Stunning and overwhelming victory for the Japanese in Yunnan as they suffer no casualties in its captureNon-Combat: • 1 TT from Sea Zone 20 moves to 19, picks up 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery from Shantung and moves back to 20 and unloads in Kiangsi. 1 TT from Sea Zone 6 loads 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery, moves to Sea Zone 20 and unloads in Kiangsi. Also 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery from Kiangsu move into Kiangsi. 1 TT from Sea Zone 19 moves 1 Infantry from Okinawa to Kiangsi
• 1 Ftr and 1 Tac BmBr from Japan into Manchuria
• 1 Ftr and 1 Tac BmBr from Japan into Kwangsi. 1 Ftr from Okinawa into Kwangsi. 2 Ftr and 2 Tac.BmBr from Manchuria to Kwangsi
• 1 DD and 1 AC from Sea Zone 33 into Sea Zone 36
• 1 BB, 2 AC, 1 DD, 1 SS from Sea Zone 6 into Sea Zone 36
• 1 DD from Sea Zone 19 into Sea Zone 20Mobilization: 1 Minor IC placed I Shanghai, 2 TT in Sea Zone 6.
• 1 BmBr Lands in Shanghai
• All other Fighters and Tactical Bombers land in KwangsiCollect Income: 31 IPCs + 10 National Objective (Neutral with the West and has not invaded French Indo China)
Total= 41 IPCsCasualties Suffered
•5 Infantry, 1 BomberCasualties Inflicted
• China: 8 Infantry
• Soviet Union: 6 Infantry and 1 AAAThe United States
“Whether we wish to admit it or not, the world is engulf in the flames of war. We must mobilize, not to instigate, but to safe guard our assets around the globe from aggression.”
Purchase: 3 TT, 1 DD for Europe and 2 DD and 1 TT for Pacific. No IPCs left.
Combat: Currently in a state of isolation, the US is actively avoiding conflict. However when asked if the current mobilization was to enter war, the White House issued a statement insisting on acting only to safeguard American interests around the globe.
Non-Combat: •Sea Zone 10 to 29, along with 1 TT loaded with 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery unloaded on the Line Islands
•1 Fighter from Western US to Hawaii
•1 Bomber from Central US to Eastern US
•1 TT from Sea Zone 26 to Sea Zone 10Mobilization: •2 DD and 1 TT in Sea Zone 10
• 1 DD and 2 TT in Sea Zone 101Collect Income: 52 IPCs
Total= 52 IPCsCasualties Suffered
NoneCasualties Inflicted
“The Burma Road must be reopened if we are to continue our fight against the invader. With supplies from the West, we will oust the oppressors from our Lands and see China free once again.”
Purchase: 4 Infantry. No IPCs left.
Combat: •6 Infantry and 1 Fighter from Szechwan into Yunnan
Outcome: •Yunnan liberated-Despite losing half of its infantry units, Chinese troops manage to reopen the Burma Road.
Non-Combat: • 1 Infantry from Suiyuyan into Hopei
• 1 Infantry from Shensi into KweichowMobilization : • 3 Infantry in Szechwan and 1 Infantry in Yunnan.
• Flying Tigers squadron lands in SzechwanCollect Income: 9 IPCs + 6 National Objective (Burma Road Open, Artillery now allowed to be purchased)
Total= 15 IPCsCasualties Suffered
• 3 InfantryCasualties Inflicted
• Japan- 3 Infantry, 1 ArtilleryThe United Kingdom
“Along with our Commonwealth Dominion, we stand alone in the face of tyranny and aggression. We will keep the flames of freedom and hope alive, lest we let the world fall into the black abyss.”
Purchase: 10 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry. 1 IPC left.
Combat: •1 Fighter from Gibraltar and 1 Fighter from Malta to Sea Zone 96
• 1 DD from Sea Zone 109 to Sea Zone 106Outcome:
• Sea Zone 96 is cleared of Italian vessels at the cost of 1 Fighter
• Sea Zone 106 sees the mutual destruction of both the German U-Boat and British DestroyerNon-Combat: •1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Armor from Alexandria into Egypt. 1 Infantry from Anglo-Egypt Sudan moves into Egypt as well.
• 1 DD, 1 CV, 1 AC loaded with 1 Tactical Bomber from Sea Zone 98 move to Sea Zone 92
• 1 CV from Sea Zone 91 moves to Sea Zone 106
• 1 Infantry from Egypt boards 1 TT from Sea Zone 98. Moves to Sea Zone 80 and unloads in Persia. The Persian army mobilizes and lends 2 infantry units to the UK.
• 1 Infantry from Scotland boards 1 TT from Sea Zone 109. Moves to Sea Zone 88 and unloads in British Guiana
• 1 Fighter and 1 Tac BmBr from India move to Trans-Jordan
• 1 DD, 1 CV and 1 TT loaded with 1 Infantry move to Sea Zone 41. Infantry unloads and occupies Sumatra
• 2 Infantry and 1 Fighter from Burma move back into IndiaMobilization: • 10 Infantry placed in London. 1 Mechanized Infantry placed in Calcutta
• 1 Fighter lands on the AC in Sea Zone 92Collect Income: 41 IPCs + 5 National Objective (Control all original UK territories)
Total= 47 IPCsCasualties Suffered
• 1 DD, 1 FighterCasualties Inflicted
• Germany- 1 SS
• Italy- 1 DD, 1 TTItaly
“Our German allies will not be the only people with an empire of their own. Even with a minor setback by the British, we will strike back with swift retribution. The Roman Empire will flourish once more.”
Purchase: 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Armor. No IPCs left.
Combat: •1 BB, 1 CV from Sea Zone 95 to Sea Zone 92, along with 1 CV, 1 DD and 1 SS from Sea Zone 97
• 3 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Armor from Tobruk into Alexandria
• 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery from Libya into Tunisia
• 2 Infantry and 1 Artillery from Ethiopia into Anglo-Egypt Sudan
• 1 Infantry from Italian Somaliland into Kenya
• 2 Infantry from Albania into Greece along with 2 Infantry and 2 Artillery from Northern Italy via TTs from Sea Zones 95 and 97Outcomes:
• The British Mediterranean fleet in Sea Zone 92 lies at the bottom of the sea. The Regia Marina suffers the lost 1 SS, 1 CV and a damaged BB
• Alexandria falls in a quick victory. Italy suffers no casualties
• Tunisia is quickly overrun by the Italians. No casualties are Inflicted upon the Italian army
• Anglo-Egypt Sudan and Kenya fall without resistance to Italy
• Greece falls under the cloak of Fascism. Despite putting up fierce resistance, Greeks troops are unable to turn back the Italian attack.Non-Combat: • 1 Armor from Albania and 1 Armor from Northern Italy move into Romania
• I Bomber from Northern Italy into Southern ItalyCollect Income: 15 IPCs
Total= 15 IPCsCasualties Suffered
• 3 Infantry, 1 SS, 1 CV, 1 Damaged BBCasualties Inflicted
• UK- 1 Infantry, 1 DD, 1 CV, 1 AC, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber
• France- 1 Infantry
• Greece- 4 InfantryThe Commonwealth
“We gladly answer the call of the crown alongside our fellow countrymen throughout the Dominion. In the face of tyranny, we stand united. For King and Country!”
Purchase: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Armor, 1 TT
Combat: Unable to engage the Axis forces immediately due to sunken vessels and vast distances, the Commonwealth moves to position itself for offensive moves in the future
Non-Combat: •2 Infantry from South Africa and 1 Infantry from South West Africa move into Rhodesia
•1 Infantry and 1 Artillery from Ontario move into Quebec
•1 Infantry from Alberta moves into Ontario
•1 Infantry from British Colombia moves into Alberta
• 1 DD, 1 TT loaded with 2 Infantry from New South Wales in Sea Zone 62 move to Sea Zone 42, unload and occupy Java
• 1 CV from Sea Zone 120 moves to Sea Zone 106
• 1 CV from Sea Zone 63 moves to Sea Zone 42
• 1 DD from Sea Zone 71 moves to Sea Zone 58
1 DD from Sea Zone 1 moves to Sea Zone 11Mobilization: 1 TT in Sea Zone 106, 1 Armor in South Africa, 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery in New South Wales
Collect Income: 24 IPCS + 5 National Objective (All original Canadian territories, Newfoundland and Iceland are Allied control and SZ 106 is free of Axis ships)
Total= 29 IPCsFrance
“Although our homeland has been overrun, we remain in the fight. From the furthest corner of our empire, we will call upon both men and women to take up arms and fight to reclaim our home.”
Purchase: With France under Nazi occupation, the French government is unable to purchase units.
Combat: •1 DD and 1 CV from Sea Zone 93 attack the 2 Italian TTs in Sea Zone 97 (Italy Scrambles 2 Fightets)
Outcome: • Both French vessels are sunk by the scrambled fighters, although they manage to down one plane. The Mediterranean Sea belongs to the Regia Marina for now.
Non-Combat: • 1 Infantry from Syria into Trans-Jordan
• 1 Infantry from French West Africa into French Central Africa
• 1 Fighter from London into Morocco
• 1 DD from Sea Zone 72 moves into Sea Zone 58Mobilization: The Free French Army begins to grow. 1 Infantry is mobilized into Morocco
Collect Income: No income is collected due to the Occupation
Casualties Suffered
• 1 DD, 1 CVCasualties Inflicted
• Italy- 1 FighterTotal Casualties Suffered by all Nations
• Germany- 18 units
• The Soviet Union- 7 units
• Japan- 10 units
• The United States- 0 units
• China- 11 units
• The United Kingdom- 16 units
• Italy- 8 units
• The Commonwealth- 2 units
• France- 17 unitsSummary
The Axis war machine in Europe continue to rampage across the continent. The flag of the National Socialist now fly across Europe, with Finland and Bulgaria offering aid to Germany’s plan of world conquest. Despite suffering great losses in Greece, Italy’s navy remains intact, offering offering them complete supremacy in the Mediterranean Sea. The British suffer crippling setbacks as it’s once proud Royal Navy is reduced to scattered vessels across the globe. Indian defenses are overlooked as the possibility of a Sea Lion attack prompt Britain to build defenses at home rather than abroad. It’s Commonwealth Dominion is capable of supplementing British defenses but the vast distances and lack of transports hinder it’s attempts to quickly move into position. Current builds of a South African Tank and Canadian transport might prove to help in the long run, however time will tell. In the East, Japan rips it’s peace accord with the Soviets and smashes through its weak defenses. Although suffering a set back loss of Yunnan to the Chinese, the presence of an minor IC in Shanghai, it’s massive airforce stationed just outside Hong Kong and the Combined Fleet at anchor of South East Asia, Japan is in position to push deeper into China and even wreck havoc on British colonial units in the area. With Mongolian units recently activated might make things complicated in Japanese plans in the Northern China. America continues to sit back and watch as the world is engulfed in flames. The first round has shown the strength of the Axis nd the risks they are willing to take. For now, the Allies look to the brave troops of of the United Kingdom and it’s Commonwealth Dominion, the Kwuimintang Army and The Free French Army to hold back the Axis advance. This is Afrothunder of A&A insider signing off. -
Straight from the Frontlines
I’m feeling a bit under the weather which is why i havent posted my summary yet but like I promised I’m here to report from the front. Round 1 summary will likely be up later but for now I leave you all with an appetizer ;)
Reports from Europe continue to flood as Germany continues its military aggression after its capture of Poland, turning westward towards France. French soldiers, along side soldiers from Britain’s Expeditionary Force, attempt to stem the tide as German Panzers crash into their lines. Italy’s recent declaration of war against France and Great Britain come as a shock as now Southern Europe is engulf in the current conflict. Although possessing a large military, reports from the Soviet Union show that little has been done to mobilize the Red Army as of now, A&A insider stating that the Soviet Union does not want to offend it unlikely ally, Germany, for the time being. Our A&A insider also reports of trouble in the Pacific as well. Entrenched in a three year old conflict, Chinese troops continue to stubbornly and heroically resist Japanese aggression into inner China. With supplies coming in from India via the Burma road, Japan has issued and ultimatum to the FEC of Great Britain. As of now America continues its stands of neutrality, yet with recruitment and increase in manufacturing indicate that the country is indeed preparing for the inevitable. As always, A&A insider will keep you updated on the growing condlict around the world. This is Afrothunder of A&A insider signing off. -
RE: The United Kingdom and The Commonwealth
Glad to see the interest in the Commonwealth power, didn’t think this thread would get any attention at all haha any who so to those who are interested in my upcoming war report, my friends and I have decided to start on either Wednesday or Thursday this week. So by Friday I should have at least the first round posted. Oh and here is our final set of house rules we have agreed to play under. I know some people might pick at it but hey we decided to have fun with this one and try to spice things up a bit ;)
Turn Order
1. Germany
2. Soviet Union
3. Japan
4. United States
5. China
6. United Kingdom/India
7. Italy
8. The Commonwealth
9. FranceUnited Kingdom/India
The UK no longer has a split economy. England and India share a single economy and can spend IPCs in either London or Western India/Calcutta. The major factory in Calcutta is reduced to a minor and a second minor is placed in Western India. In the event of the Capture of London, turn player must surrender all IPCs on hand to the power taking control of said capital. If Calcutta is captured, turn player must surrender half their IPCs to the power taking control of India. UK may continue to collect income and purchase units but is limited to only land units, fighters and cannot purchase aircraft carriers or battleships. If London is captured all units must be placed in Canada (Government in Exile). If both London and Calcutta are captured, then the UK can no longer collect income or purchase units.The Commonwealth
Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand are now the playable power The Commonwealth. Their economies are split with Canada and South Africa sharing their economy in the European Board and ANZAC remains the same in the Pacific. New National Objectives are added for Canada and South Africa. Canada and South Africa cannot purchase Battleships or Aircraft Carriers.The Free French Army
As long as Paris remains occupied by Axis forces, at the end of its turn, France may place one infantry unit in any French Territory not under Axis control.National Objectives
The Commonwealth Europe
When at war with Germany and Italy
+5 IPC: Canada controls all its original territories, Newfoundland and Iceland are under friendly controlWhen at war with Germany and Italy
+5 IPC: Africa is free of Axis Forces and the Allies contro Gibraltar -
RE: The United Kingdom and The Commonwealth
Like young grasshopper said as well, we’re reducing the IC in India into a minor. Now granted it can be upgraded but at least for turn one its limited to 3 units. We were thinking of adding south africa to UK but we figured they played a vital role just like Canada did so we decided to represent them as well. As soon as I get a chance I’ll post all of turn one in a single report. I’ll probably keep it up for as long as we play…and we all know how long that takes haha gonna be one long war report lol
The United Kingdom and The Commonwealth
So me and a few friends are going to play a game of global, however it will be played with some house rules. One of them is the playable power The Commonwealth. A run down is this, United Kingdom is now one economy with London as the Capital and the major IC in India reduced to a minor. The Commonwealth is Anzac, Canada and South Africa (we have painted pieces to differentiate between units) how we have it set is that the Commonwealth plays like the old UK. It has a split economy, w Anzac in the Pacific and Canada/South Africa in Europe. Each side has 10 ipcs to start with (West South Africa is included to the Commonwealth). This makes the UKs income 35, which we think is enough to keep it a relevant power but too much to overwhelm the Axis on either side of the map. The turn order is the same instead of Anzac after Italy it’s the Commonwealth. Just thought I’d share this interesting twist with the rest of you and get your thoughts of it. I’ll be posting a war report of the game when I get a chance
Selling Painted Global 1940 1st Ed.
So after having fun in painting and playing with my painted global game i decided to sell it and let some one else enjoy it. I’m open to selling either Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 separately as well. I customized the game over time and the board has roundels for Neutral countries as well as Pro Allied/Axis. India has the Union Jack Roundel and all Italian territories have the Fascist Roundel.
Other Customized Perks
US Pacific uses HBG Marines for infantry
‘’ ‘’ ‘’ HBG Corsair for fighters
‘’ ‘’ ‘’ HBG Flame sherman for armorANZAC has 2nd edition pieces minus the air units
Italy uses FMG Italian units minus the Infantry
Painted Pro-Allied/Axis units included
Victory City markers included
Unpainted replaced US, ANZAC, UK, Italian and French units included
if anyone is interested message me or email me at
asking price for both is $800 OBO, Separate $400 OBO
below is a link to my photobucket account where i posted picks of the game set up and Allies?sort=3&page=1
Italy and France house rules
Me and friend of mine have played with these house rules we came up with and it does add a bit of a refreshment to the game. since i own a few tokens thanks to HBG we decided to put them to use with this twist we made. we did our best to keep the game balanced and so far it has worked as the game is still playable and offers new tactics due to the introduction of new factions. anyways i figured i share it with the community and am open to all forms of criticism and more than happy if any other players use it or modify it, anyways enjoy :)
Axis and Allies House Rules
Italian Social Republic/ Italian Co-Belligerent Army- Whenever Rome is conquered by the Allies, Italy is split in two. The Italian Social Republic now replaces Italy during player turns. Its capital becomes northern Italy and is limited to only purchasing land units and can only build either one mech infantry or one tank a turn. During the purchase phase, Germany can lend the Italian Social Republic up to 5 IPCs (Germany supporting the ISR). The ISR retains possession of any main land Europe territories it controls. The Italian Co-Belligerent Army becomes a separate faction that is played at the same time as Free France (see details below). Southern Italy is shared by both the ICBA and the Allied power that has captured Rome. The ICBA collects a fixed income of 3IPCs a turn and can only purchase infantry and artillery and can only place them in Rome. If Rome is retaken by the Axis, Italy is reinstated as a normal Axis power and reverts to normal.
Vichy France/ Free France- Whenever Paris becomes captured by the Axis powers, all remaining French territories become Vichy territories. Only French units in other Allied territories remain and become Free French. Southern France becomes the capital of the Vichy government. Vichy France shares its turn with Germany and its income is separated from Germany’s (much like London and Calcutta). Vichy France can purchase all land units and is limited to only purchasing transport, submarines, destroyers and cruisers. Axis nations can pass through Vichy Territories as though they were friendly. When Vichy France is in play, Italy’s North African NO is changed to having at least one land unit in Morocco and Algeria and two in Tunisia. Vichy France is hostile to Allied powers and has a special combat phase when attacked. Only one round of combat takes placed between Vichy units and Allied units. All any surviving defending units immediately become Free French units and the territory is taken by the attacking Allied power. Vichy France has no combat phase and cannot participate in any offensive moves. Free France replaces France in player turn and it shares its turn with the Italian Co-Belligerent Army if it is active. Free France has no income but can place infantry units in Free French territories it controls equal to the territory’s IPC value during the Mobilize New Units phase.