I knew it was an old thread when I bumped it. I did start it after all, and I was looking for any new ideas since I have a game to play tomorrow. My opponets are relitive noobs so I dont want to blow them out of the water. These kinds of games provide a good oppertunity to try new strats with nothing to lose. Sorry if it caused confusion or if I broke some protocall that I was unaware of. I’ve been inactive for some time.
Posts made by triforce
RE: Thoughts on Japan
RE: Thoughts on Japan
Just thought I give this old thread a bump and see if there are any new thoughts on it. I have a game comming up in about two weeks and I know there is some new blood (newer than this thread anyway) in here. Look forward to hearing what you think! :-D
RE: Why bid?
but is it enough of an advantage to justify a bid. Really if you are going to play the axis you should know going in that you are at a disadvantage and have to make it up quick!
RE: End of Round Victory
There is nothing fair about war either, which is why I like the dice element in this game. The best laid plans often go astray.
RE: End of Round Victory
allow me to clarify. i was not saying that this should not be discussed. There is always value in discussion, but lets be fair VC or no does the US EVER go after the Phillipines? No. I’ve never even seen the US go Island Hopping. So why bother. I understand that it gives some histoical credibility to the game but we all know how history turned out and we all realize (i think) that this is only a loose intrpretation of history. SO, play untill someone wants to admit defeat (which is how the war was determaned in all reality) and set up for the next game. It just make the game simpler and answers Jens question.
RE: PBS "The War"
Over all I thought it was very good once I got used to the fact that he was not trying to tell the story of the whole war, thus nothing on the battle of britan, and little on the eastern front, but about the men and women from four towns and their personal experances durring the war. He was trying to tell the human story, the story of individuals, and to answer fundamental questions about what it means to be an American. Thus the reason he has such a fixation on race. Lets face it, it’s been a major issue in our history.
RE: Reaching out with Japan?
I used to run a Jap strat that called for ignoring the US alltogether including Pearl. Unify your fleet of Japan and add a destroyer every turn. If america moves a fleet in range, sink it. If america comes after Japan that frees Germany to take moscow. I once posted this strat about a year ago. if anyone is intrested i’ll find it and post a link.
RE: Recycled Threads
Imagine that, someone interested in a converstion that took place years ago. Isn’t that what history is anyway? Makes me want to go dig up an old topic! :evil:
RE: PBS "The War"
BTW I currently live in the south (FL) but was raised out west so I’m not biased by having been raised in Georga or something.
RE: PBS "The War"
i may have coined that one. In my studies of the Civil War, I have come to the conclusion that the only diffrence between Gen Washington and Gen Lee was that Washington won his war, and therefore became a patriot instead of a man guilty of treason.
RE: End of Round Victory
This conversation is crazy. Not that we are for trying to better the game, but I have yet to find anyone who really plays to a set number of VC’s. I always play till someone sues for peace, which is the way it should be and saves long hours of playing when everyone with any experiance can see what is going to happen. Just my opinion. I can always tell who is going to win without the city thing. Sometimes, 9VC doesn’t do it. I kind of depends on what cities and the looks of the board as a whole. We don’t have set conditions we just know when it’s over.
RE: PBS "The War"
I heard someone remark that Ken Burns films seem to be a bit fixated on race. On the other hand, both the War for Southern Indepedence and WWII had some real race issues.
RE: Help with minor victory game plz
To be totaly honest I have always set a VC condition for victory (9 or 10), but never really get there. There just comes a point in this game where you can tell who is going to win and then with the agreement of all players you call the game. We just play until someone sues for peace. :lol:
RE: Air Force
Wow! and I was talking about little plastic airplanes. I wasnt USAF, I was USN. Thus my obsession with Japan in this game. Love those naval battles. Haven’t tried Pacific yet but I should sometime.
RE: Air Force
Actually aircraft are CRITICAL to Russia, perhaps more critical than to any other nation.
Those FIGs provide incredible anchors for INF stacks, allow for improved territory trading with Germany, and most importantly massed FIGs make Moscow nearly impossible to crack with even a 1-2 punch from the Axis (ususally 1-2-3 or even 1-2-3-4 is required)
What he said and
@Baghdaddy:You keep thinking that.
I will keep buying an airforce.
What he said…
I think it is a deleted scene in We Were Soldiers Once and Young (The Mel Gibson Nam film) Mel’s character is looking at piles of enemy corpses just killed by an airstrike and says, “That is a beautiful thing.” Sam Shepard’s character says, “Air support sir?”
If you think that aircraft aren’t important look at the current armed services and tell me which one doesn’t use something that flys. Here’s to the pilots.
In real wars yes. In fact Disney did a feature during WWII, Called Victory through Air Power. In the game it doesn’t seem so important.
At least I didn’t think so before. In light of what has been said in this thread I must change my mind. Thats the whole reason I posted the thread in the first place.
Air Force
I was thinking about this and it occured to me that there really isnt any reason to keep up an Air Force. Ground troops take land, Navys protect and destroy transports and thus supply lines, but planes dont seem to do much of anything that realy changes the outcome of the game. They are really good at sinking subs but beyond that…well they just seem like a luxury buy.
Your thoughts?
RE: Are you…
If all your little green army men are dead and some of mine are alive then the battle was a success!!! If they all die at the same time, well that is not success. That would be the oppisite of success. :mrgreen:
RE: Are you…
That’s what I thought would happen. I was talking about being happily married, I mention a battle scnerio and I get ACTTUAL calculations on a battle that would not normaly happen :lol:. We are such nerds in here!