I think your german player is amazing and you have no hope of victory 8-)
hes alright but still has much to learn 8-)
I think your german player is amazing and you have no hope of victory 8-)
hes alright but still has much to learn 8-)
Thanks for the insight peeps its always handy to have multiple strats to choose or intagrate i think i may actually go for egypt. by building transports etc down by south africa =) and i may try somthing different on the next game for uk because iv never actually seen a russian push as our german players will more than likly do the same moves because its a sound strat.
In R1 germany will push for paris and nearly always take it unless sucky rolls =P but usually after germanys go if it places land units we would normally build uks atlantic navy back up from canada as america also puts down transports and a medium navy too, and around turn 3 the two navys converge at the sea zone just outside gibraltar to kick in the med and advance on the soft underbelly, or if germany still has a decent navy we will try and kill it off before heading to the med as our german players will usually move their planes to advance on russia too
( regardless if germany looks like its going sea lion or not i would always put down 1 fighter and 6 men in london then build up in canada after)
this gives the option to move transport over when nessasary and attack normady or to just defend london until a decent enough navy is able to be built to join up with the americans.
also i would normally pull the uk navy that starts in the med away until america is ready to hit the med
not sure if your playing online or not i have been playing on the board. soz if i cant be much help though im not sure about the acronyms UKL and UKP means havnt been using this site long =P
though if you mean UKP as in india pacific i have flown all my planes and moved all my ships to java … same with anzac and i am planning on putting an airbase there while at the same time USA in the pacific are on their way to join up at java… i am doing so to put japan under pressure from being able to capture the dutch east
i see though japan has 1 tank and 1 mech left to advance on russia as the japanese men were wiped out when they attacked the russian back door no more men other than them are advancing and russian might sacrifice 2 planes to fly over and try and kill them. cheers for the reply and sorry peeps if its hard to read … i went on a writing spree and didnt realise it was so hard to look at =P
Ok Peeps im just here to see if anyone would have a nice strat for helping the atlantic ATM it is me and my friend vs two other friends, i am controlling america, anzac, china and france where as my ally is UK, India and russia, so far as Anzac i have taken java and have moved most of my planes and all of my ships there too, india has done the same, we then placed blockers so japan cant hit java or swing around toward calcutta, america is on its way with about 4 planes and a medium sized navy to hold onto java … this is because on anzacs next go i will put an airbase on java, while this is happening i am sending another medium sized navy with transports to land on russia to push through to china this is because japan has mostly ignored china and india and went through the back of russia… and mostly lost all of its fodder aka men and cant continue its attacks with just planes.
i feel i have the pacific in order but the atlantic is being massacred by italy and germany as germany has moved into russia and on turn 2 cairo was taken as the UK player made a premature attack and failed, germany has a decent navy, taken france (taken france on turn 1) and italy has about 35 ipcs, the english navy was wiped from the med and its atlantic navy was wiped on turn 1, It is rebuilding atm just wondering if there is some strat that helps people comeback from such a hit as russia is being squeezed i donno if it can hold on long enough for america to take japan and move on.
i was thinking maybe a mass transports and a big navy on atlantic with america and england combined and land in russia to back them up or to take back gibraltar stop the italian navy from coming out of the med then try D day and landing in france?? any suggestions? i have taken into consideration that landing allies in russia will forfiet their +5 for having allies within russia but i think forfieting the +5 is fine because the amount of men etc uk and america will land with wont matter … not sure if im playing different rules from you guys or not but any help would be much appreciated (on a side note i do have a medium sized navy as america hanging around the atlantic and its turn 3 ATM or turn 4 i cant remember, also the reason for air base on java is to persuade japan that taking the dutch islands etc will be a costly idea and once america arrives java will be untakable for japan as they havnt done damage to china or india and the burma road is open so to be honest japans ground war is failing) :-D